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The conscious company


Being aware means having knowledge of ourselves, knowledge of our environment, of what is right and what is wrong, it is also related to being reflective and learning reality, human beings have the virtue of being able to have a better understanding of what happens internally with us as well as what happens externally, this is important as it helps us not to lose focus on what we want to achieve and what is important to us, guided by our values.

By being aware, we learn from reality, we take responsibility for situations, we understand the factors that surround the company and of course the work team, we seek the general well-being at all times, we face our mistakes to correct them and advance and it is that as we are aware of ourselves we are able to reflect on deep aspects of our existence and in the same way we become aware of others as well.

Taking this to organizations we have that a conscious company always takes into consideration the world around it and its people, integrating them to strengthen the organization every day.

A conscious company is conceived as the ability to do some business or activity where people who are conscious intervene, where they make proper use of their faculties and senses, companies that are conscious take into account the individual's culture and nature. In this type of company there are three dimensions that are related and interact, these are:

  • Impersonal dimension: focused on the work itself Interpersonal dimension: focused on relationships between people Personal dimension: focused on the individual itself

It is important that managers seek a balance in these dimensions, for this they must have an organizational culture that encourages and is based on them.

The conscious company is a very different conception from the traditional company, the promoter of this term is the economist and coach Fredy Kofman, and it is the result of many years of work with managers and supervisors of various companies, Fredy tells us about this conception that “seeks to create an unconditional responsibility, to become the protagonist of one's life; Integrity essential, to achieve "success beyond success"; Authentic communication, to tell your own truth and allow others to tell theirs; Impeccable commitment, to coordinate actions responsibly; Honest leadership, because being, rather than doing, is the basic path to excellence; In the actual world,Any company whose goal is to grow and prosper must understand that the key to developing an organization is to conceive it as a human community, and its executives, more than technical knowledge, need to develop as people. "

In this theory and way of doing business we find that conscious companies have conscious employees, these are individuals endowed with personal qualities such as

  • unconditional responsibility essential integrity ontological humility authentic communication, constructive negotiation impeccable coordination emotional aptitude that makes the above qualities possible

These qualities must be promoted by managers who are also aware, creating an appropriate environment and encouraging the potential of their team to achieve the objectives set, placing an emphasis also on creating commitment in all without neglecting the development of the objectives. talented collaborators, bearing in mind that it is not necessary to compromise human values ​​to achieve success in the material sphere.

If we want employees to see the company as valuable entities, the least we must do is treat each of them as unique and valuable individuals.

What I love about a conscious company is the fact that it focuses largely on the human dimension in companies, an aspect that I fully support, of course the commitment element is essential to be able to achieve a conscious company, a company must be open to continuous and true learning understanding that there is always room for improvement, it is relevant that collaborators take mentally active roles.

Managers must understand that they not only have to have technical knowledge but also personal development, learn and practice the I win, your desire and help others to develop, this has a tremendous impact on companies and helps them evolve and to be more comprehensive, to understand that formal authority is not enough, it is necessary to seek a motivated cooperation of the collaborators where the commitment and the desire to collaborate are greater than what a mere formal authority of the management demands, the managers must earn respect and trust of its collaborators, only in this way can more than the minimum be expected from their efforts to collaborate in the achievement of the objectives set harmoniously.

The managers who are the ones who lead the processes must not only speak and say what they want to achieve, but they must also do, their words and their actions must be consistent, this creates a great influence on the entire work team.

Now, there is no use reading and reading so many theories and reflections if it is not taken into action, let us always remember that the decision and practice create a reality, we are going to encourage ourselves to create conscious companies and that this is an essential part of the culture in the organizations

Author: Lcdo. Michael Aular - Micdan Consulting

The conscious company