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Reliability engineering for positioning and market opening



For many years the activities and functions of both the person and the organization have always had a single purpose: to carry them out according to the central objective. We all strive to do things in such a way that we obtain the expected results, nobody does something hoping to obtain something different, the one who lies expects to be believed, the one who loves tries to be reciprocated, the one who plays hopes to win, the one who invests pretends make a profit, etc.

When you know what you want to do and what you hope to achieve, it is called an objective and mission, respectively. The objective is known: to eat, so the mission will be to satisfy hunger; Another example regarding the organization can be: its objective to reduce waste and its mission to reduce costs. As you can see the establishment of objectives and goals is relatively "simple" the heart of the matter is, How can I achieve it?

It could be said that we all know - or at least that is how it should be - what we want to do and with what intention we intend it. Some will want to increase their financial level substantially, for what or for what purpose, I don't know. Others seek to find the love of their life, there are those who want to have a great position within a company, etc. It all sounds very attractive but as sad as it may seem, many of us are not going to achieve it.

For many people this is the interesting thing about life, not knowing how or when things will happen, simply waiting for what has to happen to happen. On the other hand, there are those who want to reduce this uncertainty that the future generates in the face of the unknown, so they decide to specialize with respect to their objective so that one day they can achieve it.

The relationship and distance that exists between the objective and the mission is called "Reliability", that is, what possibility or how sure are you of achieving what you want. If we reflect a little, we will realize that Reliability together with the objective and the mission constitute the three vertices for the construction of the triangle of success. The rest of the elements that seek to achieve success are found within this triangle.

The objectives and the mission are comparable with the two vertices that make up the base of the geometric figure. Reliability is the union that is interlaced in the upper part of the triangle and in relation to its level it will be the altitude that said figure has. With a high level of Reliability success will be imminent, with a low level of Reliability success will be low. That is why it is important to determine the best plan that guarantees the expected level of reliability.


Reliability Engineering (IC) arises from the need to anticipate failures and problems that arise during the production and manufacturing process of products and services. To this end, CI allows the design of processes with great assertiveness and capable of carrying out activities with a high level of quality. Quality is understood as the ability to satisfy the needs of people who have common interests to generate successful products in the market.

According to the RAE, Engineering is known as the "Set of knowledge oriented to the invention and use of techniques for the use of natural resources or for industrial activity"

On the other hand, for Anderson G. (1990) Reliability is understood as the “Consistency of results, it is intended that the results of a moment coincide with those of another event under similar circumstances. If so, it can be said that there is a high degree of Reliability ”. Therefore, reliability is required to be able to speak of valid results.

In adherence, "Reliability Engineering" is called the "Set of theories, methods, procedures and practices for the study of laws of occurrence of failures, which by means of their conditions are capable of solving problems of forecasting, estimation and optimization of the percentage time of good operation of a system ”.

Reliability Engineering is understood and translated by several authors as "Operational Reliability", where each and every one of the operations that make up the organization's system is addressed to acquire a maximum level of Reliability. For the definition of concepts, “Reliability” is maintained and instead “Engineering” is replaced by “Operational”, but remembering the definition of “Engineering” we know that they are similar terms.


It is the capacity of the facility - in terms of its process, people and technology - to perform the desired function within the established limits and parameters. The variation of each of these variables will affect the behavior of Operational Reliability.

It's based on:

  • Available techniques and technologies Risk-based orientation Active participation of people Being a flexible and tailor-made route for companies seeking business excellence.


The CO's premise is that a company is a system that works based on the efforts, functions, activities and contributions of each and every one of the elements - whether human, equipment or tools, processes, etc. - that are part Of the same. For this reason, Reliability cannot depend solely on one area or department, but on the contribution and disposition of all members of the Company.


The improvement of Operational Reliability (OLS) can be established and delimited through the following reflection:

  1. Think for a minute about facts that are related to low reliability and make a list of them Read the list and for three minutes try to find a person in your company who is not related to at least one of the problems associated with low reliability.
  1. For one minute, list who would benefit from the Operational Reliability Improvement plan.
  1. Do you continue to believe that Operational Reliability is the sole responsibility of the Maintenance area?

During endless workshops the following answers were found: Question 1. Facts that cause low reliability.

  • FailuresLostsPoor efficiencyWork illnessesStressEnvironmental problemsAccidentsUnion problemsOvertime for productionOutsorcingHigh staff turnover Bad OperationLack of trainingEtc.

Question 2. Who does not involve these problems.

  • It involves each and every one of the collaborators that make up the organization, from management to the operational level.

