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The importance of organizational communication

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In this essay, it is intended to analyze in a general way the communication that must exist in organizations, which is a key factor for their success or failure. It seeks to emphasize the importance that communication has taken in recent years, as well as the forms of communication: formal and informal that occur within a company. In the same way, it seeks to create awareness about how important it is to know how to communicate effectively and efficiently, and the weight that communication has on the employees and leaders of an organization, as well as taking into account that there are different forms of communication that They are carried out within an organization, as they are: descending, ascending and horizontal, just as it is necessary that there is adequate feedback.

The importance of organizational communication


In this paper, the issue of communication in organizations is addressed in a general way as a key factor for them. The way in which we communicate is very important for the success or failure of companies, administrators have to take into account the human factor that is the most difficult to overcome, since they present different types of feelings, ways of acting and thinking that they have been developing throughout their education as a person and in which the deal may be easier or more difficult with one than with another person. That is why communication has to take place effectively and jointly.


Communication has long played an extremely important role in the daily life of human beings, man has always found himself in the need to communicate with his peers in order to express his feelings and to wait for a response, or opinion. According to Martínez & Nosnik, they mention that communication "is a process by means of which one person gets in touch with another through a message, and expects the latter to be answered" (Martínez & Nosnik, 1988, p. 43). It is a process so simple but at the same time essential for human life, which involves known elements such as: sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback which is carried out between two or more people, these characteristics are the essence dynamics of the process. Communication is a fundamental part of business success,which every business owner has to take into account, it is important to know how to communicate with workers and encourage them to act in the same way, for many it is a challenge that sounds easy and simple to carry out, but that entails different aspects to take into account since each person is a different world and even more so in the business environment where the human factor is the most difficult thing to overcome in companies, it is then when communication plays a fundamental role, since it has to be carried out in correct and effective way.but that entails different aspects to take into account since each person is a different world and even more so in the business field where the human factor is the most difficult thing to cope with in companies, it is then when communication plays a fundamental role, since that has to be done correctly and effectively.but that entails different aspects to take into account since each person is a different world and even more so in the business field where the human factor is the most difficult thing to cope with in companies, it is then when communication plays a fundamental role, since that has to be done correctly and effectively.


It is important to know that communication is inevitable since one cannot stop doing it, the human being constantly sends non-verbal messages even when we are silent, this can be seen reflected in gestures, postures, facial expressions and different behaviors in the that we can identify certain attitudes. It is also important to mention that communication is irreversible, that is, the words we say we can no longer return, that is why the fact of thinking before we speak plays a very important role, and more importantly the way we say them. stuff.

Learning is based on communication, since the knowledge that is acquired is based on the interaction of one person with another in which different information, ideas, thoughts and experiences can be transmitted, this coupled with the practice of their work and previous information that is had, thus fulfilling a communication process. On the other hand, the organizational climate has to be appropriate in an organization, since it is an environment in which the worker has to function on a daily basis and again the most important factor is communication, since it depends on whether good performance is carried within the organization. The skills to communicate are also relevant, that is why large companies see communication as a very important factor.

“Some research highlights the importance of communication skills, including: collaborating as a team; teach others; serve customers; lead; negotiate; work considering cultural diversity; to interview; hear; lead work meetings, and resolve conflicts. This explains why about 90 percent of US companies offer some form of communication skills training. Harvard Business Review subscribers rated the ability to communicate as the most critical factor in making an executive more promotable; they even considered this ability more important than ambition, the degree of studies and the ability to work hard ”(Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2005, pp. 5-6)

This information reveals that knowing how to communicate is even more important, even, than aspects of knowledge. For an administrator, the development of communication skills is vital since one of his main actions is to communicate, in addition to the fact that it is a career that is oriented towards people. Many companies do not give as much importance to this concept, seeing themselves involved in a lack of communication that over time decreases work performance and thus the profits of organizations, even, for example, in educational institutions such as universities should be in constant communication with their students to know their concerns or possible ideas to improve the institution and thus be able to improve together,This would raise the level of conformity and confidence of the student and of course the performance, the same happens in companies, that is, senior managers have to be in constant communication with their work team, this to let the worker know that it is important and It is part of the organization, this will help not to create communication barriers and that the employee is satisfied and of the best of himself.

