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Discipline as a key point of success in an organization

Table of contents:



This essay aims to analyze the importance of discipline in every company, how it influences processes, how to implement it in the day-to-day operation and how to involve all human capital. The intention is to review some of the most practical methods and to know how harmonious success or failure in the company depends on this.

In the same way, it is important to emphasize the intervention of the entrepreneur when implementing a discipline system, because as is well known, the leadership of this individual will be reflected in the management of the company and in the course that the company is taking with the system of discipline. Hoping that the essay will please the reader, clear and precise language will be used.


The purpose of this article is to carry out a study on discipline in an organization and how it affects the processes and services it provides. Well, we are convinced that discipline is the way to obtain the best benefits. Proof of this are the Japanese, who were able to rebuild their country after the Second World War, which was literally destroyed. In addition, the Japanese are recognized for their punctuality, dynamism, perseverance, perseverance, etc. Essential elements in discipline, that is why in this writing we will base ourselves on the Japanese and their way of applying discipline. Yokoi kenji Díaz, a Colombian speaker and entrepreneur of Japanese origin, affirms "discipline sooner or later beats intelligence." (kenji, 2010).For many this has been the secret for Japan to be the power it is now.

II.- Background

We will begin this essay by defining the concept of discipline according to different authors. “Discipline is the set of strategies that are designed to be able to integrate both socialization and learning into a behavioral model as well as what arises throughout it” (Goñi, 1996). "Set of rules of behavior to maintain order and subordination among the members of a body or a community in a profession" (southern, 2007). In the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language we find the following: Discipline: From lat. (discipline). "one. F. Doctrine, instruction of a person, especially in the moral." "two. F. Art, college or science ”“ 3. F. Especially in the military and in the secular and regular ecclesiastical states, observance of the laws and regulations of the profession or institute.”(Royal Spanish Academy, 2010).

Based on these definitions we can deduce that discipline is doing what I have to do, when I have to do it, whether I want to or not, and believe that what I am doing has a reason for being. The Japanese believed it that way, and that was a very important motto to be able to rebuild their country after the second war. Because if it weren't for discipline, Japan would probably not be an economic power and a pioneer in technology again. The history of the Japanese and their imposing authors about quality and discipline, from General Sun Tzu to Ishikawa all are examples to follow in the subject of the essay.However, we must define organizational discipline as the set of actions aimed at achieving the application of the code of conduct aimed at achieving compliance with the company's code of conduct by all its members. The purpose of disciplinary actions is to ensure that the behavior and performance of workers is in accordance with the company's behavioral guidelines.

III.- Development

On some occasions, it happens that both in the personal sphere and in the workplace we set objectives without foundations, without solid foundations that allow us to successfully complete, always wanting to obtain the best results without any effort or investment on our part and like each one of us, Companies want to obtain the best results, but it is not enough to want, but to do and have that perseverance that leads us to discipline, to have the desired results and to stay on the path, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta refers in her famous phrase: "Discipline is man's best friend, because it leads him to realize the deepest longings of his heart."

In this work environment full of uncertainty, where Competition is the main threat; Good teamwork is of vital importance, which together with discipline lead companies to success, as mentioned by Mr. Henry Ford “We demand that our men do what they are told. Our organization is so specialized and all its parts depend on each other in such a way that it is impossible to think of letting our workers do what they want. Without the most rigorous discipline we would reach the most extreme confusion ”. If we want to be successful as this North American genius of the Automotive Industry was, we must start thinking differently,in generating a mentality of "business partner" of the Company for which we work and why not. Probably even dreaming of having our own company because who does not want to be their own boss. Nothing is easy despite the fact that it is our maximum dream but with discipline and effort, your wishes are the reward.

Discipline is what everyone should know, it is important that in companies we teach our people to achieve the objectives, that the processes are defined in such a way that we can ensure their compliance and follow-up, that each of the employees follow the instructions without leaving anything to one's own perception as Mr. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel rightly says in his statement: "Man is what he should be, through education, through discipline." In the world of work we find people of all kinds, who probably do not have sufficient academic preparation, which is very common in Mexico for another reason or circumstance but with the best attitude and discipline to whom it is only necessary to give an opportunity to demonstrate their learning capacity, of growth,But there are also (at all levels) those who have gone to the best universities, but without any intention of disciplining themselves or adhering to the guidelines of the Company to which they should deliver their best performance, however each one is and lives depending on what you want to do and the result you want to achieve.

For the Japanese, discipline was necessary in all areas of the company, for which they used the 5 s, which are explained below:

The 5S is a methodology for the establishment and maintenance of a well-organized, orderly and clean workplace, in order to improve the conditions of safety, quality at work and in daily life. It is made up of five Japanese words that begin with the letter "s", which summarize simple tasks that facilitate the efficient execution of work activities.

The 5S was a program developed by toyotism to achieve lasting improvements in the level of organization, order and cleanliness; in addition to increasing staff motivation.

1. Seiri (Delete). The first "S" refers to eliminating from the work section everything that is not necessary. This ordering step is excellent for optimizing workplace spaces.

2. Seiton (Order). It is the second "S" and focuses on efficient and effective storage locations. "A place for everything and everything in its place."

  • What do I need to do my job? Where do I need to have it? How many pieces of it do I need?

3. Seiso (Clean). A sense of pride in the cleanliness and orderliness of their work section will develop in workers.

This cleaning step really develops a good sense of ownership in the workers. At the same time, problems that were previously hidden by disorder and dirt begin to become evident. Thus, they realize oil, air, refrigerant leaks, contamination risks, broken elements, etc. These elements can lead to equipment failure and production losses, factors that affect the company's profits.

4. Seiketso (Standardize). When implementing the 5S's, we must focus on standardizing best practices in each section of work. Let workers participate in the development of these standards or norms. They are very valuable sources of information when it comes to their work, but they are often ignored.

5. Sitsuke (Discipline).. Discipline consists of establishing a series of norms or standards in the organization of the work section. Implementing the 5S methodology raises morale, creates positive impressions on customers, and increases organizational efficiency. Not only do workers feel better in their workplace, but the effect of continuous improvement generates less waste, as well as a better quality of products, with the ultimate goal of making the company more profitable and competitive in the market.

IV.- Conclusion

In my opinion and to end this essay, I consider that having well-defined processes and norms regarding discipline and employee behavior, provides a clear vision and broadens employees on what is expected of them, is more easy interaction at all levels and motivates a climate of trust that is reflected in the well-being of employees, a healthy work environment and consequently better quality, better profits, better results in short, a better company. For this reason, all companies must follow competency-based models to implement disciplinary measures that involve employees, since better discipline is reflected in the quality of the customer and therefore generates a better company. Hoping you have enjoyed this short essay.

V.- Bibliography

  • The Economist. (2012). the Economist. Obtained from Goñi, A. (1996). Psychology of sociopersonal education. Madrid, Spain.Kenji, Y. (Address). (2010). the myths of the Japanese..Marcano, F. (2009). cities. Recovered in 2014, of the 5 «s»: Royal Spanish Academy. (2010). Royal Spanish Academy. Obtained from http://www.rae.es/recursos/dictionary/draeSouthern, P. (March, March 2007). The Roman Army: A Social and Institutional History. At http://books.google.com/. Oxford University.
Discipline as a key point of success in an organization