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Strategic integration with a management approach at the central university marta abreu



Strategic integration is one of the most used ways today for the management of organizations, regardless of their type and complexity.


Initially, a theoretical characterization and analysis of the current situation of the problems of strategic management in the world, integration needs and their relationship with management is carried out, which could be used for teaching, methodological and research purposes.

The universe of work is made up of Cuban universities, under the hypothesis of the need to carry out a strategic integration to perfect their management system.

The strategic integration approach includes its definition, the comparison of the models created from each concept and the general procedure for the application of Strategic Integration with a focus on management that is proposed for the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas and is the main result of this investigation.

The methodology to be used in the procedure and its consequent application from the development of one of the critical elements of management is explained.


Organizations in the world have become, without intending to, chaotic systems, largely due to technological development, the accumulation of information that is generated and the important range of activities that have been added to the business world.

Universities, inevitably, have been affected by this trend at the beginning of the millennium, which is marked by fierce market competition, which carries with it a desperate need to obtain more profits at the cost that is necessary although for others the same profit obtaining It is given by the decrease in these costs.

The integration of various organizational elements such as finance, technology, leadership and even quality management itself in a consistent and well-applied strategy is one of those solutions that have inevitably been imposed in the business world to survive or be effective

Cuban universities currently have a complex operation of their structures and processes from the expansion of careers and modalities as a consequence of the universalization of education in all municipalities of the country.

In these, the lack of a Strategic Integration based on management that allows achieving a more efficient use of resources and capacities is presented as a problem situation.

The following scientific problem then arises from this situation:

Is there a procedure that allows a strategic integration of the elements of Management from the processes, so that the resources of a university can have a better use based on the fulfillment of the mission?

The Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV) is, like some others, an organization that due to its size and complexity needs an integrated strategy that, above all else, allows the fulfillment of its mission due to the important function within a socialist society that prioritizes education and the development of research as essential premises for social welfare. For these reasons, this important study center is taken as the object of practical study of this research, which is located on the road to Camajuaní, km 5 ½ in the municipality of Santa Clara.

For the fulfillment of these purposes, in order to achieve a guiding principle that allows to achieve a beginning in the strategic integration of this university, the following general objective is proposed: to develop a procedure that allows to strategically integrate the management of resources and UCLV processes that favor their use and capacities based on the fulfillment of the mission in the UCLV.

An important number of techniques are used as tools, such as individual interviews, direct observation, documentary review, the Central Nucleus of Social Representations technique, the DELPHI method, flow diagrams, affinity diagrams and others; which allowed to collect, analyze and use all the information derived from the application of the procedures.

Theoretical analysis of the concepts related to integration


The review of the specialized literature on the subject that supports the research was structured based on the analysis of the bases that sustain the management of organizations in the current era, as well as the study of the strategic approach and its application in the international sphere and in particular in Cuban conditions (see figure 1). The theoretical analysis is framed in Higher Education institutions as knowledge organizations, their philosophy, processes and behaviors from a holistic perspective.

The concepts most addressed in this chapter are those referring to strategic integration, processes, management, services and what concerns the art of practice, that is, strategic integration in universities, the different management models existing in these as well as the conception of their services.


The strategy. Conceptual Bases

The strategy, from the verb stratego that means planning the destruction of the enemy due to the efficient use of its resources, has its origins in the military field in ancient Greece, where the generals planned their strategies to confront it. From that time on, and especially in modernity, different concepts emerged, of which a study was carried out. Authors such as: Stoner (1989), Strategor (1995), Jonson and acholes (2001), Conde (2003) contributed concepts that allowed the author to develop a strategy concept adjusted to the research:

The strategy is the set of planned, logical, creative and applicable actions, in relation to the processes, that allow the company to fulfill its mission and achieve its vision, by allocating resources and adapting to changes in the environment, taking into account It takes into account the values ​​that human resources contribute and always achieving the active participation of the factors involved in its compliance.

Concepts of Strategic Integration

According to García Gómez and Hernández Lugo (2002) refer that hierarchical barriers must be more flexible, favor the flow of information and therefore cooperation.

