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The direction in administration and its background

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Address Summary

It is the process of taking steps to carry out collective activities towards a common purpose towards the desired directions, applying organizational resources and interpreting the plans that will be developed with human capital. What makes it up: Of the harmony of the objective or coordination of interests, impersonality of command, of direct supervision, of the hierarchical path, of the resolution of the conflict and the use of the conflict if these points are carried out in the companies management This will be very productive, but they well know they have different approaches such as the authoritarian or autocratic model that is rigid and participatory that is more autocratic, such as organizations with a formal and informal structure, which are the ones currently used that are similar to the decentralization.


Management plays a very important role in companies, the correct development of activities depends on it, to lead to an explicit explanation of what it is, we have to start with the administration, which has the following points, planning, organization, direction and control, which are all the processes that any type of company has to take for its growth and development. And to know that it is in itself, it is the process of guiding the activities for its application, that it is based on the harmony of the objective or coordination of interests, impersonality of command, direct supervision, the hierarchical path, the resolution of the conflict and taking advantage of the conflict, all this is carried out for the continuous improvement of the actions and decisions that will be carried out.Similarly, there are managerial levels such as senior, intermediate and operational management. But not all organizations handle it the same way, there are other forms such as centralization or decentralization. Although at present more participatory methods are used since the mandate of responsibilities is carried out correctly and with this they reach a high level of motivation.


To start talking about the management process we have to know how the administration arises since it follows from there, we will know some concepts of well-known authors such as:

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) founder of scientific management, in discipline, devotion to work and saving.

In Frederick Winslow everything was very formal, it had to be followed to the letter to achieve maximum productivity of the company, making less possible expenses.

To have a good administration, it is necessary to maintain a combination of human talent, with the materials and technology that the company has to achieve these objectives and goals.

"Once the social group is constituted, it is about making it work: such is the mission of the management, which consists for each boss in obtaining the maximum possible results from the elements that make up his unit, in the interests of the company." (Fayol)

Having the mission we must work on it to achieve the interests of the company.

"In a set they make up the administrative process: The planning, organization, direction and control considered separately, constitute the administrative functions that when seen as a whole to achieve the objectives, make up the management process" (Chiavenato, 2005)

The direction is part of the administrative process because it involves other stages such as planning, organization and later control.


What is direction?

It is the process of taking steps to carry out collective activities towards a common purpose towards the desired directions, applying organizational resources and interpreting the plans that will be developed with human capital.

As it also implies the systematic development of this function, it requires a continuous response to changes in the business environment, which is called strategic direction, and requires establishing business policies for planning, organization, management and control.

What is it based on?

Of the harmony of the objective or coordination of interests: For the direction to be efficient as effective it has to be based on achieving the general objectives of the company.

Impersonality of command: It is the authority that arises as a necessity of the organization to obtain results.

Of direct supervision: it is one that is given to subordinates, as monitoring of how they carry out activities for the development of planning.

Of the hierarchical route: it is the communication that is had according to the levels of the organization chart of the companies in order not to omit any communication that is given to the personnel through supervisors to managers.

Conflict resolution: here we show how we should solve problems that may appear in the execution of planning.

Taking advantage of the conflict:

  • ExperienceExperimentResearchApply the Decision

There are different management levels in the Management:

  • Senior management: general manager and managers, who develop the long-term plans of the company Middle management: executives (immediate bosses, supervisors) who deal with specific issues to carry out general plans Operational management: supervisors and employees of production, assign workers to different tasks and monitor, evaluate results daily.

As we well know, not all companies handle management in the same way, so there are other ways such as centralization or decentralization in decision-making:

Authoritarian or autocratic model: it is carried out with centralized management (administrators, managers, supervisors) who communicate to the rest what they have to do.

This model is carried out by managers who send orders to their subordinates, this can be effective for emergency situations or changes in the environment, but there are certain complications since workers do not put effort into their activities but try to receive orders before taking any action. decision.

Participatory model: there is a decentralization of authority and responsibility is transmitted to the different levels.

In this model they can participate from subordinates to the highest commands, in which the role of managers coordinates and motivates staff to perform their activities satisfactorily and recognize human talent.

In general, there is no organization that is completely centralized or decentralized, but there are intermediate situations.


Modern and innovative companies use more participatory models since the mandate of responsibilities is carried out correctly, reaching a high level of motivation, which turns into commitment and satisfaction with the performance of the activities to be carried out, which increase creativity and innovation. Similarly, it improves cooperation between workers and the work environment. All this can translate into increases in productivity and, therefore, in better results.

Informal and formal organization

To understand the operation of the company, the leader must know perfectly both.

  • The formal structure: This structure that makes the company work due to its hierarchical levels of authority in the distribution of tasks, responsibilities, such as communication from the highest level to the lowest Informal organization: This structure is carried out spontaneously since it does not matter so much the hierarchical level since everyone participates, the advantage of this achieves that the performance of the personnel is effective as they efficiently achieve the satisfactory development of the company.


As we can see, the direction has evolved over time, becoming more enriching, because before it was very rigid, they did not take into account human capital, if not as a resource almost like a machine, but after the industrial revolution and the contributions Of the authors already mentioned as some others, the management takes several directions, there is the informal and the formal, where they already treat human capital better, where some decentralized companies take into account the opinion of the staff from the lowest to the most High for making decisions that have been very assertive since thanks to that they have been able to grow and develop, increasing the profitability of the same, as well as motivating and encouraging the work performance of workers and these in turn give their best in their tasks to be done.


  • Chiavenato. (2005). Introduction to the general theory of administration. Colombia: GRAW HILL. Chiavenato, I. (2005). Administration in the new times. Bogotá, Colombia: MC.Fayol, H. (sf). MCLARNEY, WJ (sf). Prisma, E. (sf). www.elprisma.com/apuntes/administracion_de_empresas/direccion/.Taylor, FW (1856-1915). Administration process.
The direction in administration and its background