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The importance of being a good leader

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The purpose of this essay is to make known the importance of what it is to be a leader, the purpose of said hierarchy within the organization and the risks involved in its good or bad execution. The leader within the organization has the formal authority of functions of boss, manager or administrator, must show skills and actions that facilitate the management and movement of resources as well as promote good behavior of the group in charge and lead them towards a common goal in achieving the general objectives of the organization.


According to the real Spanish language: leadership is the direction, leadership or conduction of a political party, a social group or another community.

The Dictionary of Behavioral Sciences: Leadership is the qualities of personality and ability that favor the guidance and control of others

Gibson and others: Leadership is an attempt at interpersonal influence, directed through the communication process, towards the achievement of objectives or one or more goals.

Leadership is a concept that has evolved and modified over time and the definitions that are given of it. At the beginning of the twentieth century the theory known as the great man prevailed, which established that the ability, talent and origin necessary to lead others was possessed only by a few, as a consequence, it could not be learned, you simply had it or not. skill. The conception that leadership could be learned occurred until the industrial revolution, as a result of the emergence of management as a profession for which certain characteristics that can be developed were required.

Leadership represents the ability to improve people in an area, through the guidance or guidance of a leader, who defines as one who has that capacity for influence through which his subordinates improve their skills and abilities (maxwell).

Leadership is the interpersonal influence exerted in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to the achievement of one or several specific objectives. (Chiavenato)


There are endless definitions of the word leader, taking into account the previous definitions then we consider that leadership is the quality of the leader and leader is that person capable of exerting a great influence on people and transmitting enthusiasm and optimism to achieve goals planned. A leader is a guide, someone with ideas and objectives that can infect a large group of people who follow him convinced that he can guide them to the right path

Within an organization you can have several types of leadership that can lead to a good or bad direction of it. Some of these types of leadership are described below.

Charismatic leader: in a positive way, it is the person who has a good personality that, when well used, can open many work doors and be very beneficial for the company, groups of friends and society in general.

What are the main qualities of a good charismatic leader?

  1. Visionary and nonconformist: they are people capable of seeing beyond what they have ahead, they do not simply see what is happening, but rather analyze where events are leading. Neither are they conformists, they will devise alternative paths that will bring us better results. Democratic: a good leader exercises leadership without imposing it, people will follow it on their own initiative. It will respect all democratic norms and the sentiments of the majority. For that, you will listen to people and take their opinions into account. You will not mind rectifying and acknowledging your mistakes, as this will not make you seem weaker, but more fair and reasonable. You cannot reach a group and try to impose ourselves, feeling ourselves leaders does not mean that we are.That will be decided by others and behaving as if we were above others by giving them orders will not help them respect us.A good leader works in a group: this is essential to exercise leadership sensibly and taking into account the people with whom it works. You must know how to delegate work and responsibilities, trusting colleagues or subordinates. A team leader never takes on all the work, but is capable of transmitting enthusiasm and confidence to the members of his group so that each one does his part and feels capable of achieving his objectives. Delegating, motivating and recognizing merits are essential qualities to lead a group towards a good project. Authoritarian: he is the one who asserts his ideas even though he is in error and will not admit it, is inflexible and likes to order,it does not allow your group to be creative and independent. This type of leader destroys everything that a company has as its objective since, because it is authoritarian, it does not carry out its work of directing and controlling the resources of the organization in an effective and efficient way.

According to Fiedler, to have an effective leadership it is necessary to have capacity, simplicity, discretion, handling of uncertainty and tolerance, intelligence towards ambiguity, learning spirit, critical innovation, vision of the future, ethical values, having a sense of direction, transcendence in value judgments, do not rely on audacity or recklessness, permanent rationality.

So if we take these definitions into account, we can say that if you want to carry out good leadership, the leaders will be to a degree brighter, they will have better criteria and it will be beneficial for them as well as for the organization.


The topic of leader is very broad and many opinions are given, so it is very important that every leader must be prepared to face the challenges that come day by day in their work and be aware that as time progresses there will always be new challenges and obstacles to overcome.


Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell, Chiavenato Idalberto (2003) introduction to the general theory of administration, The charismatic leader. Mc Graw Hill México 1991, Management of editorial human talent Mc Graw Hill.

The importance of being a good leader