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Gastronomic administration

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Nowadays it is no longer enough to have a good product, no customer is captive of a place, that is why it is necessary that there is adequate information and organization so that the company can grow with high expectations.

Before starting any activity, especially the gastronomic one, with its very peculiar characteristics, it is necessary to have a very deep study of all the variables that will have to be addressed before carrying out the production.

Among the issues that must be taken into account when managing gastronomy is:

  • Menu price Price per recipe Recipe standardization Warehouse Shopping

Administration is the process by which it is possible to coordinate and optimize the resources of a certain work group or specific entity, in this case, a restaurant, bar or cafeteria, in order to achieve maximum efficiency and thereby increase the productivity.

Gastronomic administration

As is known, gastronomy is the science in charge of the relationship between culture and food, the relationship that this has with the administration occurs when the gastronomic must find a way to plan, organize, control and direct his kitchen and the foods that it provides in this, it may seem a simple task, but, if we analyze it from the minimum point as is the decision making of which products to use, in what order to the price that should be given to each food, it is a task complicated and that, if not done in the correct way, could cause losses in our company.

Planning, in an administrative process, is the determination of the objectives and the choice of the strategies to be followed to achieve them, based on the investigation and elaboration of a detailed scheme that will be carried out in the future. In terms applied to food and beverage services, this means that goals should be set to be achieved in management during a period, to determine the activities that must be carried out and coordinate them to develop them. Many of these decisions must be shown in production quantities and economic figures, transforming them into what we will call the budget.

Another important point that involves the administration with gastronomy is the standardization of recipes, that is, having a fixed base of how each dish should be made and that at the same time allows us to fix prices with the costs that each recipe generates. And not only this, the standardization of recipes will allow us to keep an internal control of the warehouse and how often each food rotates, which will allow us to have a broad knowledge of how the warehouse is managed.

The restaurant sector has grown to a high degree of importance, to the point that some even call it the catering industry. In addition, every day the client becomes more demanding, more expert, which leads to more businesses that act as competencies between them and this is where the importance of having a good administration lies.

Another point that comes into the administration within gastronomy is that, as is known, the administration plans, when planning the entrepreneurs must carry out the design of what will be the area where they intend to carry out their activities, taking as the first point of reference the people who will work in the workplace, that is, they must know how to choose the right staff to carry out these activities.

On the other hand, the staff that provides gastronomic services, which in general, are in charge of serving the public with food and drinks in establishments destined for this purpose, must carry out this work in such a way that the techniques, skills and good disposition shown, satisfy customers and help enhance their well-being while they stay in these establishments.

The warehouse is essential in any business and therefore its management and operation is a reason for constant improvement and professionalization.

Having a good storage system allows, among other things:

  1. Keeps materials safe from fire, theft, and damage. In the warehouse, the physical protection of the materials located there must be established and maintained, taking the necessary precautions to protect the articles from damage due to inappropriate use, mishandling, defects in the inventory rotation procedure, theft, etc. It allows carrying carry out the appropriate physical distribution of the articles, facilitating authorized persons quick access to the stored materials. In the warehouse, a record of the location of all materials must be kept to facilitate their immediate location. It facilitates stock control and allows constant information to be kept on the actual situation of available materials. In the warehouse, the physical control of all the items that are part of its inventory is carried out.carrying for it controls in a detailed way on the rotation of materials (inputs, outputs, transfers).

Administration is of vital importance in any company that wants to start but especially in gastronomy because it gives you the support you need to be able to improve every detail that is presented in it and facilitate your activities and that, once you reach the stability, maintaining it in the most accessible and simple way that you can have.


Gastronomy will always be important for the human being, since he will always look for a way to feed himself and his own, with the passage of time this need was taking more path until it reached what today are food establishments, They provide the food that the human being requires, but it is not only there, in order to have the establishment, a process had to be passed through which the administration enters.

The administration is used in a general way to control all the areas of an establishment but it focuses much more on the costs that will be applied to the dishes when we talk about gastronomy, as well as the proper management of your warehouse and purchases or selection of the possible suppliers that may be had.

Gastronomic administration