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Ethics in administration


Many times, in an attempt to link ethics within the context of administration, we observe in practice these two concepts that are very difficult to unite, since what one implies can be used in contrast to the application of the other. Unfortunately, a large number of administrators, have such a linear ideology in their vision and the exercise of their profession, that they do not allow them to be involved further in relation to the functions that are assigned to them.

Ethics implies self-development, without threatening the free development of others, that is, it is treated on a subjective level. Morality, which on certain occasions is confused with ethics, is more linked to a set of values ​​instituted within a social group, and which are apprehended by the individual, who acts and judges based on these.

Having already differentiated the concept of ethics, we can analyze that hundreds of times, the criteria handled by an administrator, such as efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and profitability, fall very short in terms of understanding this term, since in most cases, they only tend to develop the small nucleus or business in which they participate, without taking into account a much broader context in which they are immersed.

There is already enough literature on the importance of acting under the philosophy of systems thinking. To understand it, it is essential to know that within a circular movement, hundreds of steps work as components of a particular method, which come to establish certain processes. These in turn form a system. In it, all the elements have an interrelation, interdependence and sequence with each other.

Despite the great theorizing that exists on the subject, and the dissemination that is already taking place on it, very few people have involved this new conception of the world, not only at the management level within a specific position, but in his life itself. When speaking of ethics, understood within a systemic ideology, one understands, for example, the importance of preserving the ecology, a question often understood in an inverse function to that of profitability. But when viewed from another perspective, it is possible to deduce that damage to the ecosystem is not only transmitted through the payment of a fine, under the premise that "he who pollutes pays", but that in the long run it will be reversed in higher costs for the company, since the less natural resources, the higher cost will generate its future obtaining,if at that time it is still feasible to achieve it.

De otro lado, los criterios bajo los cuales prospera una organización, deben estar en función del desarrollo personal de cada uno de los individuos que están involucrados en ella. Y esto no se logra creyendo por ejemplo, que la motivación de un empleado está determinada exclusivamente por la relación con su jefe o su trabajo.

It is defined by a much broader set, in which aspects such as the culture and subculture to which this worker belongs, his family circle, his personal objectives and the compatibility or incompatibility with those of the company, the organizational structure also affect (its rigidity or flexibility), its relationship with customers, suppliers and with the system in general. Within it, collective or individual action has an important impact, which affects the way each company evolves.

In this way, it is also understood that development not only implies concern for internal growth, as this also includes the way in which the participation of suppliers is projected within the system, the way consumers think and live at the same time. intermediate and final levels, the impact on society in general, on the environment, and why not, on the world; Well, day by day the processes of globalization do not only refer to a commercial exchange. They also imply an exchange of cultures, ideas, natural, technological, educational and human resources, in short, an integration of the human species that constantly interacts under different kinds of systems, where the primary objective is sustainability.

For this reason, when we speak of ethics, we can not only limit ourselves to growing economically, without harming the small space where we believe we live; All the aforementioned factors must be considered, and many others that will arise from the perspective of each reader, understanding that to the extent that the system is positively affected, that is, with "ethics", the system will respond in our favor, and the Likewise, when we negatively affect it, that impact will return, very possibly damaging the organization.

Thus, when we talk about productivity, we must bear in mind that it should not only be projected based on a few resources belonging to our business, but that it will increase in line with the other resources of the system. In the same way, it will happen with the achievement of objectives measured by the effectiveness or the improvement of the performance denoted by the efficiency.

It is therefore the intention of this editorial, not only to promote a reflection on the importance of understanding the ethical attitude as a way to study sustainability, but to sow a thorn that moves us to apply it at the level of our role as students, as professionals, as managers, but above all, as people belonging to a society that needs entities to build a more humane space rich in possibilities for progress.

In the following video-course on ethics in administration, a very complete account of the relationship that ethics has with: excellence in work, decision-making, personal action, leadership, quality and social responsibility is made. (Manuel Guillén, Polytechnic University of Valencia - 7 lessons, 1 hour and 10 minutes)

Ethics in administration