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Introduction to neurolinguistic programming


It is true that within psychology there are different areas and schools; as well as it is that within all of them there are numerous techniques, applied in individual psychotherapy, as well as work with groups, some more efficient than others. Precisely the NLP Neurolinguistic Programming, is based on these efficiency techniques, which precisely seeks personal and professional excellence, and other areas of an individual's life.

It is important to highlight that NLP is not limited only to instruct health professionals, but also to anyone who wants better in their work and personal field and wants to teach other healthy behavior patterns that promote proactivity; All this does not imply that the other sciences are obsolete, it is just that this science, more considered as art through practice, wishes to apply all that set of effective techniques, and exploit them, combining them with the different models. You have to see the importance of knowing that modeling is not inclined to the simple imitation of behaviors of any subject, this is deeper.

And in this brief essay is what is intended to clarify how it is that through these models the abilities of the person can be enhanced, helping them to connect with their inner self, make the unconscious conscious to the extent of the possibilities of it.

Before getting into the subject, there are several questions that we must ask ourselves about it: What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming? How does it apply? What are models? How does psychology influence it? Who founded NLP and when? Etc. It is a matter of time for us to understand each question and be able to give you the most accurate answer.

The definition given by the authors of this book Joseph O'Connor and Jhon Seymour is: "NLP is the art and science of personal excellence" It seems that many of us understand it perfectly, but unfortunately there is very little application, having said this we understand that It is not to discourage us or worry us, but rather to get to the root of the problem. And for it to work each person must be responsible for themselves, since it is not in a generalized way.

Connor and Seymour explain why NLP is a science: because there is a method and a process to discover the models used by outstanding individuals in a field to obtain outstanding results. This process is called modeling, and the models, skills and techniques discovered they are increasingly used in education, counseling and business for more effective communication, greater personal development, and accelerated learning. So we cannot rely on models of subjects with precarious results, since we would only be falling into the same precariousness, and therefore we would only be programming ourselves with a useless and deficient language code.

While NLP is responsible for reflecting on ideas and people, how people excel in a field, and how to teach those patterns to others, as conceived by the authors of the book. But it is not only having the ideas, but they must also be well organized and get the best out of ourselves, and of other people, that is the primary task of such programming.

To enter the world of NLP is to get out of the ordinary, and start tasting the honeys of excellence, since through this highly efficient tool we can achieve what we really want, our most longed for dreams, and help others are also realized.

Neurolinguistic Programming is relatively new, thanks to this it has been possible to revolutionize the treatment of brief therapy. It has its beginnings in 1972 in Santa Cruz, California, its founders are John Grinder assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California in Santa Cruz and Richard Bandler student of psychology at the same university. But they could not do it alone, they relied on mental health professionals, who were very popular at that time, of course I am referring to Fritz Perls, an innovative psychotherapist and creator of the therapy school known as Gestalt; Virginia Satir, the extraordinary family psychiatrist, capable of solving difficult family relationships that many other therapists believed intractable; and Milton Erickson, the world famous hypnotherapist.

Our perception is very limited, we receive and decode messages on a daily basis, which we then externalize, and many of them we do not even understand and we ignore a large part of what happens around us. NLP represents infinite possibilities, and opens the door to new sensations. Many ideas often roll through our heads, and to make this easier, extracting that information into something physical, through representations, and for this a very useful tool are maps, and according to our objectives, we will also develop our map, of course this does not imply a geographical area or territory, but rather a mental scheme that simplifies what is in our mind, this is the conception of O'Connor and Seymour. It is important to know that we all perceive the world and reality differently at all,we leave or capture details that others do not, since our attention is very selective and is based on our experiences, and sometimes we distort this reality, according to manifestations of the unconscious.