Communication can improve errors and thus improve the path to success, if there is no quality in communication, it is likely that the results will not be as desired, in the same way, if there is poor communication, problems can be aggravated while the more they are discussed, in this way misunderstandings would be encouraged and it could even generate some resentment when people do not communicate well. Another important factor that organizations have to take into account is who will communicate with whom, so communication patterns or networks have to be established through which information can flow, there are formal and informal ones. The formal ones are those that are designed by the management itself and establish who should talk to whom to carry out a task,These networks are represented in what we know as an organization chart which describes who is the immediate boss and who is immediately responsible for a given task. This is carried out in a descending, ascending and horizontal way, it is also important to offer constant feedback, for which researchers such as Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn affirm: “The most frequent complaint of an individual is that she does not know well where Therefore, it is necessary for superiors to offer feedback to their workers frequently and keep informed of what is happening in the company, for example the former president of United Airlines, Ed Carlson, changed the organization from loser to winner during his management,part of his success was due to the fact that he kept all employees informed about the situation of the organization, saying: “There is nothing worse for the employees' spirits than the lack of information, and I have tried to reduce it to a minimum” (Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2005, p. 16). In this way Carlson disseminated information about the company's operations that was previously considered too important to disseminate. On the other hand, it is also important to assert the opinion of the employees, but, unfortunately, many organizations are not so open to these opinions, since in many cases questioning the boss can be counterproductive and can lead to problems of up to dismissal, in counterpart organizations that are open to upward communication can take advantage of the opinions of their employees.A successful case of this type of communication is that of Wal-Mart, in which Sam Walton, its founder, said that “our best ideas come from dispatchers and stockists” (Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2005, p. 16). This way of thinking opens the possibility to the opinion of the employee, and in turn this will feel an important part of the organization and with a greater degree of relevance, thus increasing their work performance. Finally, we have horizontal communication, which is the one that occurs between people who have the same power within the company, for example between colleagues in the same department.This way of thinking opens the possibility to the opinion of the employee, and in turn this will feel an important part of the organization and with a greater degree of relevance, thus increasing their work performance. Finally, we have horizontal communication, which is the one that occurs between people who have the same power within the company, for example between colleagues in the same department.This way of thinking opens the possibility to the opinion of the employee, and in turn this will feel an important part of the organization and with a greater degree of relevance, thus increasing their work performance. Finally, we have horizontal communication, which is the one that occurs between people who have the same power within the company, for example between colleagues in the same department.

In addition to formal communication, in all organizations there is informal communication that occurs between work personnel, based on friendships, shared interests, this type of communication is totally informal and tends to be seen in a normal way in the companies with people who share the same interests and therefore generally share more information than with others, thus creating greater communication. Even in moments when the bathroom is shared or free time, information can be exchanged.

As James E. Lukaszewski, a public relations executive, points out when describing what happens during breaks: “This might sound funny, silly even, but when meetings break down, where do the women go and where do the men go? They go to the porcelain cabinet, to the little room that has a MEN'S sign hanging on the door… They stop there, and face the wall, they talk and decide things. This is an important opportunity for valuable verbal communication to take place in decision-making moments ”(Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2005, p. 20)

Informal communication can take place at any time, even for decision-making, where the exchange of information is important. This is the main means of communication in companies, and it is carried out more quickly compared to the formal one, since one can find out what is really happening within the organizations. A disadvantage of this form of communication is the gossip that can be created between employees, thus creating a series of false information that harms the company and especially the organizational climate. It is important to create trust in the organization through communication, the way we interact and exchange information with people will generate a certain degree of trust or not with the other person."Mayer conceives it as the willingness of a person to be vulnerable to the actions of another, based on the expectation that he will perform a certain action important to those he trusts, without having to control and monitor said action." (Mayer, 2014). It is important that there is trust in organizations, this is preceded by good communication, which together can raise job performance. On the other hand, in an increasingly globalized and competitive world, companies turn to different technologies to facilitate communication in organizations, that is, at this point there may no longer be pretexts for a serious lack of communication in companies, since we have different tools and means available to carry out the exchange of information in a faster and easier way.This will help companies to be aware of what is happening at any point in the organization as long as there is good communication.

