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Managing change in organizations


In our daily life we ​​are faced with constant changes at many levels, the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was very right when he said that "Change is the only immutable thing", this is no different in the business world, managers together with their team must deal and manage this fact since it is something that you are sure will exist throughout the management journey and ignoring it will be very expensive for organizations today.

We do not gain anything by playing the blind, the rebellious, because we want to or not the change will continue there this fact will not disappear because of the simple desire of not wanting it or not agreeing with it, on many occasions I have experienced processes of change in organizations through various levels of intensity, and there is never a lack of detractors of the process that simply instead of contributing, make everything much more complicated.

I call these people, static subjects, they are always reluctant to change even if they are for the better, they do not understand at all that our environment is extremely changeable and we must take responsibility for going in that sense in the same way, because if it is not thus, the same environment will unfortunately leave you aside, sometimes we make the change, other times not (possibly in the greatest of cases), either of the two scenarios we must assume it as a great opportunity to evolve.

Resistance to change will always exist in organizations, and you have to understand that not all people experience changes in the same way, this is practically normal, at least from my view and think, most of the time It is difficult for us to get out of our comfort zone and we have a certain suspicion of a process of change; Through the effective management of these processes, this can be internalized as a great opportunity to move forward and get the elements that make us feel motivated and incorporate ourselves into these experiences, in the field of psychology the concept of resistance to change refers to people who they experience emotional distress caused by the prospect of transformation or change that is taking place.

The manager must have adequate preparation in this matter and always manage the constant changes that he is going to experience in the exercise of his functions, in the same way he must know how to treat and help collaborators who find these processes complicated, I am sure that working properly on these issues can positively influence those who resist or simply paralyze before so many changes.

There will always be changes in the legal regulations of a country, changes in internal processes and procedures, changes in the structure of the entity, changes in management cadres, changes in general guidelines, styles of leadership, technologies, new management theories, administrative and financial tools, new team members, new needs and market demands, that is to say, it is something that cannot be avoided but on the contrary it must be managed and for this we must prepare.

In my professional life I have come across many static subjects who have truly meant a great challenge, in many of them I detected the following reasons for their resistance to change:

  • They do not understand that change is necessary to evolve, making an excuse that they have been doing things that way for many years and it continues to function as such. This is very common to live. They fear the unknown. It is that most of us only bet on the unknown if we believe that what awaits us is worth it, but if this is not the case, it will be very difficult for us to abandon what we have Lack of competence and skills that it takes to function in the position, They spend many years doing the same and never give it the importance of updating and cultivating academically, in many cases they know that they do not have enough for the current demands and challenges, and they even tend to think and say that they do their job excellently, when rather they are covered by the current circumstances and demands of working life,organizational and professional. They are paralyzed in the face of failure: they are terrified of failures, forgetting that failures are often the basis of many successes. Strong roots in habits: in most cases it is very difficult for us to change patterns, This happens among other aspects because in our brain “neural highways” are generated and to change them we simply have to create other ones to replace them. Lack of inclusion - communication: there are people who need to feel included in these processes and that there is effective communication where their Opinion is valued Bad previous experiences: there are changes that generate many unpleasant situations, these memories predispose the attitude in processes of future changes Lack or very little motivation. They do not perceive elements that add to an authentic motivation.

These are, let's say, the main reasons that I have detected, but there are still others that, due to a better reading, I do not capture at this time.

Regarding internal changes in organizations, I cannot fail to mention that many times I have observed that they tend to ignore what people think and feel. And to bring the strategy to life, this has to happen. This is where resistance tends to emerge, in the form of fixed beliefs, deeply held assumptions, and blind spots; and emotionally clear, in the form of fear and insecurity that change engenders.

The basic thing for me to understand about the changes is to first accept it, because it is something that will always be present, understand it, because there is always a why, have a good attitude, because you have to be positive in those moments and see this whole process as a great opportunity to evolve, learn and take charge, how? Well managing it.

Regarding changes in management practice:

Managers must be the ones who lead the positive attitude towards changes, this can generate a great impact on the collective mentality that adds to the achievement of the objectives set.

It is extremely unfortunate and painful to see how there are people who still hold a managerial position and have no idea what they do or should do, and others who are out of date in their functions, thinking that they are currently managed in the same way as they do 5, 10, 15 or more years ago, I still wonder how they continue to hold these positions, what they cause is a lousy organizational climate, a precarious organizational culture, high staff turnover, poor use of resources, among other inconveniences that ultimately remain. to the achievement of organizational objectives.

We must become aware of the fact that changes will be a companion of our life and prepare ourselves to manage it, in the same way help others to understand this fact.

As professionals we must always bet on updating, cultivating our being and academically as well, analyzing the theories, reflecting and applying those that we create are those that result in good for the organization, we must treat our co-workers-collaborators effectively, and that Archaic model of such rigid relationships remain instead of adding to the productivity of the company, if we hold managerial positions we will help others to evolve, let us value those who must be valued and put them in positions according to their preparation and skills, we support the updating, let's make our effort so that these static subjects evolve and if there is no remedy then make decisions about it, actively listen to our work team, reward achievements and learn from failures and bad decisions,Let's act correctly and fairly in the face of the mistakes of others, and make a good attitude towards changes part of the organizational culture.


Author: Lcdo. Michael Aular - Micdan Consulting

Managing change in organizations