Ronda (2006) has considered EI as the integration between the strategic, tactical, and operational levels based on the follow-up that must be carried out on the implementation, execution and control of the strategy, taking into account that the authors have given little attention (in 27 models studied) and yet, according to this author, it is the cause of the failure of most companies that carry out strategic planning. Therefore, it is proposed to take into account, from the planning phase, to the execution and control. In the same way, it considers that "the regularities of the strategic direction are: the integration of the organization with the environment and the necessary correspondence between the strategic thought, attitude and intention".

So far EI has been presented from two apparently different but actually converging points of view in a model in which these two integration philosophies are integrated. Logically, both authors are right in their approach; the first, because it proposes the integration of tangible aspects (strategy, structure, and processes) with intangibles (leadership, values, skills, philosophies) for a common result; the second because it proposes the integration of the structure in addition to the correspondence of its actions with the environment, being consistent with the thought, attitude and strategic intention, however this author does not include technology as an integrating and necessary element for the decision making,and it does not explain how the issue of budgets should be approached and above all it does not include the linking of the organizational culture with the aforementioned elements.

For Cloke & Goldsmith (2000), collaboration, democracy and self-direction are also prerequisites to evolve to higher levels of organizational development, based on synergy, community and EI.

As is logical, in the author's opinion, collaboration favors synergy and if it is through the participation of people in decision-making, then a greater commitment is achieved and this allows creating the conditions for an effective EI. In a Cuban institution, it would not be enough to facilitate democratic participation but also to create a sincere, collaborative and above all humane environment because the existing deficiencies in society impede objectivity, on many occasions and foster tense moods.

Most of the authors studied agree that EI should carry out an integration between technology, finance and leadership (Cloke & Goldsmith, García and others, 2001; Vila 2002) as the driving force behind integration but always strongly associated with the management of change, the creation of a Web for associations or dynamic and democratic work teams.

Finally, the author considers, based on the models studied, that EI should focus its function, not only on those elements that favor it, but also that it is necessary to create an integration model that can be supported by other elements related to management., especially in a budgeted institution in which finances do not play a substantive role. It would be reasonable to take into account that it is possible to start from a management model, always linked to the strategy (see figure 2), which allows to analyze the elements inherent to it; coincidentally with the proposal by Cloke and Goldsmith (2000), focused on values, innovation and leadership; that the integration itself is focused on its processes.

The Management of Change.

It is obvious that when a topic as new to organizations as EI is introduced, a kind of distrust is felt on the part of the workers or insecurity for wanting to apply something that is among the latest corporate “fashion cries” and this is the only reason must apply in an organization. The truth is that the application of EI is only one step forward so that the human being knows himself around how he relates or is organized and for that he must first know his own nature and continue to distinguish what his cultural supports are, as a country and as an organization.

Organization by Process

For the direction of a consistent strategy, well structured and with a high level of organization within the institution, it is important to define and identify the processes that it presents and thus relate the objectives and action plans with these processes.

Several sources (Hammer, 2001; Dictionary of the Spanish language, 2005; ISO 9000: 2005) agree that process is a set of interrelated resources and activities that transform input elements into output elements. Resources may include personnel, finances, facilities, equipment, techniques, and methods. Sub-processes are well-defined parts of a process. Their identification can be useful to isolate the problems that may arise and allow different treatments within the same process.

Due to the foregoing, the concept of process provided by Harrington (1993) must be taken into account, defining it as any activity or group of activities that uses an input, adds value to it, and supplies a product to an external customer or internal, adding that processes use an organization's resources to deliver definitive results.

Relationship of processes with quality

As in any organization based on processes, the fundamental thing is the method used to design them because the processes must be aligned with the strategy and the organization's policies. ISO 9000: 2005 promotes the adoption of a process-based approach, as a quality management principle, when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a management system, to increase customer satisfaction through compliance with its requirements.

The author considers that even if an inclusion of resource management, management responsibility, quality planning and the client is made, the organization by processes would not work if it is not introduced as a Total Quality philosophy.

Management in Universities Services.

Taking into account authors such as Juran and Bingham (1974), Albrecht (1994) and the definition of services in ISO 9000 (2005), which present the service as something intangible (which cannot be touched or appreciated as an object), that it needs two or more people to do this, that its quality depends largely on the interaction between two parties (customer - service provider) and that it is always done to satisfy a need is that the author proposes the following concept: a service is performed when there is the interaction of two parties, that is, the customer and the service provider, which can be another person, several or a machine; to satisfy one or more needs of that client and in function of fulfilling the expected requirements for the satisfaction of said need.

