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The tactical mind. because it is important?

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The Tactical Mind complements the Strategic Mind and explains the development of most people in their daily professional work: salespeople, executives, entrepreneurs, managers, independent professionals, etc.

Tactical behavior has all the people who are essentially doing some type of Business and have the need to "sell something" that is subject to the actions of a competitor. In this sense, tactical development is the responsibility of all people (to understand this, it is advisable to know the essential meaning of what Business is).

The Tactical Mind is not the same as the Strategic Mind nor can it replace it, its characteristics are different, especially since the Tactical Mind must act in different time frames and much closer to the Action.

Confusion in understanding Strategy and Tactics is quite widespread. This is largely due to the specific weight of the concept of Strategy.

The Strategy is a mental "software" that is based on the understanding and application of Strategic Principles. It is a way of seeing, understanding and deciding on the phenomena generated by the Competition. Without the existence of the latter (and the conflict that is generated around it), the Strategy could be perfectly replaced by a good Plan.

Tactics is a way of acting in conflict. In that sense it is also closely related to the existence of Competition and conflict. The Strategy is the concept and the Tactic is the Action. The first addresses the competitive phenomenon in all its magnitude and the second ACTs at the exact point of Contact.

The Strategy can count on time in its favor, the Tactic cannot. The Strategos (who is the professional of the Strategy), has time for contemplation and reflection, the tactical agent does not.

The Strategos must be an excellent practitioner of the Tactical Approach for their management processes, that is, adopt an Inductive criterion for the understanding of things (from the bottom up, from Contact to making major decisions), but this does not mean that dominates the Tactical development.

A person with Tactical mastery is more likely to become a Strategy professional than the opposite happens (to get out of the military or business environment, this is demonstrated by a soccer player who then fulfills the functions of technical director well).

Should Strategos Know Tactical Dynamics? Yes.

Should the tactical agent know about Strategy? Not necessarily.

The explanation lies precisely in the nature of the mental processes that are required for Strategy and for Tactics. These are different from each other.

1. The Tactical Mind acts as a function of Conditioned Reflexes.

The Tactical Mind unfolds in very short periods of time.

The Tactic is action and it allows little time for reflection.

A Conditioned Reflex is the response to a given stimulus that the individual acquires through learning. The Tactical Mind is formed precisely through learning, experience, an extended process of trial and error.

As time plays against the quality of an Action, it plays in favor in the formation of the Tactical Mind, since the Conditioned Reflexes as action guidelines develop and qualify over time, in the measure of experiences. occurred.

Now, there are actions based on Conditioned Reflexes of all kinds, but in tactical development they respond to the imperative of defeating the opponent, of acting better than him to achieve a disputed objective, of settling the conflict in favor of one's own interests..

The Tactical Mind requires knowledge, skills and abilities, to be sure, but above all it requires Experience. Actions based on Conditioned Reflexes acquire quality over time.

2.- The Tactical Mind is formed from Training.

The only way to have quality Conditioned Reflexes to support the action and not depend exclusively on the experiences that the passage of time provides, is with Training. This is different from education or training. Training consists of the continuous and methodical exercise of the actions that are expected to replicate the specific moment of the action.

The person with tactical ability "practices" his trade permanently, trains his brain in continuous simulations of what he expects to face the moment of "contact". Visualize scenarios, situations, contingencies, possibilities; then he models them in training and exercises the responses. When the natural passing of time and experiences is added to this, mastery over the Conditioned Responses is achieved.

Tactical expertise can only be achieved with Training. In the case of physical activities physical and mental training, in the case of business essentially mental training.

The Salesman is a very good example of a Tactical Agent in the business world, and the development of his Tactical Mind must be subject to continuous training.

3.- The Tactical Mind assumes the PERMANENT existence of the Difficulty.

The SEALs, the US Navy special forces team, have a very pertinent saying with the logic that a Tactical Mind must have:

"The only easy day was yesterday" (the only easy day was yesterday)

Difficulty is a constant for the Tactical Mind, it is not an eventuality. The simple does not exist. This conditions any type of action, because it covers it with focus, attention to detail, extreme care. Difficult situations are faced in a state of Dynamic Tension, a combination of mental concentration and activation of the senses. None of this is the same as acting circumspect: cool, measured, reserved.

For this reason the Tactical Mind is very effective, it produces a lot and of good quality, because it always goes to the greatest effort, the one that is indispensable to deal with the difficulty.

This way of thinking and acting causes wear and tear, of course, and this in itself constitutes a stimulus for the Tactical Mind, since it is forced to process the action in a way that is as effective as possible and causes the least wear possible.

4.- The Tactical Mind develops the ability to "Read the Situation and Opposite Movements".

In the heat of action, the Tactical Mind does not have time for exhaustive analysis, it depends on the quick "reading" it can make of the circumstances. And for this, two facts must occur:

  1. Experience in all the details of the action in which they participate. Knowledge of the "code" that identifies the circumstances.

Reading the alphabet is possible because the mind interprets each of its characters in a certain way, gives it a certain meaning and establishes a meaning. The alphabet is a code that the receiver understands and can "read" fluently.

The Tactical Mind must identify in the same way the "codes" that explain the development of the actions in which it participates, it must find meaning and meaning to the events that occur, especially those that are repeated and acquire a pattern.

When he has achieved this, he can perfectly "read" in small fractions of time, what happens and what can happen.

This ability is based on the experience that one has in the action but is not limited to it, it must add specific knowledge of the causal relationships that the phenomena and the behavior of the opponents have.

The tactical agent knows in such a way the environment in which he operates, the circumstances that occur and the behavior of those with whom he relates (client, competitors, colleagues, etc.), that he can perfectly "read" what happens with the same ease that a conventional text gives you.

5.- The Tactical Mind plans carefully.

This is the final paradox that the Strategy approach presents. While Strategy is often considered to be a “type of plan”, it is actually in the Tactical dimension where planning takes on more importance.

Strategy is the "art of directing operations", based on the application of Strategic Principles, oriented to the Business and justified by the existence of the Conflict. The Strategy is of course not just a Plan since it fundamentally involves the "direction" of operations.

Yet the Plan and planning efforts are indispensable to tactical action. And this is where they are effective, because they are established close to the action, and when they are well done they are more likely to be executed.

An old military adage states that "every plan is in effect until the first shot is fired." Due to this simple reality, the Strategy cannot be approached from the dimension of the plan, and by itself the planning efforts take on a lot of value wherever “the shots” occur, that is, in the tactical scenario.

All the people who are close to the Action are great and effective planners, and they are in a field that takes concrete advantage of the virtues of a plan: the tactical dimension, the scene of the action.

This should be properly called "Tactical Planning" and is probably the only foresight effort that has any concrete utility.

Possessing a Strategic Mind is a goal that every professional must consider, but the Tactical Mind is a professional requirement that distinguishes a person who is qualified within the framework of certain standards. There is a fundamental difference in calling yourself a "professional" in something you do and considering yourself an "amateur", and this difference is established by the Tactical Mind. Professional is not necessarily the doctor or engineer, professional is one who is distinguished in the knowledge and exercise of a trade, professional is The Best Ice Cream Maker in the World because he has had to develop a Tactical Mind to qualify his trade.


Carlos Eduardo Nava Condarco, a native of Bolivia, lives in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, is a Business Administrator and Entrepreneur. He currently works as Manager of his Company, Business Strategy and Personal Development Consultant, writer and Entrepreneur Coach.

Author of the book: “Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

WEB: www.elstrategos.com

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The tactical mind. because it is important?