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Integrity and the values ​​of the organization


The key human values ​​expressed in an organizational culture are fundamental to make it an entity not only productive but also committed to its community. "Integrity is the strength of spirit that keeps us true to our principles." JFZárate

When Confucius was asked who deserved to be qualified as "superior man", the sage replied: "He who first puts his ideas into practice and then preaches to others what he already does." In fact, the principle of leading by example and complying with the principles that we postulate is "a virtue of superior minds and souls."

"Integrity is the strength of spirit that keeps us true to our principles."

Integrity is acting with rectitude and adherence to principles

The first principle of leadership is to impart justice in decisions and this is only achieved with the integrity of our actions. Integrity is choosing to do the right thing, what is according to the principles, not necessarily what is most convenient for the interests, is the fulfillment of duty as a mission. It implies acting according to

the principles of truth, respecting the commitments made and being honest with oneself and with others.

The bad comes or develops on its own, it is like the weeds of the field, we grow our best plants but the bad weed comes alone, it is there; then we have to disengage them, clean our fields so that our crops flourish. The values ​​of the environment always turn out to be determinants of the model to follow, because they are finally the mirror in which we look at ourselves; therefore we must develop the ability to change in our organizations everything that paralyzes us: strategies that do not work, corrupt officials, inadequate protocols and procedures, bad habits, wrong development models, etc. We must stay alert, good always requires intentionality and integrity.

Acting with integrity improves the organization's results

Creating productive organizations has to do not only with systems and compliance with quality processes in the production of products, but fundamentally with the culture of the company, this is the value that makes the difference. A non-exclusive relationship of work practices that express the culture of an organization can be: full dedication to the work of all its members, punctuality in service, compliance with the advantages and benefits offered; reverence for the child and the old man; the simple fact of giving us a space to listen to our collaborators and clients; to be able to adequately capture “emerging” that allow us to refine our competition strategies, improve our own work, and consequently the results of the organization in general;thus achieving a better service to the community as a whole.

Have you read the latest articles on price matching by some computer giants that have compromised their prestige, in addition to the millionaire fines imposed by the North American judicial system? Today the topic is public and it is one of the reasons behind this guiding idea on integrity:

"In general, nothing remains hidden under the sun and the light of conscience, in any case not for long."

Some organizations, from the largest to the smallest, grow because of the position they occupy in the market and, not necessarily because of the better quality of their systems and their people; indeed, some require an urgent revolution from within to prevent the market from further eroding them. And this why?

Because many entities have the shared vision of organizational values ​​only on paper, due to the lack of integrity of those who are called to put them into practice in order to provoke the mirror effect in the collective; Meanwhile, their presidencies live from the biased surveys that their immediate environment gives them, more interested in maintaining the status quo than in favoring the relationship with the client, whether it is internal or external; and I am referring to both the public and private spheres.

Integrity and the values ​​of the organization