On the other hand, due to the social function of a university and to differentiate it from the general terms by which companies are classified, the author considers it necessary to grant a university the qualification of institution based on the concept that “institutions are complex of ideas and practices that contain specific norms of conduct among people ”(Hiller, 1947).

According to the final report of the World Conference on Higher Education (1998), the essential services provided in a university are:

• Undergraduate training

• Research

• Postgraduate training

• Extension

In a university, a number of services associated with the aforementioned are presented, but in the interest of this research only the four raised above will be addressed.

Current management models

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (2005) managing is "Carrying out proceedings leading to the achievement of a business or any wish".

It can be viewed as part of management, or as a management style. Therefore, for the purposes of this research, the author considers that it is important to bear in mind that management is the action of managing based on planning from setting objectives, foreseeing the necessary resources taking into account the processes to be carried out. carried out for the fulfillment of such objectives, time and environment changes.

Nieto (2007) explains that university management is diversified, starting from three important processes: university extension, teaching and research, highlighting each of the sub-processes or activities that derive from the relationship of these. Therefore, any management activity must start from this relationship.

In the case of the model of the University of Ciego de Ávila (UNICA), it is elaborated by Naranjo and others (2005) from the perspectives created on the theoretical model of Kaplan and Norton, which are:

• Financial

• Integration

• Computerization

• Internal

• Internationalization

• Development

These perspectives are developed in a model (see figure 3) that allows to determine the strategies having as reference point and measurement criterion the Critical Success Factors (CRF) for each Key Results Area (ARC).

However, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, like many European universities, supports its management model in an analysis based on the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) of excellence in which they intervene several facilitators with the objective of obtaining results in four fundamental processes, in a learning line. These facilitating agents are: leadership, people, policy and strategy, alliances and resources, and processes. The fundamental results would then be: the results in people, clients, in society and other keys (EFQM, 1999).

Taking into account the models previously studied, a management model of essential elements is proposed for its development in a university (see figure 4).

The integration of the elements would be manifested through their relationship with the processes, depending on the fulfillment of the mission.

Methodological proposal of the procedure for strategic integration

Based on the analysis of the integration models, derived from the concept appropriate to the present investigation, the proposed management model and the principle of continuous improvement, a procedure is proposed that from its first step favors integration, taking as the central axis the strategy. It is presented as follows (see figure 5):

Stage 1. Identification with the organization under investigation.

This step does not have a defined time since identification with the organization under study is subject to the attention that can be received from the people involved in it, the complexity of the organization and access to the corresponding places, so it must be prudent when determining a date, although it is considered that a month (having access to the necessary information without difficulty) is sufficient.

The following procedure is proposed for this step:

• Presentation of the researcher

• Identification of the areas

• Request for documentation

• Collection of documentation

• Analysis of documentation

Stage 2. Evaluation of the fulfillment of the objectives and deviations.

This is an important step because the existence of a strategy that is related to the problem situation will be verified and therefore, what the institution has proposed to solve it. You can also see non-compliance with plans, disagreement from internal or external customers, etc.

Analysis of the feasibility of the improvements

In the event that the organization does not present significant problems, an analysis of the possibility of improvements in the organization would be carried out, taking into account that there may be development possibilities, substantial changes in the technologies to be used (in the computerization of all things) or possibilities for innovation in existing technologies for management, among other possibilities that envisage improvements.

Depending on the improvements, their relationship with some of the management elements and the processes, consequently, the procedure will then proceed to continue.

Stage 3. Diagnosis of Management and Integration of its elements.

Depending on the results of step 2, a diagnosis of the elements related to management and their integration will then be carried out, for which a specific procedure was designed (see figure 6), which results in a report of the mentioned diagnosis in which the causal problems of the deviations found in step 2 should be reflected.

