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Public speaking in professional performance

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If it is bad business for any State to maintain school teachers who use the resources of oral communication badly, it is much more so for the private sector, where the father of the family pays much more than a pension for the service of fully training well. to his children. For both sectors, this article tries to understand the importance of mastering a tool that turns out to be essential for efficient staff performance, both in education and in any other area of ​​business.


Zazamón Fashá, teacher of teachers, was surprised by the question of the youngest of his disciples:

  • Master, is the mastery of Speaking imperative for me?

With the self-assurance of his years, Zazamón replied:

  • Allow me to answer you with another question… Do you conceive a carpenter without a hammer, a jeweler without a burin, a navigator without a compass, or a soldier without a rifle? Impossible, master!… Each one, without their respective tools, weapon or instrument really It would be nothing. Well, well… For the true teacher, oratory is the most valuable of his tools, the most valued of his instruments and the most effective of his weapons. Thanks to the mastery of oratory, the teacher can not only effectively communicate his knowledge, but even, thanks to persuasion, he can sow virtues that the argument cannot implant in reason. Thanks to oratory, the teacher can soften the harshness of the rigorous concept, clarify the complexity of the procedure, attenuate the painful emotion that leaves the pupil on the edge of depression,to exalt the positive emotion that stimulates the development of good attitudes, to engrave with gold letters in the soul of the disciple the feelings of homeland, ethnic group and nation, or the ideals of peace, love and justice: Thanks to oratory,… Enough, teacher. It's enough! I'm ready to start! …

So far the story. Now, we as teachers, we must seek answers to each of these disturbing questions:

  • Is it true that in the teacher-student relationship communication occurs mainly through oral language? Is it true that the teacher-guardian relationship inevitably requires oral communication? Is it true that in the teacher-superior relationship communication is produced mainly through oral language? Is it true that the way of speaking is part of the personal image? Is it true that the personal image decisively influences personal failure or success? Is it true that our ways of using the Language induce in our students a spontaneous and unconscious learning, by imitation? Is it true that we teachers are, in part, also to blame for the disastrous way in which new generations use oral language?

A thinker has said: "There are five elements that determine the quality of the person: what he thinks, what he feels, what he does, what he says, and the way he says it." For this reason, oratory training is a necessity of the first order for the true teacher.

Importance of public speaking

  • It allows you to free yourself from your own inhibitions and from any consequences that agoraphobia brings. And it helps students to free themselves from their own. It helps to develop a suitable voice for dealing with the most diverse public, thus avoiding abnormal voices and those that tire quickly. It provides a pleasant and clear diction, giving efficiency to our work and avoiding wasted time due to repetitions as well as overexertion - and the consequent auditory fatigue - on the part of the students.It allows us to make art with the word, so that the student is taken, in addition to concepts, reasoning, procedures, etc. an aesthetic experience that will make the study a happy experience. It enables correct imitative learning by the students, since the teacher-speaker will be a true paradigm.It helps to develop the motivational capacity of the teacher, avoiding boring classes and subsequent negative behaviors of the students.It improves the personal image of the teacher, thereby contributing to raise their own self-esteem and their chances of personal success.It contributes to the good institutional image from the work center and, therefore, to the prestige of the group.

Common mistakes

  • Make tarts or disorderly movements that induce students a feeling of insecurity, a sense of disorder, or a distortion of the message that the words may be trying to convey. Handicap: Saying phrases that convey to students a feeling of insecurity and a bad habit when speaking. For example: no? Right ?, eeeeh !, eeee… Dictate incorrectly, pronouncing one phoneme by another, so that the student is taught to misuse the language. For example: “cactar” (for “capture”), “ocservation” (for “observation”), “canpana” (for “bell”). Speak without looking at the pupils' pupils, or speak to only some of them, thus making others feel left out Trying only to convince without persuading,or the other way around, forgetting that reason and feeling are two complementary factors in the educational process. Speaking with a language plagued by vices that not only detracts from the quality of the teacher but also forms the students very badly. Speaking with a monotonous voice and language too simple, forgetting that the vibrations of the human spirit are produced by the pleasant sound and by the art with which the word is woven. Believing that naturalness in language is enough to communicate ideas; Think that the word is enough in itself to communicate ideas and concepts Misuse the techniques of verbal highlighting, in such a way that the student is confused about the main and secondary Belief that public speaking is only for politicians and charlatans, ignoring that it is the teacher's natural tool. Convey this wrong idea to the student.

General recommendations

  • Stand properly. Make your mime in harmony with the content of your words. Look into the eyes of your listeners. Inflect your voice. Vocalize and articulate correctly. Avoid unnecessary repetition; do artistic repetitions to fix. Avoid circumlocutions (detours), get to the point. Never stop motivating. Learn motivational techniques. Remember that "the best gateway to reason is the heart." Never forget that much of what you do or say (with your words, postures, gestures, gestures, etc.) will be spontaneously and unconsciously Learned by your students. Prepare yourself in a good speech school; read graded books. May your life be the best testimony that learning, for human beings, is constant.
Public speaking in professional performance