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Communication as part of the administrative process

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What is Administrative Process?

The administrative process is basic in the administration to be able to give an order to the fulfillment of the objectives that the organization sets, in order to understand the administrative process we must first understand what a process is and what is administration.

Process: Set of the successive phases of a natural phenomenon or an artificial operation. With which it is sought to achieve the objective set each time the previously designed process is applied

Administration: Social science that pursues the satisfaction of institutional objectives through a structure and through a coordinated human effort. (Munch, 2009)

Administration as a science, technique or art is the proper use of the resources that the organization has so that through it the fulfillment of the objectives is achieved

The administrative process: It is the tool that is applied in organizations to achieve their objectives and satisfy their lucrative and social needs.

Administrative process: The set of successive phases or stages through which the administration is carried out, which are interrelated and form an integral process (Munch, 2009)

If the administrators or managers of an organization carry out their work properly through efficient and effective management, the organization is much more likely to achieve its goals; Therefore, it can be said that the performance of managers or administrators can be measured according to the degree to which they comply with the administrative process.

Phases and Stages of the Administrative Process

The current administrative process is made up of 2 phases and 4 stages, we have the mechanical or structural phase which includes planning and organization and the dynamic or operational phase that includes direction and control.

Planning: the determination of the objectives and choice of the courses of action to achieve it, based on the investigation and elaboration of a detailed scheme that will be carried out in the future. And it is composed of:

  • GoalsPurposesBudgetsPoliciesStrategies

Organization: The establishment of the necessary structure for the rational systematization of resources, through the determination of hierarchies, arrangement, correlation and grouping of activities, in order to be able to carry out and simplify the functions of the social group. And it is composed of:

  • Departmentalization Hierarchy Division of work

Direction: the execution of plans in accordance with the organizational structure by guiding the efforts of the social group through motivation, communication and supervision. And it is composed of

  • Resource integration Decision making Leadership motivation Communication Supervision

Control: The evaluation and measurement of the execution of the plans, in order to detect and anticipate deviations, to establish the necessary corrective measures. Is composed of

  • Standard setting Measurement Correction feedback

Communication as a function of the administrative process.

Communication is important within organizations because we need all staff to be informed of certain activities and for this reason organizational communication can be approached as a social process, as a discipline or as the set of techniques and skills that allow the staff communicate effectively.

Communication in organizations goes beyond the fact as we traditionally know it as the sender of the message and the receiver. We know that for communication to exist there must be feedback.

Organizational communication can be used as a work tool that allows the birth of information in organizations to relate the needs and interests of it with that of its staff and with society.

You have probably discovered the relationship between communication and employee satisfaction: the less uncertainty, the greater the satisfaction. Distortions, ambiguities, and inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages increase uncertainty and reduce satisfaction (Robbins & Judge, 2013)

Organizational communication: Perfect communication is unaffordable. However, there is a positive relationship between effective communication and work productivity. Therefore, choosing the correct channel, using feedback, and having good listening skills improve the effectiveness of communication. (Robbins & Judge, 2013)

Communication in the organization has a formal network

  • It controls the behavior of the members It fosters motivation It facilitates decision-making It is a means to satisfy social needs

Informal communication

It arises spontaneously among the members of the company, due to the need to communicate, the exchange of information is sought for the purpose of socialization tends to rumors and They are responses to situations that matter to us. It usually occurs in situations that generate uncertainty.

Organizational Communication has two branches or functions.

Informational function

Answer questions like Where are we going? What are we pursuing? What are we doing? What are we doing? Vision and Mission of the organization.

Create organizational culture: commitment, identity, common effort., Involve staff, be part of a common project. Let them feel that they are part of the organization, that is organizational identity. Although it is true that there are confidentialities, everyone can find out about the primary plans, without entering into privacy. Sometimes, the external public finds out about the new projects of our company, and the members of this company have not found out about these projects. This damages the corporate image and the organizational climate.

Operational function

Related to institutional management and administration, work, planning and organizational projection. Orders or provisions, training, instructions, and procedure manuals to perform functions. (planning and organization)

Organizational communication has as a key competence a set of behaviors that express psychosocial abilities that a person develops in the exercise, task or function. Organizational communication improves leadership. Teamwork and greatly favors conflict management. (Direction and control)

The company establishes the communication channels. It is used to transmit orders and instructions

Reasons why communication is important as part of an administrative process

  • It is a process by which the company or institution speaks with its internal and external audiences. It seeks a positive image and a favorable organizational climate for all members of the organization. It is a system in which information about the work is managed, transmitted and received, the being and the duty of the institution Organizational communication occurs in a complex and open system that is influenced and influences the environment Organizational communication involves messages, their flow, their purpose, their direction and the medium used Communication Organizational, involves people, their attitudes, their feelings, their relationships and skills.Organizational communication is the flow of messages within a network of interdependent relationships Communication flows in an organization occur through networks Formal Networks: follow the path traced by the relationship of the roles defined in the organization Informal Networks: arise within the organization, without planning and outside the official channels

With these points it is possible to analyze how communication is present in each of the parts of the administrative process.


Galindo, LM (2009). Administration Fundamentals. Mexico: Trillas.

Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (2013). Organizational behavior. Mexico DF: Pearson Education.

Communication as part of the administrative process