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The floor plan

Table of contents:


When the term plan layout is used, it sometimes refers to the existing physical layout, other times to a layout frequently projected to the study area or to the work of making a layout plan. In this document the project of designing a plant will be developed.

To carry out the aforementioned, it will be developed what concerns about the generalities of the study. Within this they will deal with the following aspects:

The Theoretical Framework of plant distribution, in which there will be a basic frame of reference for this, the context of the industry related to the study in which the general aspects, the importance, the technological development, the industry of the product that will be contains the commercial description of the market, and the materials of the product under study, the structure of the process in which machinery, equipment and tools will be developed, the production areas, jobs, production route, continuing with safety considerations and occupational hygiene that the plant will have, and it will end with the general policies that count the annual working days and the working day, and others.

In chapter II, the following aspects will be worked on, the calculation of the machinery and equipment requirement, which will be necessary for production, as well as both direct and indirect labor, which are a fundamental part of the company.

In addition, it will develop what refers to the inventory, which influences its policy, quantifications of the order of raw materials, materials and its sales policy.

And the fundamental part of the calculation is the physical space of the plant, within which are all the areas involved in the production process as well as administrative, considering the expansion of the same in the future.

Continuing with chapter III, which frames the physical distribution of the plant, within which the determination of the equipment for the handling of materials in the plant will be taken.

Different techniques of related activities will be carried out, to the block diagram and others, in order to facilitate the construction of the layout plan.



Carry out a general study of what concerns plant distribution, with regard to the industry, its generalities and the calculation of requirements, as well as the use of activity relationship techniques to build the layout plan.


  • Carry out a bibliographic research to know the theoretical framework of plant distribution Investigate what concerns the context of the industry in El Salvador Make known the aspects of occupational safety and hygiene with the aspects that a company of this type must have. Carry out the calculation of requirements for the machinery and equipment that is a fundamental part of the company Identify the type of flow of materials that will be had in the company Carry out the physical calculation of the plant, both in the administrative and production areas Design the plan layout based on the training obtained from the activity relationships for that purpose.


The preparation of this document will be developed from the theoretical framework of plant distribution, the aspects related to the industry, which will serve for the development of the research of the product under study, in addition to knowing what refers to hygiene and safety occupational. Show what refers to the general policies of the company, machinery requirements, type of inventory and flow of materials, continuing with the calculation of spaces for the plant, projection of total spaces, continuing with the development of different techniques for the construction of the layout plan, until the location of the plant is disclosed.


In this part, it will be necessary to check if the data projected into the future was carried out in the best way, taking into account the distribution of the plant, adapting the process routes with its operations ready with all the necessary equipment. Maintenance needs, in warehouses and the plant in general, taking into account the definition of how much to produce and when to produce.A very important point that must be taken into account is the flow of materials and this is considered a determining factor for the design of the distribution All this gives us as a result that the LAYOUT system would be the most suitable for plant distribution due to the methodology used.



The organization of work areas has been developed for many years. The first layouts were developed by the man who carried out the work, or the architect who designed the building.

With the arrival of the industrial revolution, the referent thinking towards it was transformed, the owners then seeking an economic objective when studying the transformations of their factories.

By plant distribution it is understood: “The physical arrangement of the industrial elements. This arrangement, already practiced or planned, includes both the spaces necessary for the movement of materials, storage, indirect workers and all other activities or services, as well as the work team and the workshop staff "/ 1

The main objective pursued by the distribution in the plant is to find an arrangement of the work areas and the equipment that is the most economical for the work, at the same time as the safest and most satisfactory for the employees. In addition, for this the following objectives are had.

Reduction of risk to health and increased safety of workers

  • Increase in worker morale and satisfaction Increase in production

/one. Richard Muther. "Plant distribution" pag. 13

  • Reduction in production delays Savings in occupied area Reduction of in-process material Shorter manufacturing time Reduced congestion or confusion Greater ease of adjustment to changing conditions

The plant distribution has two clear interests that are:

Ø Economic Interest: with which it seeks to increase production, reduce costs, satisfy the customer by improving service and improve the operation of companies.

