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Venezuelan management in the context of globalization

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The purpose of this article, orients their efforts to the reflection of the Venezuelan public and private management, within the framework of the imminent globalization process; as a challenge to improve the productivity of business and industrial sectors, as a relevant instrument to transform the status quo that has negatively influenced the successful application of the nation's economic development model in the XXI century. The method applied for the critical analysis of appraisals and perceptions is based on the documentary, through a bibliographic review and understanding of the information taken from official institutions.


The purpose of this article, orients its efforts to the reflection of the Venezuelan public and private management, within the framework of the impending process of globalization; as a challenge to improve the productivity of the business and industrial sectors as instrument relevant to transform the status quo that has influenced negatively in the successful implementation of the economic model of the nation's development in the 21st century. The method applied for the critical analysis of insights and perceptions is based on documentary, through a literature review and understanding of the information taken from official institutions.


The new approaches to modern management have originated and promoted particular attention in Venezuelan university education centers, engaging them with society to form intellectual capital in managerial matters, in a context of challenges and challenges for the public and private business and industrial sectors. based on a globalized world, with the firm purpose of guaranteeing innovative mechanisms in the design of management strategies to improve productivity and competitiveness in markets.

According to an investigation carried out by the Maracaibo Chamber of Commerce (2012), they concluded that “for Venezuela, the recommendation is investment in all areas of education. Likewise, if you want to advance in the field of globalization, you should carefully study the development models carried out in Chile and Brazil… ”. (p.19). In effect, the epicenter to take the paths of the economic and social impulse of the country, lies in the advancement and application of modern management theories and approaches that start from investment in research, development, promotion and dissemination developed in the houses of studies, whose praxis is exhibited in public and private organizations, thus contributing to the end of epistemology,by promoting the significant advance in the Venezuelan management scenarios and their open incorporation into globalization.

It is of great interest to reflect on the behavior of management and the need to join what has been called a multilateral world, that is, alliances, concertation and agreements between nations, aimed at the integration of various sectors that join their efforts to sustainable and sustainable economic, social, cultural, environmental development so that the towns improve the quality of life of their inhabitants.

Context of the Venezuelan Management

The management of companies in its scientific conception inspired by the thoughts of Frederick Taylor, is based on the precept of: "ensuring maximum prosperity to the employer, together with maximum prosperity for the employee, through maximum returns, production costs reduced and high salary payments ”.

Starting from there, currently of the Venezuelan management, the role of managers in the state or private administration; It is urged to restructure the ways of applying management approaches and theories to favor palpable changes that obtain social, economic and political results that envision a horizon of progress, leveraged by the natural resources available, whose main potential drivers are: oil, gas, mining, agriculture and tourism, aimed at a true satisfaction of the demands of society, avoiding at all costs feeling practices of a country of utopian well-being and with greater analysis of what is perceived in the streets, where a structural crisis of the productive apparatus and model is manifested, based on figures from the Central Bank of Venezuela,that shows an inflation in 2013 of 56.2% and for 2014 accumulated until August 39%.

The official data described show a loss of purchasing power of the inhabitants; revealing the current fluctuations of a collapsed economic system, where the environment must carry out a reengineering from its bases in the management of organizations with a greater emphasis on those of a public nature, in order to adopt and correct consecutive political decisions that drastically affected the performance of the business sectors, which promoted nationalization and sharpened deterioration of the economy.

These perceptions must deeply call for the introspection of Venezuelan managers, whose enormous responsibility demands not only a competent profile to hold high positions that will influence the progress of the Republic, their contributions go beyond polarizations and ideological passions; a professional, comprehensive, specialized and strategic training is a sine qua non condition for decision making.

Beyond the actions established by the top Venezuelan public management, described in the Economic and Social Development Plans of the Nation 2007-2013 and 2013-2019, framing as public policy, “raise the levels of equity, effectiveness, efficiency and quality of public action, through the establishment and application of management evaluation systems for agencies and officials ”(p.22). In relation to this, it is urgently necessary to propose new managerial patterns required in government institutions, which provide real solutions based on successful models to achieve the complete transformation of management and consequently overcome the qualifications of underdevelopment.

