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Total quality and operations management productivity

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Productivity issues

Productivity implies measurement, since it is an essential step of the control process, some of the problems are attributed to it is the breakdown of the family structure, the attitudes of workers, government policies and regulations. But the focus is on administration.

Measuring the productivity of intellectual workers

Productivity is the input-output ratio in a certain period with special regard to quality. The measurement of productivity is given through manual work and intellectual work.

Manual labor comes from being a line clerk.

Intellectual worker would be an assistant whose main function is planning.

Examples of intellectual workers: engineers, programmers.

Production and operations management

Production management was the term used to refer to the activities necessary for the manufacture of products. Today this area has been expanded in general to include activities such as purchasing, warehouse, transportation and other operations. So operations management refers to the activities necessary to produce and offer the same service as a physical product.

The term production and operations management is because a company apart from carrying out essential activities, also performs functions such as research and development, engineering, marketing and sales, accounting and finance.

Operations management system

In the operations management model, inputs include the needs of customers, information, technology, administration and workforce, fixed assets and variable assets linked in the transformation process.

The transformation process is integrated by the planning, operation and control of the system.

Operations management system

Planning of operations

Once a final good has been selected, the specifications are determined and the technological feasibility of producing it is considered.

  • Special interests in a decision about the product Product design and production Systems design

System operation

It implies the establishment of an organizational structure, the occupation of positions with competent personnel and their training. Administrators capable of assuming supervision and leadership are required for the execution of the activities necessary for the production of the products or the provision of the desired services. To operate the system, activities such as purchasing and inventory maintenance are required. The purpose is to obtain the best productivity ratio in a given period with special regard to quality.

Control of operations with emphasis on information systems

It involves establishing performance criteria, measuring performance based on them, and taking actions to correct undesirable deviations. In this way, production, quality and reliability levels of products, inventory levels and the performance of the workforce are controlled.

A specific type of planning and control system integrates information almost instantaneously, thus considerably reducing the delays that generally prevent effective control. The development of computer hardware and software has made it possible to report almost all measurable data at the time events occur. Systems are available for the rapid systematic collection of data related to the operations as a whole, for immediate access to them, and for the expeditious reporting of the status of any of a large number of projects at any time. These are information systems designed primarily for the effective performance of planning and control.

Instruments and techniques to improve productivity

  • Inventory planning and controlOperations researchApplication of time-event networksValue engineeringSimplification of workCircles of qualityComputer-aided designComputer-aided manufacturing and manufacturing automation protocol.

Operations management system

Total Quality Management

It involves an organization's long-term commitment to continuous quality improvement in order to meet and exceed customer expectations. The success of this approach often requires the cooperation of vendors, in addition to senior managers. They must provide a vision, reinforce the values ​​that promote quality, set quality goals and deploy the necessary resources for the implementation of the quality program. Quality improvement actions must be subject to permanent surveillance through constant data collection, evaluation and feedback and the continuous application of improvement programs.

The future of operations management

What factors will influence future developments in this field?

  1. The increasing complexity of technology Automation The American service sector The production function


Productivity will continue to be a challenge for managers operating in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. And that to increase productivity, operations research, various other instruments and information technology must be applied.

Total quality and operations management productivity