“Organizational communication is a work tool that allows the movement of information in organizations to relate the needs and interests of it, with those of its staff and with society. Organizational communication also allows us to know the human resource and evaluate their performance and productivity, through interviews and tours of the various work areas. Likewise, communication in organizations is essential for the effective fulfillment of their objectives. It is a means that, together, allows the development of its members to face the challenges and needs of our society ”(Martinez Posadas, 2014).

Ideally, each person within an organization knows how to communicate effectively and effectively, but we know that it does not always happen this way, so managers have to manage to encourage and see that adequate communication takes place between all the members of the company, which in the end elevates job performance. Hence the importance of communication, which is undoubtedly a key factor for the success of organizations and that over the years, companies begin to take more into account when leading a group of people.


Nowadays, large companies have given us the example of the vital factor of communication, many of them have known how to carry out an adequate communication method. The human factor plays a fundamental role that must be managed and exploited, this with the help of constant feedback from managers and workers. However, it should be noted that in the same way many companies do not give the importance it deserves to effective communication and that is why they tend to suffer different problems due to this simple but at the same time difficult factor that you have to know how to handle. It encompasses many factors and methodologies of action that can become thick, but that can undoubtedly influence the success or failure of a company. As administrators, we have to foster effective communication in organizations,as well as the good treatment and the way of saying things so that the information transmitted is adequate, precise and easy to understand towards other people and of course towards our own work team. At present, there are different communication tools and methods that facilitate interaction between people and the transmission of information. If you want to become competitive in this globalized world, it is important to give the specific weight that is required to communication situations, which in the end is something that humanity has lived with and is of daily use in our lives, finally, organizational communication is a profound issue that has a lot to cut.precise and easy to understand towards other people and of course towards our own work team. At present, there are different communication tools and methods that facilitate interaction between people and the transmission of information. If you want to become competitive in this globalized world, it is important to give the specific weight that is required to communication situations, which in the end is something that humanity has lived with and is of daily use in our lives, finally, organizational communication is a profound issue that has a lot to cut.precise and easy to understand towards other people and of course towards our own work team. At present, there are different communication tools and methods that facilitate interaction between people and the transmission of information. If you want to become competitive in this globalized world, it is important to give the specific weight that is required to communication situations, which in the end is something that humanity has lived with and is of daily use in our lives, finally, organizational communication is a profound issue that has a lot to cut.If you want to become competitive in this globalized world, it is important to give the specific weight that is required to communication situations, which in the end is something that humanity has lived with and is of daily use in our lives, finally, organizational communication is a profound issue that has a lot to cut.If you want to become competitive in this globalized world, it is important to give the specific weight that is required to communication situations, which in the end is something that humanity has lived with and is of daily use in our lives, finally, organizational communication is a profound issue that has a lot to cut.


  • Adler, RB, & Marquardt Elmhorst, J. (2005). Fundamentals of communication in companies and professional activities. In Organizational Communication principles and practices for businesses and professions (p. 5-20). McGraw Hill. Martinez Posadas, S. (2014). TURevista Digi.U@T. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from TURevista Digi.U@T: http: //www.turevista.uat.edu.mxMartínez, F., & Nosnik, A. (1988). Organizational Communication. Mexico: Trillas.Mayer. (February 22, 2014). Eumed.net. Retrieved on February 22, 2014, from Eumed.net: http://www.eumed.net/ce/2010a/gln2.htm Schuster, L. (1982). Wal-Mart Chief's Enthusiastic Approach Infects Employees, Keeps Retailer Growing. The Wall Street Journal, 21.
The importance of organizational communication