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The traditional and axiological organizational mission





1. Business as war:

“In business you must fight as if it were a war. And, as in any good war, it must be fought gallantly, with courage and without morality.

  • Levitt, "The Danger of Social Responsibility," Harvard Business Review.

2. Business as a game:

"The ethical rules that govern the company are like the rules that govern a game of poker."

  • Harvard Business Review, Jan- Feb. 1968.

3. The mission of the company is to make money:

"There is one and only one responsibility of the company: to use its resources and possibilities in activities aimed at increasing its profit."

  • Milton Friedman, "The Social Responsibility of Business in Increase its Profits," New York Times, Sept. 13, 1970

Given the above: Is there really a company ethic?

Man is one; what exist are principles and values ​​and the exercise of certain virtues that for the business world are more important. All of this is called business ethics.



  • Goods have to do with trends: what is wanted. Norms have to do with forms: how one wants. Virtues have to do with disposition: what is wanted for.


Whether a manager acts ethically or unethically is the result of a complex interaction between the manager's stage of moral development and different moderating variables that include:

  • Individual characteristics The structural design of the organization Its culture The intensity of the ethical problem.
  • How great will the benefit (harm) be done to the beneficiaries (victims) of the act? How much consensus is there that the act is bad (good)? What is the probability that the act will actually occur and that it causes the expected harm (or benefit)? What is the time between the act in question and its expected consequences? How close (socially, psychologically or physically) do you consider the victims (or beneficiaries)? great is the concentrated effect of the act on the affected people?

Stage of moral development: At each successive stage, an individual's moral judgment becomes less and less dependent on external influences.

Individual characteristics: every person enters an organization with a set of firmly established values.

Structural variables: The structural design of an organization helps shape the ethical behavior of its managers. The behavior of superiors is the strongest influence on the ethical or unethical behavior of an individual.

Organizational culture: The content and strength of an organization's culture also influence ethical behavior. A strong organizational culture will exert more influence on managers than a weak one.


Utilitarian view of ethics: Decisions are made solely on the basis of their results or consequences. The goal of utilitarianism is to provide the greatest welfare for as many people as possible.

Ethical rights viewpoint: It is concerned with respecting and protecting the freedoms and privileges of the individual, including their rights to privacy, freedom of conscience and to be subjected to a fair trial. This conception has a negative aspect in organizations.

Ethics Fairness Viewpoint: Requires managers to enforce the rules fairly and impartially. It protects the interests of those who are not well represented or who lack power.

Theory of integrative social contracts: it proposes the combination of empirical (what is) and normative (what should be) approaches in business ethics. Managers need to analyze existing ethical standards in industries and corporations in order to determine what is correct and what is not.


Social and cultural differences between countries are environmental factors that determine ethical or unethical behavior. Managers working in foreign cultures acknowledge legal, social, cultural, and political influences on what is appropriate and acceptable behavior.


The values ​​must be appropriate to the time, place and conditions in which you work. they are a frame of reference in which the life of an organization is inspired and regulated. Among the business principles we have:

  • Commitment to total quality Respect for the human person Action within an ethical framework Commitment to the client Social responsibility Creativity Honesty Honesty Collaboration Legality Competitiveness Profitability


It includes the values, beliefs, and behaviors that are shared within business life. It gets to condition the elements of the company including the strategy and the characteristics of the people.

In culture we define:

  • Our leadership style. We treat each other. Our beliefs. What we stand for. What values ​​are important to us.


It is the reason for being of an organization, that is, why it exists and what contributions it can make to its clients, workers, society and government. The mission of a company is to ensure that it is selling exactly what the customer wants to buy.

  • For the organization to exist. What is our basic purpose. What is our business. Who is our customer. What is value for the customer. What distinguishes us. What are our markets. What are our principles.

Many companies consider that their function consists only of buying materials, producing and selling their goods, to generate the best dividend to their shareholders. Your managers are concerned about short-term profitability, generating the highest volume of products and participation. Others seek a reason for being, in the national and international context, providing greater well-being to their collaborators, improving their standard of living, that of their families and of society.

Leading a change towards continuous improvement of quality and productivity, within the framework of the business philosophy.

The mission is the cornerstone for the achievement of quality and business success. Your compass is your chart.

It is a business philosophy known and practiced by all members of the organization.

Its establishment allows the achievement of high participation, profits, satisfaction, social and personal development.

It is the responsibility of senior management and should guide all employees, indicating what they want to achieve and how to go about achieving it. It must create unity among people a sense of purpose between what the company does and what society needs.

The mission must be real, what is announced as a commitment, people must see it supported by the attitudes and daily activities of managers and other directors. The mission guides long-term plans, focuses on the survival and continuity of the company, helping to establish the strategy. The mission must be oriented towards customers, the reason for being of the organization. Thus, it allows to build a quality organization, where each one works in a climate of trust, collaboration and commitment towards permanent improvement.

The mission in the development of organizations:

  1. In the undifferentiated phase, the mission is defined by the expectations of the owners. In the bureaucratization phase, it is oriented towards profits In the development phase it is oriented towards social development.
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The traditional and axiological organizational mission