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Culture in the world and in the organization

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Culture represents the identity of a social group, it is characterized by its behaviors and customs, each cultural society defines its own symbolic elements so that its members can interact, communicate and understand each other, these elements can be language, beliefs, traditions, among others.. The evolution of culture goes hand in hand with the history of man, therefore the first signs of culture are given from the beginning of the first civilizations. Around the world there are different cultural societies, therefore it is considered that there is a wide cultural diversity, its positive and harmonious interaction within the same geographical area is called multiculturalism, and on the other hand the use of cultural diversity as personal advantage is considered interculturality.Finally in an organization the culture is one that gives identity to the company and is based on its values, beliefs, philosophies and policies, previously a company focused only on satisfying the personal interests of the owners, however today culture of an organization promotes the well-being and participation of its human capital.

Keywords: Culture, human being, company.


The word culture, is derived from the word cultivation, this term refers to the activities that are carried out in the field, that is, it is the work that is done on the land to be able to extract fruits. The concept of culture that refers to field work had a transformation over time. It was not until the seventeenth century when Europe began to be used as it is known today, at that time a cultured man was one who was dedicated to study, and therefore had knowledge, that is, he cultivated his intelligence. If the term culture is applied to humanity as a whole, it can be considered that this is the set of actions that the human being has developed over the years. The culture in the organization consists of the identity that it has,and which is structured based on the values ​​of the company, in other words it refers to how it does things.




There are several ways to define culture, below we will see some:

"Culture is defined as the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret their experience and generate behaviors." Spradley and McCurdy (1975).

"Everything a person needs to act properly within a social group." Collingwood.

However, neither of these two definitions mentions the tools, which are generated by the populations and therefore are part of their culture.

Then it can be concluded that culture is composed of three main elements that are: knowledge, behaviors and tools.

Characteristics of culture

  • It consists of a symbolic code, that is to say that the members of the group share the same symbols as the language, since this way they can communicate effectively. It is considered an arbitration system, since there are no rules for its structuring, so Each culture can build its own code of behavior. It is transmitted through learning, therefore it is not acquired genetically, it is taught from generation to generation. It is shared. In order to coexist, it is necessary that all members have the same cultural patterns. It is constituted in an integrated system. Each member and element of the culture is interrelated and therefore has some effect on the other elements that compose it and can be easily adapted. It is constantly changing, therefore it must be flexible to new changes.Acquire continuity through the integration of new individuals.

Importance of culture.

The importance of culture goes hand in hand with the social skills of the human being, Since in cultural groups there is an interaction between people, and the features of their culture are what allow effective communication. On the other hand, culture has two faces, the one that turns towards the past, that is, towards what has already happened to take the experience, and the one that keeps looking towards the future, that is, the world that one wants to build. It encompasses almost all the activities that human beings carry out, therefore, it influences the way in which they express themselves, create their environment, define their identity and the way they communicate.

Evolution of culture.

Because the process of cultural evolution consists of some adaptations to permanent changes, as well as rapid, it represents a complex and difficult process, Throughout history, taking into account from the records of the first symbolic manifestations of Palaeolithic art, sedentarism, the revolution of the Neolithic period, the first stable populations and social organizations, have fought for the ideas that represent the central nucleus of cultural evolution. Human beings defend their ideas because social interaction demands it.

To get to know the cultural heritage in depth, it is necessary to know a little history, therefore a chronology can be made as follows:

The prehistory or stone age, in the paleolithic period, was characterized by the invention of stone-based tools and weapons, they were made based on their ingenuity, the first social groupings, and the first forms of society, these factors were originated by the survival instinct, since the individual human being was incapable of facing the hostile environment that surrounded him, hunting and gathering were developed.

Later, in the era of the Cro-Magnon approximately 50,000 years ago, the human being artist was discovered, by demonstrating a delicate sensitivity, when he sculpted and especially when he painted.

Later, even in the Paleolithic period, the primitive human being developed a religious belief, in which he worshiped the natural objects that surrounded him such as the sun, some animals or even plants.

This caused the first sacred ceremonies to be given, as well as the rites and therefore the sacrifices and later he even adopted the ideology of a supreme being.

