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Negotiation as part of your life

Table of contents:


Executive Summary

Negotiating this from the moment one is born, however it is an art to be able to take advantage of this technique which is used in each step that a person takes from his point of view or interacting with another to obtain something in exchange for the exchange of points of view. sight or tangible objects.

Trade is the gap that began with the power to obtain something in exchange for another product, personal treatment is mixed, which is important to close any type of negotiation.

There are infinities of negotiations but the objective is the same satisfaction between parties involved in the business, the desire sometimes to obtain more makes the negotiation somewhat complex, just as the art of negotiating can be learned or born with this gift.


In this essay we will talk about what a negotiation is, we will induce a bit in the trade, which is a basis for a negotiation, as well as the parts that involve the realization of it, the result that is obtained through the negotiation that can be innumerable by which some steps of concretizing such give each person a different satisfaction.

II. Background

Commerce begins when man begins to live in society, once a family nucleus is established and communities begin to be created. The growth of the community led to new forms of social life, and new needs began to emerge to improve food, clothing and housing conditions. With advances in techniques, and with the search for greater comforts, man begins the division of labor. Instead of a man covering all his needs (looking for food, clothing, housing, etc.), he specializes in one activity and exchanges his goods for others with people who specialize in another activity. In the beginning, the barter system was used, that is, the direct exchange of one good for another.

However, the barter system presents a problem. There comes a point where one good cannot be used as a payment system for other goods. (Economiaes.com, 2014)

III. Development

Trade came to be an important factor through which there is a change in the welfare of man, it can be observed that many things were exchanged but also had to interact with another person to make the change, then we can understand that a negotiation is “Negotiation is defined as a conversation between two or more people to reach a settlement of divergent interests or a mutual agreement. Therefore, the ability to negotiate implies an ability to create an environment conducive to collaboration and to achieve lasting commitments that strengthen the relationship. Ability to direct and control a discussion using techniques, planning alternatives to negotiate the best agreements ”. (csintranet.org, 2014)

The negotiation focuses on several important points for which the purpose of the negotiation is that a formal commitment is finally made between the parties, where both can obtain beneficial and favorable results in favor of their well-being (economic, personal, commercial, etc..).

The negotiation involves from two people to several in search of mutual satisfaction, a negotiation is a symbol of well-being and acceptance by the parties involved.

Negotiation is an art that is learned and with practice the individual who does not have much skill, can learn it so that he becomes as good as the people who are born with that gift.

All the activities of our life, whether professional or personal in which we interact with other living beings, mean some form of negotiation. Negotiations start from the moment we are born. When we first feel unhappy with something or are hungry and start crying, it is one of the most primitive ways to negotiate.

Selling is one of the best known and most traditional forms of negotiation. Even a whole theory about the sales negotiation process has been developed recently, to set some successful parameters of the sales process. Not everyone understands that negotiating is the basis of interpersonal relationships.

We can divide the negotiation into 2 which are:

Distributive negotiation: It is known as zero sum or win - lose. Each party seeks to obtain the highest possible proportion, which results at the cost of what the other loses. The price of a good is the typical case of this type of negotiation. The amount is the one that interests above prestige or personal relationships. Information about the interest of the other party, and the first offer that is launched, are key variables in this negotiation.

Collaborative or integration negotiation: also known as win - win. The parties collaborate to improve conditions between the two. A typical case is the relationship between producer and supplier. One agrees to buy at a higher price, and the other accepts the sale by improving the payment conditions (such as longer term, for example). Other compensation mechanisms can also be used, such as helping to improve the quality of the input, or to innovate it. (mp.peru-v.com, 2014)

These 2 negotiations are important because they are integrated at any time in the life of any person, they are transcendental, sometimes they are carried out without prior knowledge, that is why negotiating is part of life.

IV. conclusion

In conclusion, a negotiation is part of daily life, from the moment you get up, until when you go to sleep, this has occurred since ancient times, anyone can start a negotiation, including an animal.

Negotiation is considered an art since several social, psychological, economic aspects are involved, in this case I would consider it a technique based on a clean strategy.

A negotiation satisfies a need, even a selfish desire, animals day by day with the desire to survive enter into a dispute for their food, their home, they use communication to reach an agreement.

Generally, the negotiation occurs from the moment we wake up, taking the truck, there is already a negotiation when exchanging needs, the truck driver obtains income, and one obtains the satisfaction of moving to another side.

One knows a negotiation as a sale since an agreement is reached by both the seller and the buyer, this is true, the seller must know how to perceive the buyer, while he must not be bent at the first attempt.

Negotiation is important since deals are closed, personally, economically, socially.

It must be known in the context in which the negotiation is being carried out in order to emerge unscathed, have some key data to succeed, be tactful with the other person in case of being a group, act in an assertive manner.

Always have a decision in the face of any dangerous situation that can put the negotiation at risk, have a solution to rescue the negotiation.

Always having a solution planned for any situation is the key to closing a business.

V. References

  • csintranet.org. (February 2014). csintranet.org. Obtained from: https://ccsu.es/Economiaes.com. (March 2014). Economiaes.com. Obtained from
Negotiation as part of your life