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The management of business communication

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Another look at the direction of business communication

Communication Direction. DIRCOM. The need for organizations to have a device that manages communication, over the years, has become more latent; then the DIRCOM arises, as another of the areas that make up the internal structure of a company.

1. Fundamental tools

“The responsibilities of the communications manager begin with understanding the operation and culture of the company. And for understanding the corporate project, the strategic plan, to participate in it and make it communicable. One of the objectives of communications management is to achieve and implement a single voice, a single image and a single discourse in the diversity and continuity of the company.

Public Relations and Advertising are essential tools that make up the DIRCOM, in addition to other disciplines that converge within this area in any organization. Through this business device, the internal communication functions of the organization are combined, in order to achieve a single image and the same line to be followed by the workforce. In the Cuban case, the DIRCOM is called the Communication Group, or Business, Institutional Communication Management Group, etc., it has several meanings, but finally the functions they perform are the same, or at least all directed by the line of management of all communication processes within the organization.

2. Communication Group

He is in charge of designing policies, planning actions and objectives, outlining the use of the message, communication channels, ways to get feedback on all the processes that occur and are developed in the entity and in areas related to it.

3. Functions

3.1. According to Fernando Martín

  • Carry out all kinds of activities that are delegated directly by the Presidency or the General Director Direct the integration and empowerment of the employees belonging to the Cabinet (Communication, Audiovisual Media and Advertising), in terms of communication resources, motivation and delegation of functions.Propose to the Presidency or General Management, and consequently to the Personnel Directorate, all kinds of: promotions, transfers, awards, appropriate sanctions. Communicate to the Personnel Director, the training needs detected in its employees. Monitor compliance with the rules of discipline, assistance by adopting the measures derived from it, channeling to the Presidency or General Directorate the personnel matters that require it due to their severity or importance, granting leave to its employees,in accordance with the established rules, as well as direct and control their vacation cadres.

This approach of Fernando Martín focuses on the functions of a dependent Communication Group or with similar performances to the personnel departments, or Human Resources in the case of Cuba. These functions are not based on the operation of integrated communication within the organization, but rather limit the development of external communication actions, essential for the satisfactory evolution of any entity.

3.2. According to Joan Costa

  • Understand the business project and strategic plan to extract from it the elements that have to configure the Corporate Image, and to develop with them - and with other internal and external functions that must be sought - the Image Model that will suit the company, exploiting its strong and differential values. Contribute to the definition of the Organizational Culture and the internal communication system necessary to convey and develop that culture. Interpret the institutional policy and turn it into a strategy that will be simultaneously executed and effectively communicated. The communication director must design the Communication Strategy, depending on the Culture, the Corporate Identity and the Image model. He will be an advisor to the top executive when he must assume as such the irreplaceable role of spokesperson for the institution,Interlocutor between the company and opinion leaders and with other institutions.He must involve the main managers in understanding the global objectives of the company, listen to them and motivate them in their participation. The ultimate objective of this task is to avoid exercising controls and censorship, and on the contrary, to stimulate creativity within the defined strategy. You will have to execute the Strategic Communication Plan that you previously designed, and exercise its supervision and control. You will be the Guardian. of the Corporate Image. The lawyer of the public within the company, (and the ally of the company before strategic audiences).listen to them and motivate them to participate. The ultimate objective of this task is to avoid exercising controls and censorship, and on the contrary, to stimulate creativity within the defined strategy. You will have to execute the Strategic Communication Plan that you previously designed, and exercise its supervision and control. You will be the Guardian. of the Corporate Image. The lawyer of the public within the company, (and the ally of the company before strategic audiences).listen to them and motivate them to participate. The ultimate objective of this task is to avoid exercising controls and censorship, and on the contrary, to stimulate creativity within the defined strategy. You will have to execute the Strategic Communication Plan that you previously designed, and exercise its supervision and control. You will be the Guardian. of the Corporate Image. The lawyer of the public within the company, (and the ally of the company before strategic audiences).(and the ally of the company before strategic audiences).(and the ally of the company before strategic audiences).

4. Importance

For the internal communication processes of an organization to be truly effective, a study must be carried out that prescribes what are the functions of communication in the company and what is the state of the communication processes that take place in it. This study is drawn up taking into account the proposed objectives, where the line to be followed is evident, from the planning of communication channels and routes, to the consolidation of the Business Culture. Actions must be continuously planned, compiled in communication strategies or plans, with their respective evaluations of the fulfillment of the established goals.


  1. Costa, Joan. Corporate Image of the 19th century


  • Costa, Joan. Corporate Image of the XIX Century. La Crujía Editions. Tucuman, Argentina. 2001. Trelles, Irene. Organizational Communication. (Selection of readings). Editorial Félix Varela, Havana, 2004.
The management of business communication