Ø Social Interest: With which it seeks to give security to the worker and satisfy the client.

Type of Information Required (P, Q, R, S, T)

Product (P). Bill of materials and parts, operation diagram, drawings, etc.

Volume to be produced (Q).

Process Path (R). Operations flow diagram and list of required equipment.

Required services (S). Maintenance needs, warehouses, dressing rooms and


Production Program (T). Definition of how much to produce and when.

All information must be projected into the future.

The layout is for the future.


A good plant layout must comply with six principles, which are listed below:

  • Principle of Integration as a whole. The best distribution is the one that integrates the auxiliary activities, as well as any other factor, so as to result in the best compromise between all the parties.Principle of the minimum distance traveled under equal conditions, the distribution that allows the distance to go through the material between operations is shorter. Principle of circulation or flow of materials. All things being equal, it is better that distribution or process that is in the same sequence order in which the materials are transformed, treated or assembled. Principle of cubic space. The economy is obtained by using in an effective way all the available space, both vertical and horizontal. Principle of satisfaction and security. Under the same conditions,The distribution that makes the job more satisfactory and safe for the producers will always be more effective. Principle of flexibility. Under the same conditions, the distribution that can be adjusted or rearranged with less cost or inconvenience will always be more effective.


There are four problems that can be had when making a plant distribution, these are:

  • Project of a totally new plant. Here it is a question of ordering all the means of production and installation so that they work as an integrated set: expansion or transfer of an existing plant. In this case the buildings are already there, limiting the action of the distribution engineer. Reorganization of an existing plant. The shape and particularity of the building limit the action of the engineer. Existing distribution adjustments. It occurs mainly when operating conditions vary.


There are basically seven plant distribution systems, these are disclosed below:

  • Material movement. In this the material is moved from one workplace to another, from one operation to the next. Movement of Man. Operators move from one job site to the next, carrying out the necessary operations on each piece of material.Machinery Movement. The worker moves various tools or machines within a work area to act on a large piece. Movement of Material and Men. The materials and machinery go to the men who carry out the operation. Movements of Men and Machinery. Workers move with tools and equipment generally around a large stationary piece. Movement of Materials, Men and Machinery. It is generally too expensive and unnecessary to move all three of them.

The types of distribution are three.

  • Distribution by fixed position

It is a distribution in which the material or component remains in a fixed place. All the tools, machinery, men and other pieces of material go to it.

  • Distribution by process or by Merger

In it all the operations of the same process are grouped

Distribution by chain production. Online or by product. In this, product or type of product is carried out in an area, but contrary to fixed distribution. The material is in motion.

The three types of distribution mentioned above show the following advantages:

Fixed position distribution advantages

  • Better use of machinery is achieved Adapts to a wide variety of products Easily adapts to intermittent demand Provides a better incentive to the worker Maintains continuity in production easier

Advantages of distribution by process

  • Reduces material handling Reduces the amount of material in process There is a more effective use of labor There is greater ease of control Reduces congestion and occupied floor area.

Advantages of chain reduction distribution

  • Reduces handling of the larger part Allows highly trained operators Allows frequent product changes Fits a wide variety of products More flexible



Plant layout and material handling are directly related, as a short layout layout minimizes raw material transport distance.

From an engineering perspective, materials handling is defined as the art and science that apply to the transfer, packaging and storage of substances in any of their forms, such as: liquids, bulk solids, parts, packages, units of cargo, containers, vehicles and ships.

In a company in general, the fundamental criterion for evaluating material handling is the reduction of production costs.


Each company must make provisions to accumulate its products in different places, while waiting for them to sell. A storage function is needed as the production and consumption cycles hardly coincide. The storage function overcomes discrepancies in terms of time and desired quantities.

The company must determine the sufficient number of storage premises to maintain so that the goods are delivered quickly to consumers.

