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Do program for management skills training

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Considering the stated purposes in the work, the purpose of elaborating an Organizational Development Program for the training of Management Skills in the State Directorate of Commerce, applicable to cadres and specialists due to the importance that this matter has to provide to Managers with the necessary skills that allow them to materialize appropriate management styles and methods.

The proposed OD program design is presented.

Organizational Development Program for the training of Management Skills in the Villa Clara State Directorate of Commerce.

Salazar (1992), states that programs can be seen as: instrument, instruction, announcement, statement, or set of actions / activities.

The program as a scientific result, through its actions, must contribute to the transformation, modification of the research object of study, as well as its conception as a finished product of the research always referring to a certain type of knowledge, theoretical or practical about the object, which must be transformed. As a research contribution, the program can be located among the results of practical significance, due to its essential purpose of transforming the object of study (González Fernández, 2012).

The author of this research assumes as a program the programmed sequence of specific actions / activities to influence a specific variable, contributing to its transformation or modification, according to pre-established expected patterns, according to the concept of Mesa and Vila (2012)

Several principles must be taken into account for its application:

  • Strategic nature of training and development: It involves making decisions about what should be the content and the methods to be used in order to solve current problems and keep managers prepared for those changes and demands that are expected from the internal and external environment. Competencies approach: It makes explicit the need to conceive the training and development program as activities that go beyond the theoretical frameworks and have an effective way out in the adoption of general and specific skills and competencies. Logical consistency: There must be adequate correspondence between the proposed objectives and the steps to follow. Orientation to action:Each stage of the program implies the realization of concrete actions for the fulfillment of the objective. Flexibility: The program must take into account the conditions of the internal and external environment in which it takes place. Participation: The program must promote the interaction and communication of those involved in it, fundamentally those who must develop functions associated with driving change. Continuous improvement: The program includes feedback mechanisms that allow readjustment and improvement of the actions to be developed. Internal and external coherence: The program must guarantee the consolidation of the culture, identity and image of the organization.

All of the above is based on a group of requirements related to the training and development of cadres and specialists in the organization :

The training and development of the leaders in the organization will be based on the diagnosis of the Training and Development Needs of each manager and the reserve, corresponding to the position they occupy.

  • Guarantee training and development actions for cadres and specialists, guaranteeing human capital, material and financial resources for the activity.The organization must control the impact and efficiency of the training and development actions that are carried out, evaluating such actions.

The general scheme of the program is reflected in the following figure (figure 1) and is described in more detail below:

Figure 1: DO program for the training of Management Skills in the Villa Clara State Directorate of Commerce.

DO program for the training of Management Skills in the State Directorate of Commerce Villa Clara

Source: self made

Moment 1: Initial Diagnosis

Original text

Objective: Define the main problems to be solved with the OD program.

It is intended to diagnose the organizational behavior problem to be solved in the entity under investigation. The aim is to be sufficiently descriptive in the analysis of the problem to be able to define the main causes and, if possible, relate them graphically so that they can be understood by all the direct actors of the OD program.

Output: Diagnostic summary with the main skills in which it is necessary to emphasize to carry out a training process.

This moment was fulfilled in the present investigation and described in chapter 2 of this report.

Moment 2: Preparation

Objective: Prepare and create working conditions.

It is particularly important to create a conducive work climate, in which everyone feels safe, respected and necessary, so that ideas flow and the experience of all participants can be used and that they perceive that the program will contribute to improvements in Performance. Therefore, the creation of the conditions and above all, the establishment of the commitment of the organization's management team that will participate directly in the process as propellants of change is a crucial aspect.

Departure: Personnel sensitized to the need to execute the organizational development program to guarantee continuous improvement in the organization.

Given the importance of its content, this stage becomes a requirement for the continuity of the organizational development program as it defines the mobilizing capacity of the organization to undertake change.

Moment 3: Design of the organizational development program

Objective: To plan all the actions that will be implemented in the intervention areas that present deficiencies according to the initial diagnosis made.

Output: Modeling of the DO program.

Training directly affects specific areas of the behavior of individuals, it is then a matter of identifying the areas for improvement in the conception of the program that constitute identified priorities and become axes of transformation for the training and development of cadres and specialists..

Moment 4: Implementation of the organizational development program

Objective: To put into practice the system of activities designed to enhance the training of skills in cadres and reserves.

Output: Change Control (evolution of the individual and group record of raising the levels of competences in the participants)

The completion of this moment is subject to the approval of the OD program by the board of directors of the entity under study and the fulfillment of the previous moments that determine that the conditions of preparation of the personnel involved and basic assurance are in place.

Coinciding with this, this moment is translated into a decision-making process concerning the determination of alternatives for the satisfaction of the diagnosed training needs, being of vital importance the Conception of learning that has to do with the choice of activities and skills. training tools

Moment 5: Evaluation

Objective: To verify the effectiveness of the actions proposed to promote the development of skills in cadres and specialists under training.

Output: Alternative for improvement / Impact Assessment.

The evaluation constitutes one of the most critical aspects of the process, since it must ensure that the facilitators of the same can appreciate the fulfillment of the objectives, that those involved recognize through said process the contribution of this to the performance of the entity, the information to the involved on the degree of progress and in turn through feedback improves the training process itself.

Once the process has been developed, a comparison between the initial stage and the final stage is required, based on feedback. This comparison helps determine the extent to which the program has had a positive impact. It is important to consider that the change in this sense is more complex to evaluate and that it does not always manifest itself immediately.

For the impact of training, some indicators of effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness must be taken into account.

It is proposed as an indicator to assess the change achieved with the process of training the cadres through self-evaluation and co- evaluation .

The integration of both elements constitutes what is considered to make the impact of the training process by comparing the initial and final state on the basis of the referred process as a form of evaluation and / or comprehensive analysis of it. This comparison makes it possible to determine to what extent the process has had a positive impact.

The general results constitute elements to consider in the improvement of future processes under the concept of continuous improvement.

In fact, all the moments, during the implementation, show a logical character and each defined moments are intertwined with each other: Formative, evaluation and feedback, and since each previous development moment is a premise for the development of actions.


  1. The DO program has as principles the systemic approach, adaptability, logical consistency, flexibility, participation, continuous improvement and internal and external coherence. The program has 5 moments, initial diagnosis, preparation, design, implementation and evaluation that show a logical character and are intertwined with each other. The modeling of the OD program is an important aspect and in this a design of a system and manual of activities is specified.


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Do program for management skills training