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Negotiation takes preparation


Negotiation is an issue that if you think for a moment needs prior preparation to be successful in order to be successful, it can be seen in a simple example such as: "a boy wants to go to the concert of his favorite artist", he thinks keywords to talk to your parents and get permission, know how to gain their trust with certain topics, think about possible futures and how to respond to them in case your parents do not show much flexibility.

This can go through the mind when someone is needed, but everything has a cost, to what in the example; The parents will ask in return for something like: washing the dishes at the end of each dinner by the boy, washing the car, taking the grocery bags out of the car when they get home after doing the weekly shopping, that's where they look to earn something in exchange for permission and both get a profit with the help of the other party.

Just as this small example carried a preparation, the negotiations with greater weight as they are in companies also have it, in the business world every day negotiation closings are made and for this both parties prepare to be able to meet the needs they have with counterpart support.

To achieve or define who will be the counterpart of the negotiation, it is important to have information from others about the possibilities they have to provide help to the needs that they have and that they seek to cover, this is part of the preparation prior to a negotiation.

In the negotiation process it is essential to establish a preparation guide that defines the basic stages and the most relevant aspects to consider as well as the strategy to choose according to the characteristics of the situation and the parties. (…)

Another aspect that can help us to prepare the negotiation is to know the behavior that the negotiator has had in the past. This behavior usually gives guidelines that can be helpful in predicting your way of trading. Juan B. Roure 1997

Having this information, it can be said that the strategies are created under the possible scenarios that were formulated based on the information previously obtained from both parties on the issues of interest to carry out the negotiation, these refer to the analysis of the needs of both parties and planning the information you have from both sides.

Preparation plays an essential role in the negotiation that is why it must be taken into account every time a negotiation is sought, since at this stage the necessary information is collected to know the counterpart, their needs. as well as those of which strategies are generated for various possible scenarios that may arise in the negotiation in search of successfully achieving a profit.

Negotiation takes preparation