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Innovation and differentiation of your company. importance of playing on the razor's edge


"During these difficult times, you can only win if you step out of your comfort zone and learn to play, together with your Team, Razor's Edge."

"If you don't understand that taking risks means being up front, then you are a follower and then don't expect great things, you are in your comfort zone."

"Playing in business and in life on the razor's edge will make you feel alive and in this sense you can revitalize yourself to achieve differentiation through innovation"

In the midst of international economic turbulence and chaos, and the contraction of markets in many parts of the world, the need to abandon old beliefs and ways of acting is present to find in innovation and our leadership, the transforming power that allows us to travel with greater possibilities of success in front of our purpose and vision of life.

It is necessary to question the old models, norms, rules and to generate our entire culture in order to allow the passage to the renewal and change that our lives need.

World Class so-called companies, like those on a smaller scale, confirm to me that they have lost the course that at the time made them great, and by losing focus they also lost their leadership in the market.

I am a faithful believer that "darkness is overcome only by lighting" and under this premise is that I want to develop my article for all of you.

The world panorama is alarming in itself, and in our country the conditions even when our economy does not present the disorders shown by the world average, does not stop worrying that with the arrival of a change of government, things not only do not advance, rather, there is a setback due to the very effect of changing what the other did and experiencing another more encouraging model.

It is time to stop looking as a pretext that the world economic reality and the problems that this represents are the causes of our reality. Our leadership is required to make a new reality based on what we have and what we have! NO more excuses, or we change our reality from new actions and high determination, or we go overboard in the mental wave that the world presents us in all current context.

It is time to risk everything for differentiation, for innovation and creativity, for change and above all to assume a leadership different from the one we are used to. Definitely. The great determining factor is required: CHARACTER.

"You can no longer continue doing the same as always." If innovation poses risks, play them before someone else does for you.

If you are convinced of the need to change to reach maximum effectiveness and stand out above average, consider the following:

1. The world reality is not your reality: Your reality is yourself, do not use the pretext that everything is wrong to justify what you do wrong. For years we have been led to believe that if everything is wrong around us, we will be wrong too. Nothing more false than this. The only way to get different results is by doing different things. There's no more!

2. Be prepared to change before others: Don't wait for circumstances to force you to change. You are the one who runs the vehicle of your life, and this responsibility cannot be delegated to anyone, so consider that while others are in trouble, you do not have to suffer the same consequences.

3. To make a change in your company, you first need to transform people: Although you doubt it, you cannot alone. It is necessary to foster a culture of permanent change and continuous improvement, to have a high level of spirit to achieve it. It requires lighting the inner fire of all your collaborators so that they DARE to stop doing what they commonly do to focus on doing what they have never done.

4. Create a strategy of commitment to do new things and not the commitment to fix what has been wrong: The strategy with the new is what should prevail throughout the organization and not the commitment to be looking for solutions for what we have done bad in the past. The times require doing things that have never been done before, not going through life controlling and managing the processes of doing the same as always.

5. Get addicted to results, not to days of effort and simulation: There are still those who believe that those who commit are those who give the organization long hours of work. The effort must be valued yes, but not enough to make a cult of it. It is preferable to generate results and added value of the highest level, than to have an entire army without resting waiting for the next fight. The level of attrition will make her lose the battle, don't hesitate!

6. Change begins at the top: It is in Senior Management where consistency must be shown in the face of innovation and love of differentiation. As long as you don't change up there, rest assured that nothing will change in the operational part. It is a Universal Rule!

7. If failure gives you wisdom, learning from things well done gives you double: Learning from successes is much better than learning from falls. Nothing motivates more than moving forward and reaching goal after goal. Falling consecutively safe will bring greater wear and tear and demotivation on you and your collaborators.

8. Challenge your mental state all the Mempo: Do ​​not pay much attention to mental noise and panic in the environment.

Focus only on what is new to you and your customers. The old and traditional is no longer useful!

"Only those who risk everything reach the top" Going with calculated steps may make you take a few steps forward, but it does not guarantee you a lead over your competitors. " Dare to change your philosophy!

"Live the moment as an opportunity to be new"

Many companies still exist where internal practice is the same methods that led them to success in the past, they prevail inert to change and they see it go by paralyzed with fear at the speed with which it moves. There is panic throughout the organization. Phew!. I insist that panic is in the head, it is in the leader. "When the head has a problem, the body resents it." This universal maxim allows a clear visualization of the work that leaders must concentrate on. Here are some more ideas:

1. Surrender to change: You can never move forward if it comes first. Stop thinking that adapting is best. His position in front of his collaborators is to go ahead of what is coming to him, only then can he arrive before others.

2. Learn to differentiate yourself during the process: The packaging of your products, even when it is novel, will not be the key to your success, as long as it is not consistently accompanied by a process of service and quality from the very birth of the product. Customers perceive all of this and they are the best judges of the reality of your business. The renewal must be of the entire production cycle, not only in some aspects.

3. Renewing the production process is only achieved when we renew our mental state: If you intend for things to change only by implementing a system, you are sure to fail. All systems work on the basis that people are convinced that what they do is the best. They are the ones who must be convinced of this practice, their mental state and positive attitude towards change will be the only thing that will guarantee success.

4. Without convinced people, everything is merely speculation: Stop expecting better results as a result of your investment if you do not have people on your side. Avoid the burnout and stop playing businessman. It is your team that makes you solid, strong and allows the renewal of your business. Only your team builds a better future.

5. Invest in your people: If you don't invest in your people along with your technological innovations, you waste time. Innovation arises when the torrent of potential of people is unleashed freely, this possibility does not restrict them either in their training or in their execution.

Decide to make a difference!

Final thoughts:

"It is the level of leadership that you have, the top of your personal efficiency" You can only go ahead if you decide to take sufficient risk through differentiation and total renewal of your way of acting ".

Innovation and differentiation of your company. importance of playing on the razor's edge