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Business processes and internal control. presentation


“Life must be daily, mobile, useful and the first duty of a man these days is to be a man of his time. Do not accept other people's theories, but discover your own. Do not interfere in your country with abstractions, but inquire about the way to make useful things practical ”. Jose Marti.


"… It is imperative to create an administrative team that knows how to take advantage of and combine the specific technical knowledge of others and guide companies and other state agencies at the strong pace of the revolution…" Ernesto Guevara

The painting: Spine of the Revolution, 1962


  • Review of the strategic plan Process study Criteria for the classification of indicators Identification and development of indicators Implementation of indicators

Traditional Functional Structure

(Pyramidal, vertical)

Structure Management by Processes

Process Study

Without an understanding of the organization's processes, it is very difficult to measure its effectiveness and efficiency.

The processes are identified before the indicators are developed, and the indicators will largely reflect whether the processes are being carried out properly. (Walsh 1996).


Way in which things are done in the organization.

Set of interrelated activities that, from one or more inputs of materials or information, give rise to one or more outputs also of materials or information with added value.


Set of interrelated activities that, derived from a major process that is fundamental for the entity, give rise to one or more outputs also of materials or information with added value.


Different routes of execution of activities (projects) within a larger process fundamental to the entity, which give rise to one or more outputs also of materials or information with added value.

Strategic or General Processes: are those processes that go through the entire entity and exchange directly with the environment, reflecting their influence on all the entity's sub-processes.

Operative or Specific Processes: they are those that go through the entire entity, exchange with the environment and obtain products that respond to the inputs of resources and outputs of products, as well as to a sequence of sub-processes that intervene in them.

Support or Auxiliary Processes: are those processes that serve as support or support to the general processes of the entity. Its inputs can come from both the environment and the entity's own internal environment.




FUNCTION: Organization


In the Strategic projection of CECOFIS, updated and modified in July 2005, the processes carried out in the center are described, which are classified as follows:

Strategic or general processes, operational or specific processes and support or auxiliary processes.

Strategic or general processes: These are those that impact the entire organization, exchange directly with the environment and reflect their influence on all the other processes of the Center.

Strategic Planning: It is the projection of actions to be carried out by the Center to achieve the Vision, which will be carried out through a system of actions in which all the entity's workers are involved. It will be carried out with a periodicity of three years, with the Director of the Center being the maximum responsible for its organization and execution.

Human Resources Management: It allows the treatment of human resources as an object and subject of orientation of professional and human improvement in the following moments: Selection, recruitment and integration of personnel, Training of personnel, Evaluation of personnel, Work of cadres.

Internal Control: It constitutes the integrating instrument for the achievement of the Mission and the fulfillment of the operative processes with efficiency and effectiveness. It is complemented in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 297 / -3 of the Ministry of Finance and Prices.


  • Map of information flows and processes of the organization Flow and process diagrams Process tree Cause and effect diagrams of processes
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Business processes and internal control. presentation