Question 3. People benefited from the CO Improvement.

  • We are all the beneficiaries.

Question 4. It continues stating that the problems are solely the responsibility of the Maintenance area

  • Definitely not

Companies that insist on continuing to assign the entire CO responsibility to the Maintenance department, are setting aside a large number of aspects that could improve their productivity. On the other hand, organizations that tackle this issue collectively and continuously seek to improve have a great advantage over the previous ones.

In these two types of companies at the time of facing the MCO is the reason for the failures in the Operational Reliability Improvement plans. Being the first, -the companies that attribute the responsibility to Maintenance- those that have the highest number of failures in the implementation of their plans.


To establish an optimal Operational Reliability, three factors involved must be considered that, if any of them are isolated, will bring benefits, but by not considering the rest of the factors it is likely that they will become limited, diluted and are only the result of a project but not of a transformation.


In current times, the authentic source of industrial competitiveness is empowered and committed human talent, which focuses on solving collective needs in order to achieve strategic objectives in favor of its entire environment.

Today's companies focus their efforts on generating the ideal means for human talent to participate in teamwork programs through the relevant strategies, policies and mechanisms. Their training is by competencies, change management, knowledge management, continuous improvement and performance management, all of which are fundamental strategies for the construction of Human Reliability.

For García O. (2014), Human Reliability can be understood as “The capacity for efficient and effective performance of people in all processes, without making mistakes derived from acting and individual knowledge during their job competence in a specific organizational environment ”.

It refers to the level at which activities are carried out by people, emphasizing their commitment, concentration and the degree of knowledge they have about the system or equipment.

The Human Reliability System aims to optimize:

  • Knowledge Skills Skills Attitudes

To generate Human Reliability, the following aspects must be covered:

  • Continuous training: the support of someone else is required to teach the staff to carry out their activities well from the first time and forever with a tendency to improve as established by total quality.The strategic level of the company should promote training and talent development:

- Training and practical ability should be promoted.

- The appropriate activities should be delegated.

- The highest levels of performance should be demanded.

- The workplace must be improved.

- There must be motivation with incentives so that activities are carried out with pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Good communication: people must be aware of the type of communication and information they require and how they can provide it by accessing it in real time Sense of belonging: collaborators must give the recognition and importance that the organization implies for their people in their formation and fulfillment of goals and dreams, as well as how indispensable they are for their families and their livelihood Motivation: concerns management, since any incentive plan must be well planned and have a wide scope Ergonomics: through plans and Gemba Kaizen programs (improvement of the workplace), the work environment is positively impacted and the fulfillment of objectives is favored. Individual development: being human talent who solves problems and generates actions that guarantee success,You must have the means and knowledge that allow you to grow and increase your abilities skills, which can be achieved through:

- The confidence that is given.

- Personalized training (coaching).

- Collaborative work (Groupware and workflow).

- Empowerment.

- Development and multiple intelligences.


The right or wrong decisions depend on the quality and trust that is deposited in the information stage of equipment maintenance.

Information is understood as the categorization of variables according to their levels of impact within the process, as well as the goals of the company that will be set for the improvement plans.

In order to have a basis that allows evaluating the reliability of the conclusions reached and the actions carried out, the Theory of Probability (TP) can be used. The TP allows reducing the degree of uncertainty that is generated as a result of the lack of information or a disagreement about what is known or could be known.

Probability is the number of times or frequency with which an event occurs in an experiment under sufficiently stable conditions. To assess reliability, two types of procedures can be used:

  • Use historical data: effective when you have a lot of historical information of the same events or devices over a long period of time Segment the known reliability of each part to determine the total or set reliability: allows you to perform evaluations before knowing the real results.

Equipment Reliability is related to the effectiveness that the equipment should have in relation to its activities and the maintenance that it must have to be optimal.


To the authors Nolan and Heap have great merit in the development of a statistical tool used to determine the level of survival and which consists of determining the faults that appear within the system. This tool is known today as "Weibull Distribution".

Weibull is a continuous probability distribution that approximates a normal distribution and an exponential distribution. In order for you to model the failures in a system the failure rate must be proportional to a power of time.

Estimation of its parameters:

  • As a starting point to obtain the parameters that define the Weibull Distribution, you must start with the record of failures with their respective times, for this you must:

o Group the data in ascending order according to the failure time.

o The cumulative failure percentage is estimated, which is the Function of

Cumulative Distribution.

