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Consulting in the franchise sector


The world of Consulting in Spain is being an attractive sector for new generations of university students, I have been checking it for more than two decades in my frequent seminars and conferences by more than twenty Spanish universities, in which "achucho" quite to the immediate Social Security contributors so that they may seek life in a brave way through the field of self-employment. In other words, the self-service of work occupation.

"Look for life" is the old motto of my interventions, along with my presentation pet, which is a cheetah cub, very handsome indeed, wanting to jump into the jungle and earn a living. I became an independent consultant already somewhat mature, but it is the youth who must risk the most in this field for which there are many possibilities and, as I usually tell you in my seminars on "Business Motivation", there are still many "treasures" to discover, because the market never ends, it always increases and it always changes. You have to eat the coconut every day, observe and improve, as a base step for stable self-employment. That is also where the world of the Franchise or, better said, that of the "Franchisees", who are also entrepreneurs.The Franchise in a sector with which I had the pleasure of meeting at the beginning of the previous decade. For me he was a great stranger, and whose expansion reached Spain with some delay compared to the rest of Europe. We could not escape the fashion that the philosophy of creating companies and businesses supposed by this method, both in the aspect of consolidated companies that found in the franchise a rapid method of expansion (franchisors), and in the other aspect of new entrepreneurs. (Franchisees), who found in the concept an easy approach to different types of business, already experienced and contrasted, something that in theory should be, although not always, unfortunately.We could not escape the fashion that the philosophy of creating companies and businesses supposed by this method, both in the aspect of consolidated companies that found in the franchise a rapid method of expansion (franchisors), and in the other aspect of new entrepreneurs. (Franchisees), who found in the concept an easy approach to different types of business, already experienced and contrasted, something that in theory should be, although not always, unfortunately.We could not escape the fashion that the philosophy of creating companies and businesses supposed by this method, both in the aspect of consolidated companies that found in the franchise a rapid method of expansion (franchisors), and in the other aspect of new entrepreneurs. (Franchisees), who found in the concept an easy approach to different types of business, already experienced and contrasted, something that in theory should be, although not always, unfortunately.that they found in the concept an easy approach to different types of business, already experienced and contrasted, which in theory should be so, although not always, unfortunately.that they found in the concept an easy approach to different types of business, already experienced and contrasted, which in theory should be so, although not always, unfortunately.

In this sectoral explosion that began in Spain in the 1990s, a plethora of opportunists emerged - as always happens - who, based on the philosophy of rapid expansion at any price, began to develop cheap brand names and discover the charms of business wonderful, attractive in appearance and dressed in a thousand colors but with a dangerous internal blackness. And in this universe of new businesses, the luminous figure of the Franchise Consultant emerges from its shadows, who, coming from the professional sector of Management Consulting, applied the franchise organizational methodology to his client companies, a concept that supposes a response from small local trade, weak and solitary almost always, towards an economy of scale to be able to face the brutal competition of the great monsters of distribution.For ethical reasons and following professional deontology, a Company Consultant can never mix his method application and advisory activities with other executive activities of the client company. Management Consultants have been earning a living for a basic virtue of our profession: objectivity in the board, which implies objectivity in the analysis, objectivity in the widest sense of the word, without external or internal influences that restrict our independence. professional. It is what our entrepreneur-client always wants, thanks and pays, so that we have that "staff" role in their organization, never in a hierarchical line, therefore advising but never executing.A Company Consultant can never mix his method application and advisory activities with other executive activities of the client company. Management Consultants have been earning a living for a basic virtue of our profession: objectivity in the board, which implies objectivity in the analysis, objectivity in the broadest sense of the word, without external or internal influences that restrict our independence. professional. It is what our entrepreneur-client always wants, thanks and pays, so that we have that "staff" role in their organization, never in a hierarchical line, therefore advising but never executing.A Company Consultant can never mix his method application and advisory activities with other executive activities of the client company. Management Consultants have been earning a living for a basic virtue of our profession: objectivity in the board, which implies objectivity in the analysis, objectivity in the widest sense of the word, without external or internal influences that restrict our independence. professional. It is what our entrepreneur-client always wants, thanks and pays, so that we have that "staff" role in their organization, never in a hierarchical line, therefore advising but never executing.the objectivity in the council, which implies objectivity in the analysis, objectivity in the broadest sense of the word, without external or internal influences that restrict our professional independence. It is what our entrepreneur-client always wants, thanks and pays, so that we have that "staff" role in their organization, never in a hierarchical line, therefore advising but never executing.the objectivity in the council, which implies objectivity in the analysis, objectivity in the broadest sense of the word, without external or internal influences that restrict our professional independence. It is what our entrepreneur-client always wants, thanks and pays, so that we have that "staff" role in their organization, never in a hierarchical line, therefore advising but never executing.