In the Neolithic period, when the glaciation was reduced, man developed agriculture thanks to the fertile soil, livestock also began that provided man with meat, skins, bones and milk.

In this period the religious devotion of the human being was oriented towards the stars. Ceramic is born

Later he began to build shelters, which would allow a social and religious commemoration.

The dispersal of the races occurred after the fourth glacier and gave rise to 4 main races, which were divided and located in characteristic points of the world, these races are:

  • Australoid: They are the pygmies of west-central Africa and primitive Australia. Mongoloid: They dispersed in the central part of Asia. Negroid: It was located in Europe. White or Caucasoid. Coming from Asia and dispersed in Europe.

Later, weapons and utensils were built with different materials, so each stage was called with said material, such as the age of copper, bronze and finally the age of iron. Writing was given way.

The different civilizations that were located after the dispersion of the races, developed their own utensils and tools according to their resources, for their survival they carried out activities such as hunting, gathering wild fruits, fishing, domestication of animals, main civilizations that made contributions to the world today are:

  • Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Phoenician, Aegean, Maya and Aztec, Ancient India, Ancient China, Hebrew, Ancient Persian, Greek, Roman.

The Middle Ages were characterized by monarchies, where the king was the high command that governed the subjects, feudalism and chivalry were born, and noble titles.

Taking a leap in history, the industrial revolution was characterized by the incorporation of new inventions into society, such as the steam engine that promoted industrial growth and economies.

Today globalization marked new changes in different cultures through the elimination of some territorial borders, this phenomenon has also caused rural areas to become urban, it has brought with it a growth in the consumption of goods, whether cultural or media. Communication.

Cultural diversity

It refers to the multiplicity of ways in which a culture can be expressed, they are transmitted within groups and their members, as well as different societies. Cultural diversity is manifested through artistic creation, production, dissemination, distribution of different cultural expressions. When talking about cultural diversity, mention can be made of the relationship it has with multiculturalism, since this refers to the affirmation that different cultures can coexist and interact in the same geographical space despite their cultural, linguistic and religious differences.

On the other hand, there is interculturality that consists of taking advantage of human diversity as an opportunity for enrichment and change.

Culture in the organization

It consists of the set of values, philosophies, commitments and beliefs that a company has, so that the staff understand and commit to working with these aspects, these must be promoted mainly by the senior managers.

It is considered a way of giving style and identity to an organization. It is a set of symbols that guide how the company feels, acts and thinks.

Characteristics of an organizational culture

  • It cannot be modified by decree Members do not perceive changes in it Members of the organization are not able to see it It is reflected in the interaction with an external party It is constantly changing.

Ways to express organizational culture

  • Activities carried out together, such as meetings, celebrations, ceremonies, etc. Communication, which refers to language, sayings, stories, communications, etc. Feelings they share, which includes the commitment of the organization, safety at work, loyalty, job satisfaction Shared things, related to the workplace.

Customer-oriented culture

A culture that is oriented towards customer satisfaction has the following characteristics:

  • Rigid rules and / or norms are limited. Empowerment is promoted so that the worker can decide. Duties are clearly defined. Employees are good listeners, as well as being cordial and social.

Business culture today

Previously, an organization focused solely on making profits without caring about the influence of the internal and external environment, so today, culture allows taking into account aspects such as:

  • A certain period of time is established to seek new proposals and ideas Employees are allowed to have confidence, freedom and participation A constructive and critical character is promoted Conflicts are not resolved based on personal interest, but on those of the company.


Culture represents a fundamental part of sociocultural identity, since it is through this that a person defines their behavior, their way of thinking and their way of communicating, it is then the factor that defines the characteristics of a group of people, With respect to other groups, it is important for an individual to have well-established values ​​and norms of performance of their culture, so that despite their interaction with other people, they are not damaged or diluted. On the other hand, in an organization establishing a defined culture gives identity to the company, thus defining the way of acting of all its members so that they can work in a systematic, integrated and harmonious way, under a set of values ​​and standards of behavior,that allow the organization to achieve the objectives of the company from the business point of view, in order to acquire a benefit for all who make it up, and not only to satisfy personal interests.


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Culture in the world and in the organization