These organizational and managerial changes are requirements that globalization demands for a coordinated management between the public and private sectors and as part of them, the intellectual capital, focused on training, specialization and competitiveness of men and women, which will lead in the next eight (8) decades of the XXI century the reins of the companies.

Globalization as a driving mechanism for Development

This process, as a progressive mechanism of world development, evidences the growth of new information and communication technologies (NICTs) in the managerial-organizational sphere, promoting the establishment of innovative methods that are used in business management in the 21st century.; effective and efficient instrument from the point of view of knowledge and practice in the new trends offered by technological globalization in the modern economic system with great competitive advantages that management brings with the imminent support of information technology, its devices and applications in the smart organizations, as Peter Senge called them in his Approach to the Fifth Discipline.

It should be noted that Rauch and Trindade (2000) pointed out that this phenomenon has caused the “transformations encouraged by new technologies, are contributing to modify production and organization systems, communication modes and in general the ways of doing things in the world. of bussiness…". (p.56).

In other words, its influence in a positive environment cannot be hidden at all, since it represents a prominent tool in business-organizational and industrial behavior, modifying its actions in the corresponding field.

This valuable promotion has fostered and promoted managerial success in relevant Venezuelan companies in the private sector mainly, and timid advances in the public; despite the existence of an economic situation of country risk and high uncertainty, which the South American Nation is going through and has gone through in the last decade, despite having approximately twenty percent (20%) of the world oil reserve, according to information issued by the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela, SA; This shows a hard work in the articulation between the State and the private sector to achieve significant achievements that reflect a structural change in the standard of living of its citizens.

Now, for Held, Mc Grew, Golblatt and Perraton (2000), globalization is:

A process (or set of processes) that encompass a transformation of the spatial organization of social relations and transactions valued in terms of their extension, intensity, speed and impact - transcending transcontinental and interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and exercise of power. (p.55).

Consequently, this conceptualization is considered one of the most complex and complete of the term, being observed from two aspects, the historical one, represented in the space-time and organizing dimensions; where the first focuses on the behavior of global networks, the intensity and influence of global interconnectivity and the second covers the issue of infrastructure, the institutionalization of networks and the exercise of power, the global stratification model and the model global interaction dominant.

In this context, this influential scenario constitutes an integral and integrating process of the different sectors of global development, creating effective commercialization models for organizations; encompassing elements that together give a transformative label to exorbitant changes that take place, closely linked to the knowledge society, promoting the exchange of information, through communication technologies, embracing all political, economic, commercial, social, environmental and cultures of nations, accelerating volatility in national and international markets.

Within the framework of the World Forum of Cultures held in Monterrey, Mexico 2007, an emblematic debate was held between the English social communicator specialized in financial journalism Peter Singer and the British journalist Martin Wolf, on the effects of globalization on the world economy, politics and the environment; Wolf (2007) declared that globalization is: “a sudden economic impulse, due to the liberation of markets, due to the fall in transportation and communication costs… it is an economic process with social, cultural, political, and philosophical consequences. very deep ”.

In this regard, trade is an authentic element for economic progress, for social objectives aimed at reducing and eradicating the scourge of poverty and social marginalization. However, globalization must be managed with political actions capable of counteracting its negative effects, such as social crises in some areas that could cause inequalities; For this reason, government intervention is essential in order to redistribute the benefits and compensate the losers.

Considerations of the Venezuelan Management in Globalization

In the Venezuelan management, the way of perceiving the events in the environment have undergone enormous transformations in the markets during the last decades, even when a situation of relative economic abundance is maintained due to the ordinary income from the oil rent, contrary to reality current situation characterized by the scarcity of budgetary, financial, intellectual and even basic resources within the nutritional structure of society, thus creating a progressive critical labyrinth that accentuates uncertainty. In that order of ideas Espinoza (2004), states that:

Venezuelan organizations require strategies that allow them to participate effectively in the global space. Therefore, it is necessary to have a willing and trained staff to establish and achieve goals, making adequate use of other resources. (p.1).