The Franchise Consultants - I have had direct contact and relationship with the best known and renowned consultants in the sector - take on responsibilities of market expansion that would be inherent to the executives of their client-companies. And for this reason, they offer candidacies of new Franchisees to the Franchisor, for which they receive millionaire amounts - a high percentage of the entrance fee in the network, which the Franchisee normally pays to the ensign - meddling in a field of subjectivity very dangerous for candidates presenting. Beginning Franchisors in the sector are always elements of caution for new Franchisees. The Franchisor's lack of experience and resources, coupled sometimes with a wild desire for growth, leads many Franchisees in good faith to immediate ruin.Of the thousand approximate ensigns that appear in the Franchise Guides that some of the most renowned Consultants edit, only a third can be reliable. Many publish non-viable brands, but have paid the advertising toll for the publications of the consulting entity, either in the aforementioned Guide, in their own magazine, or on their website. Of shame. The Spanish Association for the Defense of the Franchisee (AEDEF) arose in its day as a necessary response to the Spanish Association of Franchisors (AEF), which passively contemplates, we would say that even with some complacency, the flawed and double personality of the almost complete majority of consulting companies in the sector. Notice to surfers (future or potential franchisees):do not trust the recommendations of many Consultants about taking this or that Franchise; Use yourselves, go to the Chambers of Commerce or other reliable organizations, inform yourself appropriately and punctually of their brands or brands, make sure of their sectorial experience, consult with the other franchisees already established in the market, because the Franchise Consultant (That is how he dresses but that is not really, but reconverted to a seller as a percentage of his brand-client) will not tell you, possibly, what brand or franchisor brand that best suits your wishes and pocket, but the suitable for his pocket. I think any future franchisee already understands me. Hopefully one day this will change.Inform yourself appropriately and punctually of their brands or candidate brands, make sure of their sectorial experience, consult with the other franchisees already established in the market, because the Franchise Consultant (who dresses like this but who is not such, really, but converted to seller a percentage of your brand-client) will not tell you, possibly, what is the brand or franchisor brand that best suits your wishes and pocket, but the one suitable for your pocket. I think any future franchisee already understands me. Hopefully one day this will change.Inform yourself appropriately and punctually of their brands or candidate brands, make sure of their sectorial experience, consult with the other franchisees already established in the market, because the Franchise Consultant (who dresses like this but who is not such, really, but converted to seller a percentage of your brand-client) will not tell you, possibly, what is the brand or franchisor brand that best suits your wishes and pocket, but the one suitable for your pocket. I think any future franchisee already understands me. Hopefully one day this will change.but converted to a seller as a percentage of your brand-client) will not tell you, possibly, what is the brand or franchisor brand that best suits your wishes and pocket, but the one suitable for his pocket. I think any future franchisee already understands me. Hopefully one day this will change.but converted to a seller as a percentage of your brand-client) will not tell you, possibly, what is the brand or franchisor brand that best suits your wishes and pocket, but the one suitable for his pocket. I think any future franchisee already understands me. Hopefully one day this will change.

Consulting in the franchise sector