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The new social management in Colombia

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"You can only progress when you think big, you can only advance when you look far away." - José Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher and journalist.

Colombia and its leaders have the task of combining all their efforts in favor of development capable of alleviating many of the political, social, economic and cultural problems that have kept us one step behind progress throughout history.

The task will not be easy. There are many years of inequity, violence and social injustice that have weakened the people's trust in their leaders and the hope that Colombians have in their country. Hence the need to unite and project all hopes in the same effort to achieve consolidation of our nation as a just, free and equitable country.

A New Social Management, focused on the Colombia 2019 Vision seems to be one of the alternatives to advance as a country and go hand in hand with a world that is moving by leaps and bounds, with development ideas that are close to the future. This is a joint task for the government, the people and the economic, political and cultural sectors of the country. The "search for peace, social justice, adequate and competitive infrastructure, quality of life for all, productive growth, greater opportunities for competitiveness, and the consolidation of a pluralist democracy and freedoms" are a clear example of the great challenges that the Colombian Nation has to be competitive before the world.

This search requires continuous efforts to constitute a solid and innovative social body, attentive to the opportunities with which it can develop “ a dynamic social management model; a deeply democratic political system, based on the principles of freedom, tolerance and fraternity; and to strengthen a socioeconomic model without exclusions, based on equal opportunities and with a State that guarantees social equity. ”This would allow increasing the size of an economy, improving infrastructure, eradicating poverty, advancing democracy, overcoming levels of illiteracy and social inequality, reducing unemployment, creating trust in the government and in the laws that give order to the country, and to integrate and position Colombia as a free, safe, equitable and peaceful nation.

Today, the blurring of information and communication borders brings with it new demands for knowledge and technological development for countries, and especially for companies that compete not only in a local market, but also in the world. This is all the more so when the bet is on the globalization of markets, where companies must have at their disposal all the information and means necessary to be competitive. The logic of the world market is changing by leaps and bounds and social management cannot ignore this.

When we stop to observe these new logics, we find that the market moves under the idea of ​​mass production, quickly, and optimizing time and space. Technology seeks to satisfy these needs through new developments in information and communication. At present it is not possible to conceive of a nation as developed without the access and use of technology. The new social managers are called to incorporate into their processes all the possibilities that new technologies can offer them and thereby enter a market without borders.

However, nations like ours lack a technological culture, and the use of ICT is still limited. The lack of adequate infrastructure (networks and communications) also prevents their optimal use.

For many entrepreneurs, ICTs are limited to tools offered by basic computing. This ignorance must be permeated by a new culture of negotiators, capable of implementing and promoting new world trends in business administration and negotiation. Studies suggest that in developed countries, SMEs make a high use of ICTs and derive their competitiveness from there. However, in Colombia SMEs use ICTs marginally in their production and administrative processes.

But ICTs are not the only alternative. To achieve the proposed goals, efforts are required that arise from the inhabitants' own motivations, not imposed by government power or force, and that also include all sectors of the country. When it is included, it gives rise to the other, providing opportunities for each actor in society to participate actively and contribute to the achievement of the country's objectives.

The history of Colombia has been marked by isolated efforts and devoid of strategic plans for the needs of the present and the projections of the future. Most of the attempts to transform the reality of the country have been in the hands of the government and have ignored the participation of the inhabitants and other sectors of society, with which we have remained in political strategies and not in real development alternatives that include the Colombian population.

The country has the mission of basing its plans and strategic goals considering the world changes in economic, technological, political and social matters that have been taking place since the last decade of the 20th century. Among the most notable are:

  • Instability Redefinition of competition Acceleration of the life cycle of products Quality movement impacts all organizations Production technology displaces product technology as the basis of competitiveness Internationalization of the company Explosive growth of ICTs Explosion of biotechnology Development of systems with decision making Autonomous Ecological concern Redefinition of the role of women Redefinition of the role of the State Pluralism and democracy Emphasis on education

These factors are a key point in the development of a Social Management from the Colombia 2019 Vision. Fortunately, among our potentialities, we find elements as important as a privileged territory, the possibility of using natural resources responsibly, incorporating new technologies, and redefining plans and programs., take advantage of the capacities we have as Colombians, turn weaknesses into possibilities, seek markets, optimize resources (capital, work, culture), thus achieving not only a consistent economic model, but also a country prepared to face the risks and difficulties that it may encounter. on its way to development.

Being on par with the world requires “a Social Management thought from all areas, an economy that guarantees a higher level of well-being, a more egalitarian and supportive society, a society of free and responsible citizens, capable of taking advantage of technology and making it available to them. service, and an efficient state at the service of citizens. "


  • CALCAGNO, A. (2001), Foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean (Caracas, Permanent Secretary of SELA). DRUCKER F. Peter. Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Pp. 275 FRIEDMAN, Thomas. The earth is flat. Mr. Ediciones, 2006. pp. 495UNAMUNO, Miguel. Studies on his work. 2009, pp. 114. MONGE-GONZÁLEZ, Ricardo; ALFARO-AZOFEIFA, Cindy and ALFARO-CHAMBERLAIN, José. ICT in Central American SMEs: Impact of the adoption of information and communication technologies on the performance of companies ”. Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica and International Center for Development Research, 2005, Colombia 2019 Vision: Proposal for discussion, executive summary PP. 60.
The new social management in Colombia