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Internal communication program in the company


We are witnessing a time in which the speed of technological and economic social changes is such that large successful companies have opted for new models in which they have included all members of the organization under a common denominator, communication, in she have found one of her best best practices.

In the development of management policies for human resources, economic…, communication has always been present in any of its forms (horizontal, vertical or mixed). And this has been precisely because of the knowledge that is had of the impact that it produces on these developments.

A study carried out by the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising I shows that communication activities are increasingly at the service of the corporate image in the opinion of 68% of the people surveyed, for 15% internal communication would be in a position intermediate since it would lose weight in the temporary dedication and assigned budget, for 14% the importance would only be in the visual identity and the management of the brand and for the remaining 1% do not know, do not answer.

For this reason, when launching an Internal Communication Program, the first thing to do is observe the environment that surrounds the possible scope of said program, defining what is to be achieved, the problems and needs that exist, the supports, To later define how to achieve what is intended to be achieved (project design) and to be able in a final phase to execute it and monitor it, culture is always present throughout this study, said analysis needs a previous study of communication between the parties.

For this reason, the Internal Communication Program will be studied as a change management tool on the one hand and as a tool for improving performance on the other.

The Internal Communication Program is configured as a tool for change management because:

1. Participates in the internal communication of the “strategic vision” of the organization (develops and communicates the new strategic situation).

2. Helps to implement existing organizational changes, as a consequence of the adoption of strategic positions, communicating the objectives, motives and derivations of the new organizational model.

3. It serves as a link between the communications existing in the organization, that is, between internal communication and external communication, communication is carried out at two levels: customers (external) and staff of the organization (internal).

4. Helps with the implementation of Total Quality programs, since a program of this type needs for its implementation and subsequent monitoring a higher and higher degree of participation on the part of its beneficiaries.

5. It is a fundamental internal marketing element for the organization, in the sense that it allows the people who participate in its management to know the most significant aspects that derive from it, in a word it allows the employees to know the organization more.

On the other hand, the Internal Communication Program could also be a tool for the management of change in the sense that it influences the climate within the organization, that is, it can change the climate, which directly affects the organization in the sense that it can make work in the organization more effective or not, in this sense the climate N. Seisdedos defines it as: “a relatively enduring internal quality of the organization, a result of the conduct and regulations of its members, which is perceived by them and makes the entity different from another. It would be the set of perceptions, descriptive and non-evaluative, referring to the whole or parts of the organization and influencing the behavior and attitudes of the members ”.

It would also be a tool for change management because it supports its use, in the sense that its implementation allows the knowledge of the organization's culture or the resistance to change of the employees. And this knowledge could be key to achieve change in the organization / organization in question.

The Internal Communication Program is constituted as a tool to improve performance because it involves integrating innovative elements into the organization that place the organization in a clear situation of competitive advantage.

It also serves as a cohesive element between the different messages of the various issuers, coordinating and uniting them (data, styles and dates of distribution) since it establishes common data for all the personnel involved in its management on the one hand and on the other the dates are established by Same for everyone.

Now there is even talk of technology or performance consulting in which communication management has gained greater weight.

  • A good internal communication program can promote or be an instrument for improving performance by considering the following elements: the interactivity that occurs in the interpretation of the communication process, the negotiation between the participants in the communication situation and the impact of the social factors and the environment, which could have as consequences, for example, the promotion of practices among employees or training systems that promote them, aided by the internal communication program itself by the design of work and performance evaluation systems. Internal Communication Program helps the problem be understood and makes it easier for the client to solve it.Even the Internal Communication Program includes satisfaction measurement indicators that are not the result of what people want or do not want, but are usually the result of what has been observed that it is necessary to do or on what aspects it is necessary to influence. integrating element between the different areas of the organization as it promotes interaction between them through communication and common management.

It also allows two types of additional actions that could lead to an improvement in performance:

1. It would serve in its preparation as a source of diagnosis. In its preparation, the analysis / identification of causes that lead to problems within the organization / organization itself is decisive, which can lead to a decrease in performance.

Individual / collective.

2. The objectives are supported by opinion studies, these allow us to collect sufficient information susceptible of use that allows us to support decision-making, in the sense that thanks to this exploration we will be able to “foresee” reactions to actions to be implemented.

An Internal Communication Program can mean employee satisfaction - understood as such internal customers - such that it also implies an improvement in the quality and value of the service (external customer). That is, if we achieve satisfaction in the internal client, the performance of this will be greater in such a way that an increase in quality will be achieved that will benefit the external client, thus increasing the profitability of the business.

Below I show the scheme:

Satisfaction - >> Quality level - >> Satisfied customers - >> Profitability

Of the employee …. Customer service ……. and faithful ……………….. Growth

As for how to achieve this degree of satisfaction, although it is not the object of study in this work, one of the most useful tools is found in the following matrix.

This matrix reflects the extent to which the satisfaction of the people in the organization increases in relation to importance. To the extent that something is unimportant for the people in the organization, their satisfaction low, however if the performance of the task is of little importance but their satisfaction is high, it is necessary to evaluate the efforts, if it is unimportant but It produces little satisfaction, it is necessary to improve and finally if it is very important and it has a lot of satisfaction, it is best to maintain that position.


"The state of advertising and corporate in Spain": Justo Villafañe. Ed. Pyramid. 2000

Notes: Internal Communication Program (Instituto de Empresa, Professor Andreu Pinillos). 1999

"The work environment and its measure" Nicolás Seisdedos, Journal "Psychology of Work and Organizations" (No. 2), 1996.

“Creating value through people” Alfonso Jiménez (Ch. 19. The measure of employee opinion David Gill), 1998.

"Integrate communication to improve performance." Diane M. Gayeski, Ph.D, "Professional Performance Improvement Notebooks" (May - June), 1998.

“Creating value through people” Alfonso Jiménez (Ch. 20 “And you… what do you think?”. Daniel Afonso), 1998 Graph page 113

Internal communication program in the company