However, the contemporary management of the nation has been characterized by the interest of promoting production based on oil and its derivatives, leaving aside the other potentialities that the country has; that allow in this way to understand and understand that the epicenter of the development of domestic markets is in the diversification of the productive apparatus, its companies, its industries and human talent to be more competitive in the framework of the globalization process.

Likewise, the macroeconomic policies applied by more than a decade of the current government have generated, as the economist Maza Zavala (2009) stated in his book Critical Decade of the Venezuelan Economy 1998-2007, marked by profound misguided decision-making that goes from the appointment of office holders of a government cabinet detached from specialized intellectual training in the corresponding area, distorting the actions of state institutions.

For this, it is pertinent to emphasize what Dr. Elio Pepe (2009) pronounced in the exegesis speech about the book presented by Maza Zavala:

From a geopolitical perspective, beyond the formulation of possible alternatives to the radical use of oil and commodity policies, an indirect denunciation is envisaged that puts in predicate the same evolutionary concept of the postmodern State in the reality of a globalized world and that harm the creation of the conditions that allow a profitable and efficient participation of Venezuela in the integration processes. (p.1).

These elements, duly described, should call the attention of society in general to promote a postmodern country in the context of globalization and innovative managerial approaches to reinvent itself in the face of an unstoppable trend; where other nations decided to be within this process and are on the rise due to the demands that the global economic scenario offers them.

Hence, globalization represents a phenomenon that derives from capitalism and that many call it an evolutionary stage due to its direct link with economic growth in an excessive way; what I would particularly describe as the acceleration phase, bonanza and pronounced variations in the actors that make up the productive system, economic model, political doctrines, social and cultural factors; area where the regulatory function of governments is activated to intervene in such transformations, which stimulate flexibility to be proactive organizations anticipating events, which will directly affect the socio-economic health of peoples, and even more so in those who are under development, respecting environmental conditions.


Given the critical analysis embodied in this article, the Venezuelan management in the context of globalization, must promote integration and trade with the rest of the world, beyond an inert process of excessive imports to supply the domestic market with goods and services, which contradicts what was established in theory in the National Plan 2007-2013, about an endogenous development model (internal production).

In practice, the productive apparatus at this time is in serious problems, caused by inappropriate closed exchange policies, which does not allow recurrent access to the foreign exchange necessary for private companies to acquire the fundamental inputs to manufacture and assemble the products that the domestic market demands; which undoubtedly generates serious inconveniences and disturbances in the economic system.

The management challenge in this area is the application of modern mechanisms within organizations that internalize a deep objective of maximizing productivity, performance and efficiency in order to be more competitive in the markets, equally sharing such benefits with the asset with the greatest transcendence within them, intellectual capital as an agent of change.

Finally, for the public sector, promote the application of managerial elements of private companies to make their institutions more efficient to satisfy the needs of citizens; balancing the bureaucratic system, adapting and relying on technology to advance to a new public management.


  • National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2007). General lines of the Economic Development Plan of the Nation 2007-2013. Caracas. National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2014). General lines of the Economic Development Plan of the Nation 2003-2019. Caracas, Central Bank of Venezuela (2013), Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce Report (2012). Venezuela and Globalization. Espinoza, R. (2004). Human Resources Management Essay in Venezuela. Management Vision Magazine. Year 3, N ° 2, Vol. 3. Venezuela. World Forum of Cultures Monterrey (2007). Effects of Globalization. Martin Wolf debate. Mexico.Held, D.; Mc Grew, A.; Golblatt, D.; Perraton, J. (2000): Rethinking.Globalization. In Held, D.; Mc Grew; A. The Global Transformation Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pepe, E. (2009).Exegesis on the Critical Decade of the Venezuelan Economy 1998 - 2007. Speech delivered by Dr. Elio Pepe at the presentation of the book The critical decade of the economy Yacambú University, Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies (2007). Norms for the Preparation and presentation of the Special Works of Degree, Works of Degree and Doctoral Theses of the UNY. Barquisimeto.
Venezuelan management in the context of globalization