IV. Selection of the elements that slow down the management.

For the selection of the elements that slow down the management of the university, the use of the technique of the Central Nucleus of Social Representations (NCRS) is proposed, in which it is proposed to select a greater number of experts so that there is representativeness in the general criteria and In this way, critical elements can be identified. For this, a tool was created, with the help of Excel software, Microsoft Office, with which the results can be determined more quickly and easily. The Central Nucleus of Social Representations (NCRS) technique, created by (Abric, 1993), proposes that all social representations (taking into account that social representations fulfill the functions of understanding and explaining reality, as Hernández addresses,2005) have a central nucleus and two peripheral nuclei. In the case of the central nucleus, it is made up of those evocations that are more frequent and have a high allocation of the average order of the evocations determined from what is provided by the information collected. For a better understanding, this technique is explained from the following procedure created for this research (similar to the one used by Pontes et al., 2007):2007):2007):

1. Compilation of representations (in this case, the criteria collected from the meetings and the interview with experts).

2. Grouping of representations in evocations (these are the elements of the management system in this case, with which the experts agreed).

3. Application of the NCRS technique: Each expert, in this case assigns a score of one to ten to each evocation, taking into account the level of importance of each one of them, based on their experience and the problems posed by each evocation reflected in a survey prepared for these purposes.

SAW. Diagnosis of critical elements.

In the case of the elements that slow down the development of the management (critical elements), once selected, a diagnosis is made through a procedure for these purposes (see figure 7) that offers as a result the deviations that the item related process.

Stage 4. Proposal for improvements based on the integration of management elements.

Using the results of the diagnosis, a group of orderly, consistent and precise improvements is proposed to solve the problems detected, always making evaluations from the beginning of the integration. For the fulfillment of these purposes, a specific procedure is proposed (see figure 8).

Stage 5. Monitoring.

This step is of utmost importance to achieve a systematization of the general procedure which must be carried out periodically, within the execution of the strategies and preferably at the close of the annual plans in which the steps would be analyzed again and the update of the model of management and its validity from the real behavior of the organization. As it is being proposed that the procedure creates the essential conditions for integration, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of integration as an indicator to ensure effectiveness.

This step will be effective as soon as the required time is fulfilled after the full application of this procedure.


The present investigation shows several of the results presented in the application of the general procedure, in which it will be specified to which stage of the procedure it belongs.

In this case, external clients can be classified according to the substantive processes of the university (see figures 9, 10, 11 and 12):

As a substantive process, it has as an exit to graduated professionals with added value

In the case of the student, he is a special client because he plays a double role in the final product of the service, as a student: by making use of his individual responsibility to add to his training process the skills and values ​​that he proposes; and as an interested party, named University Student Federation (FEU), through the movements created by this organization for the fulfillment of the mission. Therefore, in this case, what would be a customer focus would be translated into an approach to student training, if we take into account that the customer focus prioritizes the requirements, the customer's expectations.It cannot be focused on the student because it must not only take into account the requirements that the student wants but also the main client, which in this case is society, therefore the focus would be on a client made up of several interested parties.

Training: postgraduate

The postgraduate student is considered as another special client provided by society (in this case it is the system of national organizations) who at the same time becomes a professional towards society with a higher degree of knowledge and towards the university itself to strengthen the human capital of the university. In this case, the entities where the professionals who will enjoy the improved skills work are external clients.

College extension

In the case of this process, it happens in a somewhat similar way to the postgraduate process (in relation to the beneficiaries of the service) because the process reflects its results or outputs both in the university community and outside the university.

Source: self made

Science and Technological Innovation

For this substantive process, an analysis of the relationship with customers should be carried out only from the point of view of providing to customers who are subject to social impact, since this process has customers who monetarily reward the services that are provided and for the products being sold. Therefore, research centers are included here and the relationship with clients is mainly subordinated to projects. On the other hand, there are special clients that allocate money to carry out research with benefits to third parties through projects, which are the form of execution of Science and Technology.

Stage 3, step 3

The results of the application of the technique (figure 13) show that the most significant evocations (within the central nucleus) are planning, integration and processes.

To validate this result, the author presented a survey to the experts explaining the results as well as requesting their opinion on whether they agree with them, which showed that 45% of the experts fully agree. 55% agree. Due to the above, the results are validated.

Stage 4, step 2 Organization of the communication process.

Taking into account the four functions of communication, specifically that of informing (Mintzberg, 2001), the inputs are described, which receive: material resources and information (see figure 14). Which reach the strategic and substantive processes. Strategic processes are grouped into two specific processes: strategic management, which is in charge of planning communication, establishing policies and leading the communication process. The continuous improvement process that has the function of establishing control points and systematizing them; the evaluation,that would be in charge of measuring the functioning of communication within the institution in addition to feedback and everything concerning deviations or problems in the process and the improvement that would be the process that would be in charge of preparing improvement plans based on errors or deviations detected in the control.

