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The anticipation of leaders


If you consider that your company will paddle calmly in the waters of the river, get ready because the rapids are there!

Did you start the year quietly? Watch out! You are probably doing the same old thing. Prepare for the rapids in front of you… have you seen them yet?

In the previous article I mentioned that it was time to play the best Symphony in our business again. It was then necessary to be developing this year's project, focusing on the customer and the market.

Why? Because it is undeniable that your company is the size of the demands of your customers or disappears from the market.


One of the big mistakes that companies make is to believe that having completed the budget design will bring the expected results.

It is necessary to ask yourself questions related to the issue of Alignment and make decisions about it, however painful they may be, for example:

1. Do you have the right people, technically and in personal relationships (leadership), to achieve your purposes?

2. Do you have a correct alignment of teamwork within your business? Are your people in all areas willing to serve both your internal and external customers?

3. Do you have your people fully empowered to produce results at the Highest Level? Are you willing to make a permanent difference with your customers and versus your competitors?

If not, then get ready to get the same old thing. I am sure that in the middle of the year you will be listening to the justifications with your area heads of why your results do not reach what is foreseen in the Business Plan.

It is not enough to make the plan, but leaders who lead everyone to achieve it

The High Performance Companies ensure from the beginning of the people who will make it possible to fulfill their dreams in terms of quantitative results. They know that strengthening their lines means unfolding the potential of all their leaders throughout the organization. They are aware that it is the first level Action that ensures the profits of the business. "At the end of the year, the only thing that is reflected in the financial statements is the result of the way companies treat their customers." They are the ones who decide or not whether they prefer your products and services over their competitors.

In times like the ones we are living in, it is necessary not only to develop good plans but also to be prepared to face the complexity and rapid changes in the market and our clients' preferences.

The paradox of our time continues to be the willingness to provide the best service to others. Giving others what differentiates us from the common and makes us be perceived by our clients and relationships in a DIFFERENTIATED way.

It is time to make sure we have the best people around us, it is undoubtedly a time for great Leaders.

There are the rapids! Did they take it out of place? Don't let time catch up with you, remember that one of the characteristics of every leader is having the GIFT of anticipation.

There are those who react to changes and the onslaught of the market, (customers and consumers of your product) instead of anticipating and becoming drivers and creators of change. The difference between this type of people is that while the items reach their goals late, assuming a cost for the time they take to adapt to changes.

The drivers of change generate their profits by anticipating the needs of clients in time, making their company Seductive for investors.

The appetite for consistently superior results should be a constant throughout your organization. Getting it is not an easy task, since it requires investing in the Bank of the Potential of your Human Capital and you are not always willing to be honest. The reason? Many executives and businessmen still consider that it is not the best investment to make, mainly because they feel that Human Capital does not have the necessary commitment to remain in the company for a long time.

However, the only way to have a sustainable competitive advantage is by making a difference through people. The only ones responsible for keeping the workforce productive, and highly satisfied, are the leaders responsible for turning their teams into High Performance lights. It is better to be prepared for the rapids than to enter them without even knowing how to get out of a good dip.

Adapting to circumstances will always have its risks and costs. Take it into account if you want to stop having unnecessary costs in your operation, and decide to produce a differentiated value and a high value perceived by your customers.

Ensure your key success factors, your performance indicators and service level produce what your client will not forget, thus generating a high retention of your brand.

This means aligning the responsibility of each employee with the purpose and vision of your company.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with globalization, do not ignore it, especially in these times. If you do, you will come under attack from competing companies that have an insatiable hunger for achievement.

It is no longer time to complain that global CRISIS are precisely due to participating in an environment where the strongest survive. The rapids are there! And you have to understand that we need to ACT faster than others in every way.

If you don't do for clients what someone else is willing to do, you will lose the battle, and even more, if you don't do it before anyone else, you will surely be out of context.

So if this is the focus, then change before anyone else, and make sure that those who follow you also change at the same speed, producing innovation in every corner of your company. Know that your clients always expect the best of you so they can recognize your efforts, and they will be as demanding of you as their personal needs are. These are times of change I have no doubt about it. Either you move, or you are not in the context of your customers' preference, it's that easy.

Align your budget plans to the needs of your clients and not only thinking about their profit and growth

It is clear that companies seek growth when making their revenue budget, but is it designed based on what their customers ask of them? We must learn to budget based on the needs of our clients and not necessarily on what we intend to grow as a business. In doing so, you may not be considering some variable that will make you change course midway, and that adjustment will always come at a significant cost to your company.

Change now together with your team!

"Those who oppose facing the rapids because they are a threat, suffer more than those who consider them an opportunity to change and to face with value a global transformation in their company."

“In the business world, everyone tries to achieve the same things that others want, such as market growth, economy, good costs, quality, raw materials, etc., but the one who wins in the end is the one who gets the money. CUSTOMERS"

Ensure your satisfaction before someone else does it for you!

Jorge Arias.

The anticipation of leaders