  • The cumulative failure percentage is obtained. Until now, there is a 50% confidence to expect a probability value to be given. A Cartesian plane is drawn where the "x" axis contains the failure time values ​​and the "y" axis the cumulative distribution. The "Beta" parameter is obtained by drawing a perpendicular to the previous line and the intersection will give us the shape value. Finally, the η parameter is determined, with the location of the intersection between the initially drawn line and the line corresponding to the cumulative percent failure axis value. A dotted line is drawn to the corresponding point and an axis corresponding to the value of the abscissa will correspond to the intersection, which will be the value of the parameter η.


In this type of Reliability, all the activities and functions that are carried out within a process and the relationship and impact they generate with each other are considered. It aims to determine the current situation of the process and find reliable answers of measures, corrections and preventions to improve the results.

Its premise is quality, where the activities are carried out and the appropriate orders are entered from the person and the team as well as the machinery to carry out the expected work. It aims to make both parts more efficient, the person and the machinery, avoiding losses and waste and generating the highest level of reliability in terms of the results obtained.

Among its main objectives are:

  • Proper management of raw materials Make the time invested in the process profitable Reduce production times Reduce waste Obtain quality products and services


The possible reliability indicators that could be used for the company "Manufacturera SA de CV" which is not achieving the desired results are based on the following variables:

  • Loss of Rate: it is the proportion of time versus the quantity produced. It measures the number of pieces or units that were made in relation to the time it took to complete them, comparing the result with the theoretical speed of the process.
  • UNplanned stoppages: these are stoppages that were not contemplated and that may or may not be controlled, among which can be found: bottlenecks or damage to machinery, lack of raw material, problems with the software, etc.
  • Planned stoppages; are the number of times that the process was stopped voluntarily or by default in the event of a necessary situation such as going to eat, going to the bathroom or isolating the machine to start the process. Loss of Quality: according to the concept of quality in the organization, this can be identified through waste, reprocessing, reuse, etc.

With the indicators used, it is possible to determine the most convenient improvement plan in Process Reliability and that will integrate the expected Operational Reliability.


With the generation of a high level of Reliability, it is possible for the variable in question to carry out its activities for a long time without there being a major problem that implies a change in the way of managing or performing the activities. To achieve the task, maintenance plans are used that can range from corrective to preventive and predictive.

With the Operational Reliability improvement program, a mix must be formed that contains both technical solutions, structured thinking, motivated personnel and organizational development.

Among its main benefits are

  • Generate changes in the culture of the organization: it becomes an organization with a broad sense of productivity, with a clear vision of the business and governed by facts. The results can be quantified in the levels of productivity and improved profitability. There will be a motivation of the The attitude, security and maintenance will be established in the long term, that is, going beyond correcting, it is about preventing and anticipating threats.


When verifying that Reliability Engineering integrates each of the processes, functions and activities carried out by the organization, it is of the utmost importance to change some approaches or concepts that are had regarding the company.

From the way the company is identified and perceived, any continuous improvement plan is programmed and everything that it contains will revolve around the previously established organizational concept. For this, it is necessary to know and reflect on the conditions that underpin the success of companies in one of the most disciplined countries and that obtain the best results in the creation and expansion of organizations, Japan.

For Japanese culture, there are elements that make a difference in terms of organizational results. Among them are:

  1. Speed ​​in decision-making: the answers or solutions regarding an issue are not taken lightly, they require going up from level to level through the administrative scale where several documents are prepared for decision-making Although it is slower that in Latin America it has fewer failures, more Reliability and better quality Responsibility: it refers more to the delegation of leadership, since those responsible for success or failure are the people However, leadership in Japan is seen as a group or by department where leadership is applied in activities and functions through the consensus of the working group.
  1. Evaluation of the result and the process: Although obtaining positive results is important, in Japan the process that originates it is just as important. It is based not only on obtaining the results but also on assessing the process that originated them and from this setting the medium and long-term objectives.
  1. Risk management: for Japanese people, what they say they must comply with, talking about complying with an activity 100% means doing it 100%, 95% implies a 5% error. This causes the Japanese to be very cautious in what they say. Work teams and communication: the Japanese population is very homogeneous in terms of their values ​​and thoughts. So they are given the task of having a work environment always in harmony, so they are conservative in the way of execution and situations out of the ordinary.
  1. Longevity in the company: in Japanese companies it is not well seen that people change their jobs followed, having a 100% retirement, it is intended that the person has the ability to choose from the beginning the company where they want to spend the rest of his life and it is intended that the organization has the means and resources to ensure that the collaborator ratifies his choice.
  1. Work-Life Balance: the Japanese see their work as something that is related to the rest of the situations in their life, be it their family, their profession, their tastes, their priorities, e Work is not excluded from the family or from the happy moments, the feeling and perception generated by the work is just as pleasant as each of the other activities.


