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Synchronicities in life

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If you really want to transcend the mundane, you must learn to dream the impossible, only with repeated thoughts can the impossible become possible for you.

How can we know which of our intentions are most likely to become a reality?

The answer to this lies in paying attention to the clues that the universe offers us, becoming aware of the coincidences that occur in your life.

The coincidences are messages, they are clues from God and the universe.

If you intend to find your innate talents and then dedicate yourself to them, in order to change your work destiny and offer humanity the best of yourself, it is important to take the following into account:

A) Your thoughts or desires should not be in conflict with the purposes of the universe, the desire to win the lottery can increase your sense of separation, however perhaps the desire to win large amounts of money doing what you love the most and giving your divine gifts to humanity is for example, one of the deepest intentions that bring happiness as a complete purpose.

B) The intention is coming from a higher degree of consciousness and should be taken as such, if you have that intention to put your innate talents to work, do not take it as something superfluous because it is certain that it comes from your own spirit and by therefore it is in alignment with all that exists.

It is important to add that your intentions are not only yours, they also come from the power that created you and if they were not, you would not even have them, you would never have the intention to change if it were not part of the divine plan.

Trust in the power we've witnessed

Synchronicity is a means to get in touch with God, it is a means by which we can find the purpose of our life.

If most of your attention is focused on stressful situations in your life, it will be very difficult for you to ignore the synchronicities that would lead you to see your wishes come true.

In order to "see" synchronicities more clearly, it is necessary to learn to believe that we are part of a whole and that somehow before we were born we carried under our arms a series of very important gifts to offer and put them to work for the benefit of the whole world..

  • The first step of this program is to change the module of collective consciousness that tells us such debilitating things as:
  • You have to work hard and enslave yourself because there is no way out »Only those who were born into rich families can succeed» You have to work hard to achieve something, since everything in life is difficult »Only those who are lucky will achieve something in the life"

And move to a higher level of consciousness, a level where we trust that we have come to this world for some important reason and that we are not and will never be alone.

As we move to that point, we will begin to have confidence in that power that is much greater than our humanity.

That power that is capable of doing prodigious things and that despite being silent witnesses of the magic with which it operates, we continue to ignore and put aside. We continue to believe that we are alone, without support and that we are victims of unemployment, bad economy, bad bosses, thieves, wars etc.

That magical and enormous power that is capable of creating a baby from 2 cells of microscopic dimensions.

That power that makes a tree as tall as an oak come out of such a small, tiny seed.

That power that allows the caterpillar to become a butterfly.

This power that is in charge of all the processes of your body, from digestion, the production of hormones and chemicals, respiration, your heartbeat and with "master synchrony" is in charge of renewing the cells of your body by nights while you sleep.

Trusting in that power that reigns in our universe is the first step to transcend from a consciousness of separation to a consciousness of unity, to a new knowledge and way of seeing this world as a clock that works perfectly and meticulously (although not looks like it).

Trusting in that power allows us to stop believing that we are helpless victims and gives us a new hope that we have power, that we are capable of changing our situation and transcending our problems.

By feeling united with everything that exists, we transcend that feeling of separation that depresses us or places us in a place of competition with others, in a place where we believe that we are inferior or superior, lucky or unfortunate, loved or forgotten.

The great visual artists, writers and musicians affirm that when they create they need to transcend beyond their individual identities.

None of them think about royalties while writing a song.

Creating a new song or piece of music involves letting go and letting the music, idea, or song come to you.

And to get to that creative moment, most of us have to be in a relaxed state, no idea comes when we are worried, stressed, sad, angry, depressed, or we feel

separated from humanity.

  • The second step of this program is to meet this requirement to begin to use the power of synchronization in our lives, the requirement to know that we are important, that we are part of a key piece in the puzzle of the world, that we are not separate., nor forgotten, that we do not have to compete with others because we are special and there will never be someone like us.

That what we can do no one, but no one at all is capable of doing the same, so we do not need to compete or beat anyone because each of us is "the best" in our area and in our own way.

Synchronicities surround us

In his book entitled "Synchrodestine", Dr. Deepak Chopra tells us that coincidences are coded messages that come from the circumscribed intelligence (or the Universe / God) and that all this presents us with life as a mystery novel in which you have to be paying attention to the clues to look for meanings and find the end…. the truth or the solution of the case.

It also says that our destiny is hidden from us and that only at the end of our existence will we be in a position to look back and see the path we have traveled, if we could see our life in reverse, we would realize that everything has a perfect logic and sequential and it would be so easy to follow the thread of continuity that leads a person to certain places, people, events that in the end were necessary for endless results that not only affected a single person but a whole set.

A story that I really like and perfectly illustrates how a small or synchronistic event can affect our entire world as a whole is the story of how President Nixon's father met his wife (Nixon's mother).

One day walking he decided to sit on a log, to rest for a while, without realizing he sat on a poor caterpillar and pacatelas! Crushed it.

Later, she realized that her suit had become dirty and had to find a nearby dry cleaner to have her suit cleaned because she had a very important appointment.

At the dry cleaner he met a very kind and cute girl who he liked very much and whom he asked out for after a while to marry her and later become the parents of President Nixon.

If he hadn't sat on that log….. if the caterpillar hadn't been on that log…. if the girl had gone out to eat at that time…. if he had decided to go change at his house…. If he had gone to the other dry cleaner that was closer to his house…. if he hadn't followed his heart and asked the girl out….

How many stories do we not hear of this type in the couples we meet?

Personally, I could say that almost all the couples I know are married today thanks to one event or several so small, but at the same time so synchronistic that if they had prepared them in advance, they would not have turned out so perfectly.

I believe that we have all experienced coincidences in our lives and most of our life unfolds around pure coincidences, friends who introduce us to the love of our life…. They fire us from a job and we find a much better one….. a person we love leaves us and then we find a better one…. we lose the truck or the plane and we are saved from an accident…. we have a hunch about someone giving us a bad feeling etc. etc.

The coincidences are signs that are trying to direct us to certain places, we can ignore those signs and move on or we can pay attention to them and experience the miracle that is waiting for us.

** The third step in this program is to ask for help and be aware of the clues and synchronicities that will appear in your life once you set the intention of finding your ideal career.

Now, the more attention we pay to matches, the more matches we will find.

How can we be more receptive to clues or coincidences?

In order to be more receptive to the clues that are presented to us, it is necessary to learn to become more sensitive to our environment.

For example, at this very moment try to relax and look around you, perhaps you will hear the noise from the television that is the closest you have, but also in the background there are noises in the street or perhaps in your neighbor's house, the noise that the refrigerator makes in the kitchen and if you become more alert you will notice that there are also odors in the environment. For example, at the moment I am writing this it is raining and the environment feels humid and the smell of humid earth enters the window and mixes with the smell of the cup of coffee that I have next to me.

In order to take advantage of the clues it is important that you are alert to them, perhaps sometimes they will be presented in the form of a friend, a brochure, a magazine, a television commercial, a phrase from a movie or a song, the smell of something that reminds you of a certain person or place, or there will simply be times when inspiration will hit you as if someone hit you on the head and you will have all the information in your mind as if someone had downloaded a file quickly in your brain.

Synchronicities in life