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Management within business administration

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To begin with this broad topic we have to know the meaning of direction, it is the application of knowledge in decision making; For the discussion of this role, it is necessary to know what the behavior of people is like, as an individual and as a group. Appropriately to achieve the objectives of an organization.

The most important responsibility of the administrator is decision making. It is often said that decisions are the engine of business and indeed the proper selection of alternatives largely depends on the success of any organization.

When it comes to administrative management, many will believe that it is easy to master, but in reality it involves a great effort and steps that must be followed to achieve it.

For many years a simple question has managed to awaken extensive research on leadership "Are leaders born or are they made?"

The Management will be efficient as soon as it is directed towards the achievement of the general objectives of the company, and these can only be achieved if the subordinates are interested in them, which will be facilitated if their individual objectives are satisfied when achieving the goals of the organization and if they are not opposed to their self-realization.

The direction


It implements all the guidelines established during planning and organization.

Through it, the most desirable forms of behavior are achieved in the members of the organizational structure.

Efficient management is decisive in the morale of the employees and, consequently, in productivity.

Its quality is reflected in the achievement of the objectives, the implemented organizational methods, and the effectiveness of the control systems.

Through it, the necessary communication is established for the organization to function.


It is the willingness to use high levels of effort to achieve the goals of the organization on the condition that the capacity of the effort satisfies some individual need.

Motivation is the most important task of the management, as well as the most complex, because through it the execution of the work is achieved aimed at obtaining the objectives, in accordance with the expected standards or patterns. There are multiple theories that exist in relation to motivation, but they can all be grouped into two major trends:

  • Content theories. Learning theories From the external approach.

Both types of theories have been of great importance in explaining organizational behavior, since through them the reason why employees are productive, or what drives their behavior, is described, while providing valuable data to improve such behavior.

Management styles

Autocratic Style:

The boss imposes the rules and his criteria, without consulting his subordinates. It is the boss who designs, plans and assigns the work. The degree of authority is very high and often creates tense work environments.

Paternalistic Style:

Establishes a protective attitude towards subordinates, taking an interest in their problems.

However, it is the boss who makes the decisions and exercises the highest authority.

Laissez faire style:

The boss does not intervene in decisions, does not motivate, does not give work instructions, leaves the employees free to act, who freely carry out their work, making their own decisions.

This type of management leads to general confusion, as the work guidelines are not defined.

Democratic Style:

The manager maintains a balance between authority (giving guidance and setting guidelines) and the freedom of the employees, who participate in decision-making.

It contributes to creating a pleasant working environment, although it is not always efficient.

Bureaucratic Style:

The organization establishes a hierarchical structure, with rules, rigid guidelines, so that everything must be developed according to them.

Institutional Style:

The manager adapts to the work situation. He is a good communicator, tolerant, with confidence in his collaborators who tries to encourage participation and knows how to reward the work done.

Appropriateness of management style to the situation

The leader must modify his way of acting according to the situation.

For example: The managerial style, when subordinates have little ability to perform the task. Another is the achievement-oriented style, when subordinates show great ability to perform a task, in addition the maturity of the subordinates is the variable that defines the situation.

Leadership and direction

Leadership is the ability to coordinate a group and motivate it to achieve the objectives of the organization, the leader, the group and the group members.

Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward common goals. It is understood as the ability to take the initiative, manage, convene, promote, encourage, motivate and evaluate a group or team.

"Leadership is something innate: you are born a leader." Traits, personality, physical or intellectual characteristics, distinguish leaders from those who are not.

One of the issues that most worries executives and senior management is finding suitable personnel capable of managing their companies. Finding reliable people who have good management of administrative structures is quite complicated.

A good administrator must provide the shareholders of the company with full security of organizational knowledge and of how to develop financial management aimed at making decisions that lead to the optimal generation of wealth for the company.

Faced with financial administration and its management, the person in charge must provide all the tools to carry out the fundamental operations of the company against control, in investments, in the effectiveness in the management of resources, in the achievement of new sources of financing, in maintain operational and administrative effectiveness and efficiency, in the reliability of financial information, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but above all in decision-making

The direction: It is the application of knowledge in decision making; For the discussion of this role, it is necessary to know what the behavior of people is like, as an individual and as a group. Appropriately to achieve the objectives of an organization.


Communication is the process by which the sender and receiver establish a connection at a given time and space to transmit, exchange or share ideas, information or meanings that are understandable to both.

Communication is fundamental for the human being, since through it it manages to establish interpersonal relationships, which are the basis of the proper functioning of an organization.


To conclude this topic, a symbolic part that an administrator must know is the management styles since these are not eligible or to the taste of each person, since they correspond to the nature of the character and temperament of the people, on the other hand, People who hold directive or managerial positions must also adapt according to the direction they wish to achieve, that is, they must adapt according to the character of their subordinates, this is where their leadership power comes in.

Another important point "communication" is fundamental for management, it is a tool that contains a number of factors that must be taken into account when selecting and implementing a communication system within an organization, strengthening relationships with Employees, likewise, managers must be an effective communication entity, practicing active listening and empathy to achieve a greater and better focus on the needs of employees and the organization itself, making effective use of this information by creating the adequate synergy to achieve the company's objectives.

Management within business administration