The substantive processes are: the communication processes through the media for which an internal and external communication system is carried out, which uses all the channels available to the institution to communicate, in addition to image and identity, all the information resulting from the processes, which is reflected in the structural communication process, identifying the structure through the five parts that constitute it according to Mintzberg (2001), based on three main sources of information.

Stage 3, step 5 Analysis of deviations and failures.

For the corresponding analysis, a correspondence table is prepared (see table 1):

Table 1 Correspondence between the problem, the communication processes and the elements. Source: self made.

Stage 3, phase VII. Evaluation and analysis of the results.

This step only shows the tools that will be used for the initial grouping of the problem by elements, taking into account the affinity diagram.

Redefinition of problems by element

Table 2 Summary of the problem in keywords. Source: self made

Stage 4. Proposal for improvements based on the integration of management elements.

Step 1. Proposed solution to the deviations found in the diagnosis

In the case of this table, the proposals are made taking into account the numbering of each problem, which is located in the first column of each table.

Table 3. Solution proposals for the communication element. Source: self made.


No. Related to communication

a) Analysis of communication in strategic processes.

b) Analysis of the policies related to the process.

1 c) Policy implementation

d) Proposals for organizational changes.

e) Approval of changes.

a) Depending on the degree to which decisions are affected, classify them.

b) Determine which are the strategic decisions.


c) Prepare a discussion program.

d) Implement the program.

a) Determination of the level of customer satisfaction with the services provided.

3 b) Determination of the causes of delays

c) Organization of processes related to services, with a customer focus.

a) Creation of policies related to information discipline.

4 b) Diagnosis of the possibilities of implementing the policies.

c) Decision to use the policies

Step 2. Identification or creation of integration teams.

a) Linking the proposed solutions with the processes corresponding to them. From the grouping of the elements by problem, the association with the processes can be made (see figure 15), which would lay the foundations to determine which process would participate in the pertinent solution proposals.

Obviously, several processes can only be related because the proposed solutions refer first to communication.

b) Determination of the level of action - solution for improvement proposals

To determine the level, the solution will be located according to the corresponding number according to table 3 (see figure 16)

c) Analysis of the functions of existing work teams.

Board of Directors: It is the main body of management in the institution. This is carried out on a monthly basis and its objectives are to draw up strategies, hold university discussions, among others. All strategic solution proposals could be included in this team. The solutions would correspond to this organ, taking into account the corresponding numbering: 1 e, 4 c, 5 b and c, 8 c, 14 a and 15 a.

It is essential to bear in mind that all proposals must be approved by the board of directors since it concerns this as the decisive proposals for the entire institution.

General Conclusions.

After the investigation was completed and the pertinent analyzes were carried out, it was concluded that:

• The definition of various concepts related to integration, management, processes and services allowed to achieve a more effective understanding of the phenomena that occur in the direction of a complex and changing organizational system, which also contributed to the preparation of the leadership staff.

• The incomplete organization in processes limits the implementation of the procedure, being able to accelerate this if there are organized processes since these constitute the basis for the mentioned integration.

• Strategic integration constitutes one of the most effective ways for the development and

growth of an organization to face the complex conditions in which the national and international scenarios are presented.

• The main client of a socialist state university is society and the focus of the service provided must be focused on its needs. Likewise, attention must be paid to the special client "student" as the object of transformation and the final result of this would be the value that the university is able to add taking into account the conditions of the environment.

• The university processes and the elements of the management system are completely compatible and demonstrated the need for their integration through the mechanisms created to propose solutions to the problems encountered.

• Taking into account the results of the partial application of the procedure, the validation of the procedure can be considered effective and significantly emphasized that it is comprehensive enough in university management and management.

• For the complete application of the general procedure, a group of consultants-researchers is needed who can simultaneously diagnose and develop the critical elements resulting from the application of the technique of selection of these.

• The application of the Integral System of Human Capital is a necessity to achieve greater effectiveness in the application of the proposed procedure.


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Strategic integration with a management approach at the central university marta abreu