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Neuro-linguistic programming for decision making

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Neurolinguistic Programming is a science that aims to develop skills in people that allow them to grow to have a better quality of life in all aspects, work, personal and professional.

This science presents a practical approach to be able to achieve important changes in people so it has various techniques to carry them out, it should also be remembered that thought is the greatest resource of the human being although we are never satisfied with our capacity no matter how good or ill be.

In this article you will be able to appreciate how neurolinguistic programming has become part of organizations conceived as a development strategy, so that if all companies were able to use them they would have a great competitive advantage over those who have not considered it.


Neuro-linguistic programming is the study of mental patterns. (Strategies in NLP, 2016)

This NLP It allows us to know all the mental processes that we usually use to encode certain information, managing to change our way of thinking and acting.

Other authors affirm that the acronym NLP is made up of three very important elements that are of greater influence for human life, in this way our immune system regulates all functions of the organism and in turn language will determine the way in which we communicate with other people while mental programming will affect the way we conceive the world around us.

Therefore, NLP is a dynamic between the mind (neuro), language (linguistics) and the interaction between the two will determine our behavior (programming). (Dilts, Zepeda, & Delozier, 2016).

Origins of NLP

This discipline emerged in the 1970s when two researchers, Richard Blander who was a mathematician and John Grinder (a linguist), began by studying people's beliefs, their thinking patterns and also the behaviors that those individuals who used to stand out as leaders or communicators, based on the ability to convey messages and influence others. (Valledor, 2001)

NLP studies the process of communication between people but understood in a way of influence, although it goes beyond the message and the receiver, NLP focuses more on the internal states of the sender and also the receiver including their mood, beliefs and values ​​of each individual, as well as the way each individual receives that information and processes it.

This concept is divided into three aspects that were already mentioned above but will be explored in depth below:

  • Programming: in this aspect the internal states of people such as their values ​​or beliefs are included, NLP assumes that each of us is capable of modifying their own programming as long as there is an effort since it is not an easy task. This is the way each individual processes the information they receive, that is, trying to translate their experiences into mental processes.Linguistics: basically the way each person expresses himself, or the words he uses and also how they come to influence others.

Although on a different plane, NLP is also described as self-discovery, that is, discovering and exploring one's own identity as well as personal mission, this discipline allows us to relate our spiritual part.

All this means that throughout our lives we have had hundreds of programs even before we were born, at the beginning our parents and relatives were installed and with the passage of time by our teachers, friends or even by the media.

But the most important thing about NLP is to find new options for our life, to acquire certain skills such as creating new mental routes to be able to get out of stagnation since if we want to have different results we have to do different things.

Benefits of NLP in the personal aspect

(Strategies in NLP, 2016) Some of the benefits of NLP are:

  • NLP helps us change behaviors that we do not like and even those that annoy us, with certain techniques or strategies that offer short-term results whenever they are put into practice. NLP also helps people to have a clearer vision about themselves and the people around them Helps to know how verbal and non-verbal communication can affect our nervous system and how it is possible that our internal communication helps us with good command of language It provides us with options to have a Better quality of life It teaches that we hold the key to the unconscious in our own hands and how we can benefit from it.

Characteristics of NLP

(Jaspe, 2013) Some of the characteristics of NLP are:

  • It modifies a person's behavior. Causes improvements in communication as it can influence and persuade and is effective in negotiation. Develops personal growth by applying it to everyday life. Improves friendships and allows for greater confidence and security.

NLP to make decisions like a leader

NLP in decision-making is a very important issue since, according to this discipline, in each of the individuals there is a base that is associated with decision-making where it is possible to locate a series of processes that tend to be faster always and when we know ourselves and in a particular way our values. (Learn NLP, 2013)

The decision-making process is so basic that it can go unnoticed, although its importance lies from the evolutionary aspect.

For some people, having to make decisions causes a lot of stress, anxiety and can take a long period of time, even after having made a decision they doubt whether it was the right thing or not.

In organizations NLP is considered a strategy, and it is nothing more than a series of mental processes to reach a particular result. (Learn NLP, 2013)

A clear example of this is when a woman goes to a store to buy a pair of shoes, the first thing that happens is the following: she sees them and a desire to have them is born (external visual), then she thinks if they will match what she wants use (internal visual built) and finally decide to buy them or not (exit).