Some of the company's inventories will be far or close to the production plant and the rest could be located in the main warehouses throughout the country, the company may own some warehouses for rent, although they have greater control over their own warehouses.

The storage warehouse is designed to store products for long periods of time.


The selection of the company's conveyor will affect the cost of production. To transport products from plants to their warehouses or from warehouses to distributors, the company can select from five main modes of transportation: rail, water, trucks, pipeline, and air. The characteristics of each form of transport are variable.



To plan the necessary space of the plant, the values ​​obtained in the calculations of activities or areas considered for the plant must be taken into account.

For space planning, two factors must be considered, the first being the circulation for which 20% is established and the second factor being flexibility. Considering for this 50%.



It is an ideal technique to plan the relationship between any group of activities mentioned. It is useful as in the following cases:

  • Relative location of work centers or departments in an office Location of activities in a service company Location of maintenance or repair operations in a work center Shows each activity related to another


The related activities chart is used to plan activities, the resulting information is used when translating a diagram.

The objective of this diagram is fundamentally to plan the relationships between the material flow and the location of the service activities related to the production activity. This is actually a block diagram indicating the activity relationships. Observing each activity as one.


With the allocation of areas, you have the final way of how the plant will be distributed; with which the architectural plan is built. As seen below.

Analysis of Interrelation between Activities

In cases where the flow of materials is considered the most important factor for the layout design of the plant, the other activities or areas are distributed around the flow.

This is not the best way to design a floor plan, as a general rule, for the following reasons:

Support services must integrate with the flow in an organized manner.

In several industries the flow of materials is almost irrelevant.

Developing a good layout requires a systematic way of interrelating service activities or integrating support services with the flow of materials.

Razo nes Support Closeness

1.-Flow of materials. 7.-Contact frequency

2.-Personal contact. 8.-Urgency of service.

3.-Use the same equipment. 9.-Cost of distribution of services.

4.-Use common information. 10.-Use the same services.

5.-Share staff. 11.-Degree of intercommunication.

6.-Supervision or control. 12.-Others.


Determine the flow intensities of operations or activities.

Classify the intensities among the activities as follows:

A.- Abnormal high intensity.

B.-Special high intensity.

I.-Important intensity.

O.-Ordinary intensity.

U.-Eligible intensity.

Develop relationship diagram for all services or activities not related to the flow of materials.

Consolidate intensity levels 2 and 3 into a combo diagram.


The layout plan is the physical ordering of the production elements, taking into account their characteristics and all those factors that greatly affect their operation, understanding these factors as the flow of materials, and all space requirements.

Regarding the construction of the layout plan, it is referring to the design of the layout plan in the plant. Some advantages and disadvantages of this plan are:

The proposal of the layout plan presented here was made in order that there are no disadvantages in the distribution of the plant, the production process, as well as in the other areas for which it is formed. The advantages considered are the following:

  • It has a dining area for its employees to eat food in a comfortable way A recreation area is planned for employees It offers easy access to employees It has a sufficient parking area for customers and employees It has an expansion area future.


When a study of this type is carried out 4 it is important to plan it carefully, since if a change is to be carried out later, it generates a high and unfavorable cost.

The criteria to be evaluated are determined taking into account the factors taken as the most important on a general basis, to carry out a microlocation, these factors are:

  • Access to basic services Type of area Transport services Availability of labor Market proximity Security of the area External services to the plant.


This deals with the geographical location of the plant, based on the above criteria. This analysis is based on a theoretical-comparative basis that allows to create an assignment of evaluative categories assigning them a respective score. This assignment is made on the basis of one hundred, so that the points are distributed among the criteria, according to the importance that each one has.

To complement this text, we suggest the following series of videos, in which Professor José Pedro García Sabater, from the Universitat Politècnica de València - UPV, teaches the basic concepts of plant distribution, the benefits of a good distribution and its main types (by product and functional), among other topics. A good introduction to this subject, fundamental as it concerns the world of production and operations. (4 videos, 30 minutes)

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The floor plan