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Operations research as an administrative tool

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Operations research (IO) is a branch of industrial engineering that consists of the use of mathematical models, statistics, and algorithms in order to carry out a decision-making process. It frequently deals with the study of complex real systems, in order to improve (or optimize) their operation. Operations research enables analysis of decision-making taking into account scarcity of resources, to determine how a defined objective can be optimized, such as maximizing profits or minimizing costs.


Operations research (OR) is a branch of mechanical engineering that involves the use of mathematical models, statistics and algorithms in order to make the process of decision making. Often is the study of complex real systems in order to improve (or optimize) its operation. Operations research enables analysis of decision taking into account the scarcity of resources to determine how to optimize a defined, such as profit maximization or cost minimization objective.

Development of the topic

Application areas

Some people would be tempted to apply mathematical methods to whatever problem arises, but is it that it is always necessary to reach the optimum? It could be more expensive to model and reach the optimum that in the long run does not offer a much higher profit margin than you already have.


It is constituted by a scientific approach to the solution of complex problems, has intrinsically multidisciplinary characteristics and uses a diversified set of instruments, predominantly mathematical, for modeling, optimization and control of structural systems.

Benefit of operations research

In practice, the instrumentation of an operations research project in solving a real problem in an organization. It has the following benefits:

  1. Increase the possibility of making better decisions in organizations; With the use of operations research and sophisticated technology (computers), thousands of components and hundreds of interrelations are taken into account in the system, without this help the decisions that were made were intensive in nature. the organization. In other words, operations research generates a higher level of reorganization.It improves system control by instituting systematic procedures that supervise, on the one hand, the operations carried out in the organization and, on the other hand, avoid a return to a worse system Achieve a better system by making it operate at lower costs, with smoother interactions,eliminating bottlenecks and achieving better coordination between the most important elements of the entire system.

In the particular case of economic problems, the objective function may be to obtain the maximum yield or the lowest cost.

Operational research plays an important role in decision-making problems because it allows making the best decisions to achieve a certain objective while respecting external links, which cannot be controlled by whoever must make the decision.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • They can describe systems that are very complex. They can be used to experiment with systems that do not yet exist, or to experiment with existing systems without disturbing them. (This can also be done by analytical methods as long as the system is not too complex.)


  • There is no closed solution set. Each change to the input variables requires a separate solution or set of runs. Complex simulation models can take a long time to build and run. It can be difficult to establish the validity of the model (that is, correspondence with the real system).


The elaboration of the problem is subdivided into compulsory phases. The main ones are:

  • examination of the real situation and collection of information; formulation of the problem, identification of controllable and external variables (not controllable) and the choice of the objective function, to be maximized or minimized; construction of the mathematical model, intended to give a good representation of the problem; it must be easy to use; represent the problem, giving all the information to be able to make the most suitable decision possible; resolution of the model (through different modalities); analysis and verification of the solutions obtained: it is controlled if the objective function offers the expected advantages; the representativeness of the model is verified; and, sensitivity analyzes are carried out on the solution obtained, using the system obtained for later use.

Operations research techniques

The resolution of an analytical model of IO is supported mathematically on one or more of the following theories (among the most used):

  • game theory waiting queuing theory control theory decision theory distribution or transport theory inventory theory graph theory linear programming mathematical probability and statistics dynamic programming Markov chain


Operations research became an important tool for all areas to reach optimal solutions as seen in the history of the industrial revolution, it was an important element for organizations for their development and growth. It can be concluded that Operations Research is the use of mathematics and computing to solve real world problems, making the right decisions that guarantee the success of an objective.

Its most important contribution is the application of its results for decision-making at low, medium and higher administrative levels


Operations research as an administrative tool