There is a difference between the way Improvement plans are worked in Japan and the western ones. In Japan, a whole mix of techniques is used to develop aggressive continuous improvement plans that allow them to advance at the desired pace and generate a quality industrial revolution.

Its TQM is accompanied by Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and plans focused on improving Human Reliability, considering the three CO inputs.

In the West, the story is totally different due to the fact that there is a clear demarcation built of large borders between the Production, Maintenance, Human Resources and Engineering departments. During the preparation of the Improvement projects there is an isolation that causes the needs of one to collide with another and at that moment is when the limitations appear and many times they become lethal in the construction of Continuous Improvement projects. How many times do they not assume responsibilities between departments and blame each other?


There may be the possibility that some organization is shaping itself in the right direction of the CO, however, if you identify with any of the following elements, you have the possibility of a great tangible improvement.

  • The direction of the company is constantly changing. The focus is on costs and not on values. Maintenance is considered "a necessary and costly evil" Communications are excessive, too little or no focus. There is no improvement program that covers all the Consultants have been used who created a report but no one saw it and from which no action was taken.

If the company is behind in any of the above situations, it should choose to undertake an Operational Reliability Improvement program and move towards “World Class Performance”.

The workforce is the one who solves the problems and manages the inputs that ensure success. For this, the CO creates a new role for managers: to promote the ideal work environment for the results to be obtained.


When establishing and calculating the costs involved in the MCO plan, financial resources are spared, whether for the application of training, consulting or software. However, at no time is it reflected:

  • How many benefits are being wasted. How much money is being lost. What other investment will generate as many benefits as the MCO plan for an indefinite time and without further future investments.


With the completion of this article, it was possible to highlight the importance and the rise of Reliability Engineering (CI) today. Through CI it is possible to prevent, detect and anticipate in a correct way the results of any kind that are intended. It allows continuous improvement that in the long term becomes an organizational culture focused on work excellence.

It was also possible to detect the three main ways of approaching Reliability Engineering and that together are capable of achieving radical and substantial changes: Human Reliability, Equipment Reliability and Process Reliability. The main elements that make them up were identified, as well as the effectiveness of each one of them.

The Engineering of Reliability or Operational Reliability has its origin within each one of us and in our daily activities. Only with the practice and personal experience of the results that are obtained in the lives of each one of us, it is possible to implement the organizational plans and programs including and favoring the rest of the personnel that make up the company.

Unlike the companies of yesterday, which were only based on doing things in the best way and with the resources at their disposal, without having the ability to determine and improve the results obtained; Today's companies require a work team, which by means of a plan, a tool or a methodology allows them to predict, guarantee and improve the results in relation to the established objectives. For this reason, the use of Reliability Engineering as time goes by becomes much more essential and effective in organizational excellence.


  • (sf). Obtained from: http://www.rincondepaco.com.mx/rincon/Inicio/Apuntes/Proyecto/archivos/Documentos/Confiabilidad.pdf Equipment Reliability Analysis. (sf). Retrieved on March 17, 2017, from https://sistemasmanufactura.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/sesion-22.pdfGabriel, M. Á. (2008). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from http://cybertesis.uni.edu.pe/bitstream/uni/750/1/apolinario_gm.pdfLtda, NC (September 13, 2016). The seven differences in Japanese and Latin American Business Culture. Retrieved on March 18, 2017, from http://nambeiconnect.com/cultura-empresarial/Mantenimiento, I. e. (sf). Retrieved from: http://www.spm-ing.com/ingenieria-de-confiabilidad.phpPalencia, OG (July 24, 2014). Human Reliability. Retrieved on March 17, 2017, from Reportero Industrial: http: //www.reporteroindustrial.com / blogs / What-is-human-reliability-Part-1 + 98820 Tomás Páez, YA (2013). Retrieved on March 17, 2017, from: https://bibliovirtualujap.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/teg-tomas-paez.pdfWeb, R. (sf). Retrieved March 17, 2017, from:


Sincere gratitude to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, for becoming and continuing to reign as the parent home of our professional training. To the Division of Graduate Studies and Research (DEPI), for encouraging us to search for a better future. To the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) for the support and backing it gives us. Finally and in a special way, to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, a pioneer in the construction of a different vision and results.

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Reliability engineering for positioning and market opening