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Jesus as a model leader


Many authors agree that "Leadership" is the ability to influence others for specific purposes, hence the importance of developing this potential in future professionals in order to be agents of change in organizations and, of course, in society.

One of the strategies to bring to light that leader that we all carry inside is to take as a model someone who has reached this level. Without a doubt, there is no greater example of Leadership than that which God himself taught us through his son Jesus Christ.

Jesus of Nazareth has influenced the life and work of many men throughout history since he became known more than 2000 years ago. I am one of the people who firmly believe that personal, professional and even organizational success is in close relationship with that wonderful being who offered his life for each and every one of us.

Let's analyze just some of the countless characteristics of the Leader of our Lord Jesus Christ:

  • He points out the path we must follow to achieve full happiness, but he not only points it out but is the first to cross it. He applies "Empathy", he received the joys and sorrows of life just as we do. He delegates his authority and his Power to his followers, he does not keep things for himself, on the contrary, he shares his wisdom with those who welcome him in their hearts. He develops a Strategic Plan totally incomprehensible to human minds, yet manifests it in a simple way and applied to our reality It establishes an Organization that supports and makes effective the Plan of Salvation that God has for us. It guides and accompanies us in all the moments of our life, even if on many occasions it seems that it is not so. It gives us the opportunity for constant dialogue. with him through prayer,we are the ones who cut off that communication.

Being a leader is a responsibility that we must assume with humility, generosity and prudence. Following Christ is not an easy task, he never said it was, but it is not impossible with his help. Science and God are not incompatible, even more so the first affirms the existence of a Higher Being.

Much more important than leading a group or a formally established organization is to become leaders of our own life, then the rest will fall under its own weight.

Let's ask ourselves this question: Who or what governs my life? Based on our answer, the success of our achievements will be measured.

Jesus as a model leader