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Communications management process in the company

Table of contents:


Characteristics of the communication process for its standardization

What is communication

Information transfer and understanding between two people. It is a bridge of meaning between men that allows them to share what they feel and think.

Important aspects

  • At least two individuals are always involved Communication occurs at the moment the receiver receives, processes and understands what has been transmitted. It is what the receiver understands.

Because it is important?

Every act of communication influences the organization. Without it it cannot exist. When effective it promotes better performance and greater satisfaction.

Generates a greater commitment to work (by better understanding employees what is expected of them).

Open communication vs. / restricted communication

It is better for employees to know what problems the company is facing and what management intends to do about them. That way your

answer will tend to be more favorable.

Role of managers

They start the communication process. Most of the links in the communication chain are at the managerial level, therefore it is where information is lost the most.

Two-way communication process

Process Steps

  1. Developing an idea: something worthwhile that wants to be communicated must be generated Coding the idea: choosing the transmission method (oral, written, symbols) Transmission using the chosen method and through a channel, avoiding barriers and noises that make that transmission difficult. Reception: the initiative belongs to the receiver now, you must be attentive to that reception. Decoding: there is a need to understand the message in the way it was transmitted. Establishing communication with someone is

    transmit a message so that it understands what is being said; It cannot be taken for granted that just transmitting communication has taken place. Acceptance: it depends on a personal decision and admits degrees. Part or all of the message can be accepted. Use: how the recipient uses the information they received. You can discard it or use it in the development of the task. Feedback: it is verified when the receiver has recognized the message and responds to the sender. Complete the communication circuit.

Two-way communication is only possible thanks to feedback, because thanks to this, a constant interaction is generated that allows

the following messages to be adapted to the previous responses of the receiver.

Broadcasters need feedback for effective communication to occur.

Two-way communication produces greater satisfaction, less frustration, and greater precision in job performance.

Two-way communication problems

  • Polarization of points of view Cognitive dissonance (anxiety and conflict to receive information that differs from their ideas or values ​​can lead to changes in Interpretation, modification of ideas, etc. with the aim of reducing dissonance) Regrettable messages (that increase pressure and they deteriorate the relationships between those who are trying to communicate).

Barriers to communication

  • Personal barriers: they come from emotions, values ​​and bad listening habits. Emotions act as filters in

    communication. You hear and see what we emotionally tune in to. Communication, then, cannot be separated from our personality. Physical barriers: they occur in the environment. Noises, distance between people, physical interference of another type. Environmental control: is to

    modify the physical conditions in order to predispose the receiver and influence their feelings and behavior. Semantic barriers: related to meaning. They arise from the limitation of the symbols through which we communicate. The

    symbols usually have more than one meaning and we must choose one of them. Interpretation of symbols - inference based on our assumptions and not on facts.

Communication Symbols

  1. Words: many meanings. Context is what conveys meaning.
    • Legibility: it is the process of making writing and speech more understandable, through the simplification of symbols and the selection of those

      symbols that the receiver prefers.

      • Flesch Norms: Use simple words and phrases Use short, familiar words Use personal pronouns if possible Use examples, graphs and figures Sentences and short paragraphs Use verbs in active construction Use only necessary words
    Illustrations: serve to clarify verbal communication. They offer powerful visual images, but they should be combined with

    well-chosen words and actions.Actions (non-verbal communication): two important things to consider:

    • Acting or not acting are forms of communication In the long run, action is worth more than words. (Communication credibility gap: distance between what is said and what is done) Body language is an important complement to verbal.

Downward Communication

The flow of communication is from a higher authority to a lower level.

There are major problems in this regard, as employees do not understand what they are trying to communicate. The key is, rather than using means, in the human orientation of managers, sensitive to the needs of employees, careful preparation and anticipation of problems.


Managers lack a solid foundation for communication.

  1. Acquire a positive attitude towards communication (convince yourself that it is important) Try to obtain information constantly Plan communication consciously Create trust between senders and receivers.


  1. Communication Overload: Some managers think that more communication is better communication. The important thing is the quality, not the quantity of communication, which can overwhelm employees and make it difficult to understand.Acceptance of communication: aspects to take into account to promote acceptance:
    • recognition of the legitimacy of the sender perception of the sender's capacity in relation to the content of the message trust in the sender as a leader and as a person perception of the credibility of the message acceptance of tasks and goals to be achieved power of the sender to impose direct or indirect sanctions

Communication needs of employees

  1. Instructions regarding work: it is necessary to provide objective instructions and information. Present the reality of the job to avoid exaggerated expectations that lead to higher employee turnover. Performance feedback: helps them know what to do and how efficiently they are meeting their goals. Show interest in their work. To provide feedback you need to:
    • that it is timely that it is specific that it focuses on aspects of the work that it is objective (not based on inferences or assumptions) that it is proven that it was understood that it is given shortly after a decisive event
    News: employees need information on time, not belatedly confirming what they already learned from other sources. Social Support: perception that they are loved, esteemed and appreciated. It affects satisfaction and performance.

Upward Communication

It is the communication from the lowest levels to the highest. It is important because it allows management to be aware of the needs of the employees and check that they are understanding the information that is provided to them. It is also vital to making good decisions.

Problems that occur:

  • Delay or delay (from management levels upwards) Filtering (partial suppression of information) Bypassing hierarchical levels (positive aspect is that it reduces filtering and delays, but it can annoy those passed by lato) Need for response from employees (quick responses lead to an improvement in upward communication).

Practices to improve upward communication

  1. Listen: it requires using the mind in order to capture the idea that the sender wants to communicate. Advantages: better decisions based on better perceptions; you learn more in the same period of time; more things are discovered about what someone or the person is talking about. Manifestation of good manners; encourages others to do the same. Problems that arise: listening comprehension, retention Meetings with employees: encourage them to talk about their work and the administrative practices that help or hinder them Open door policy: speak freely with the supervisor or executives of the highest level. It is about removing obstacles to

    communication. It is difficult because of the psychological and social barriers between employees and superiors. Others fear losing the appreciation of the superior.Participation in social groups: Excellent unplanned upward communication (as a by-product) can occur at recreational and informal events, as things are usually said as they are in these situations.

Other forms of communication

  1. Horizontal or Cross Communication: through the chains of command.

    Those who play important roles in this type of communication are called border expanders.Work networks: a group of people who establish permanent contact to exchange information informally. They help to broaden the interests of

    employees. Electronic mail and telecommunication: despite the advantages, there may be problems due to the issue of not being taken into account, isolation, loss of

    contact with their usual networks.

Communications management process in the company