In NLP we talk about filters, this being also one of them, and we recall that these are issued in some way by our daily experiences that direct our perceptions in an unconscious way. For conflict resolution there are also several frames of reference, based towards a goal, which is the solution of a specific problem, and the realization of proposals for the benefit of the resolution going to the root. The proposal here is to focus on maintaining a positive attitude, accepting what happens to us and not trying to justify it. It is also very important to mention that curiosity is something that will help improve learning and keep us motivated, as this is an essential part of NLP.

We often believe that our life is ruled by the conscious part, but we well understand that the best we do every day is governed by the unconscious, which is represented in automations, such as driving a car, or using a machine, without paying too much attention. When it comes to learning, there are four traditional stages of doing it. First there is the unconscious incompetence; You not only don't know how to do something, but you don't know that you don't know. This refers to total ignorance when trying to maneuver a machine or drive a vehicle. The conscious incompetence soon will realize its limitations and focus on the task until the well has dominated, developed in the last stage.The stage of conscious competition. You can drive the car, but it requires your full attention; He has learned the skill, but has not yet mastered it. The competition unconscious all those little patterns you have learned so so thorough that harmonizes in a soft unit behavior. Your conscious part sets the goal and leaves it to the unconscious to carry it out, freeing your attention for other things.

Three minute NLP seminar

First, know what they want; have a clear idea of ​​the goal you want to achieve in each situation.

Second, be alert and keep your senses open so that they are aware of what they are getting.

Third, have the flexibility to change the way you act until they get what they want.

It all comes down to objective sharpness and flexibility.

Of course, so that you can reach your goal, you must know where you are going, be attentive to what is happening, know if you are satisfied with the result you get, and finally you must be willing to make changes, in what does not work, and maintain the effort with what is fruitful. Perhaps apparently it is very simple, in order to carry out this task you must make a very thorough analysis of your alternatives, especially of your limitations. It is relevant to consider not clinging to an idea, that is why you must be flexible and leave what does not work for you, do something else, you will never know if it works if you do not try. You need to hear, see and feel what is happening and have a range of answers. It is what NLP is all about, giving a number of possibilities for the solution of conflicts, in case one does not work,there will be more options at hand to make use of.

Just as in psychotherapy, the same technique cannot be applied for all patients, likewise this tool is not exclusive of one answer for everything, and therefore it has the flexibility for change. A problem is simply a misstated goal. The only way to achieve the proposed objective is to have sufficient resources to achieve it, weigh the size, know if you are not too ambitious and naive to achieve this task, it is also necessary to take into account other people, who may be involved, and the contributions that they could make towards what I want to achieve; I must also be willing to make changes on the way to sleep, you must take into account, how you are in the present and desired state (where you want to go), for this you will have to pay attention to your behavior,thought and feelings, in the present and in the future; In addition to considering the personal and economic resources that you have at your fingertips. You cannot make castles in the air, you must have a solid foundation.

As human beings and based on an axiom of communication, we communicate everything, and it is impossible not to communicate. Our own silence communicates, and we send messages to other people sometimes without being aware of it; our whole body communicates, it seems that the highest percentage is through speech, through words; however, the greatest weight is our facial expressions, and in general our entire body. But what really matters is that we know how to communicate in such a way that the interlocutor gets the message as we conceive it. And to achieve this we must take into account from our position to the tone of voice, making sure that this is the most appropriate for the audience.

If the words are the content of the message, the postures, gestures, expression and tone of voice are the context in which the message is framed, and together they give meaning to the communication. Like a goal or in the desire state, communication also has its own objective, and the clarity that is given to the message depends to achieve it.

NLP is the ability to respond in an affective way and understand and respect your model of the world. Communication is a circle of influence where you influence others and others in you, that it is in a positive way, it depends on each one, and that you really believe it. In NLP, attunement or empathy is handled as a very relevant link to be in direct contact and focus on what may be causing discomfort to the patient; thus generating trust, so that you can express yourself freely.

In order to achieve an adequate tune, equalization has to be sought in terms of body language, oral, breathing, gestures, for this an invisible bridge must be built between both, where feelings and emotions can be implicit, such as a melody in full balance.

Introduction to neurolinguistic programming