Although it might be thought that people have multiple decision strategies, this is not the case, if we have 3 to 5 processes that is saying a lot, the funny thing is that the same neurocognitive processes that the woman used to buy her shoes usually apply it to more difficult decisions as personal or work.

Principles of NLP

(Ladera, 2011) Like any other science or discipline, NLP includes several principles, some of which are mentioned:

  1. What is useful for a person Z to person X will not work: each person sees the world differently and each mental process shapes a different reality, but the map of a person of theory Z is very different from that of a person Theory X: The map is not the territory: all of us know the world around us through the perception of our senses, what we capture we do through our experiences and we translate it that way, what is good for someone can that it is not for another individual. Taking responsibility for behavior is a positive thing: whenever we do something we think that it will be something positive for ourselves or for others, regardless of what others believe. Choice is better than not choosing:The simple fact of having options will give us greater freedom to choose and NLP is responsible, among other things, for providing us with those opportunities.The meaning of what it communicates is the response that will be produced: if something does not turn out as we expected, It is common to blame the receiver for not understanding us.There is no failure only feedback: when things do not go as planned, we tend to think that we have failed, but from the point of view of NLP, the result is not good or bad is just information.When things don't go as planned, we tend to think that we have failed, but from the point of view of NLP, the result is neither good nor bad, it is simply information.When things don't go as planned, we tend to think that we have failed, but from the point of view of NLP, the result is neither good nor bad, it is simply information.

Decision making in the organization

(Learn NLP, 2013) According to some studies carried out in various parts of the world, a leader is a person who others will describe as someone with strength since he is able to make decisions quickly based on the information provided.

But the fundamental basis for this is that that person has well identified what his objective is and if he knows himself, he will have the ability and ability to make decisions quickly, generally once he has made the decision he will not change it but if you do, you will be very cautious.

On the contrary, those people who do not have the nature of leaders will make very confusing decisions, they are very indecisive and once they make their decision they change it quickly, and they do so because they are not sure what they did.

The characteristic of true leaders, then, is the ability to make difficult decisions quickly and that they usually do so without a second thought.

Anthony Robbins is a recognized expert in NLP, and maintains that making a decision is like training a muscle, the more decisions you make, the more trained you will be and there will come a time when making decisions will be a natural and much more effective task.

NLP is a science that has focused on achieving excellence for which it has studied the decision-making of the greatest leaders in the world.

NLP and the organizational climate

NLP influences the way in which people relate within an organization as well as with the external environment such as customers, NLP influences both the horizontal and vertical aspect of a company.

In addition, as mentioned above, by bringing benefits in the negotiation, it allows creating a climate of trust between customers and suppliers.

Another advantage of the application of NLP in organizations is that the emotional situation of employees is improved since it manages to have an empathy with everyone else, improves communication with supervisory personnel and also in the HR areain the aspect of personnel recruitment. (Jasper, 2013)

Benefits of NLP in the organizational aspect

(Jaspe, 2013) Mention among other benefits:

  • Improves communication between the members of the organization Improves the training process within the company Looks for techniques that are effective in achieving organizational excellence Achieves productive and quality development Significantly improves the actions of people that make up the company Members of the organization learn to plan and solve problems more effectively Discover the importance of having positive thoughts in the organization Identify the most important values ​​of a person

Applicability of NLP

(Ladera, 2011) Some channels to improve the effectiveness of communication between the people of an organization are:

  • VerbalGestualSoundsOstiomuscular languageWriting and drawingSymbolsEnergyDreamsCellsAromasColors

All people are capable of developing all channels, however we tend to focus more on a certain channel, when this is actually a limitation imposed by ourselves.


Neurolinguistic Programming is a very important tool that allows us to change the way we see ourselves and the way we perceive the world around us, including the organization to which we belong.

It also allows us to improve our way of training and learning to plan in a simpler and more efficient way, to mention some benefits, and all this will have an impact on the productivity of the organization.

To achieve a true change within organizations, it would first be necessary to improve the people who make up the company, especially in their way of acting since they are not always willing to change and this is one of the main challenges of NLP.

Regarding decision-making, as it was possible to analyze through the completion of this article, it is the leaders who through their experiences manage to develop that ability to make a specific decision without having to think much about it, and this is thanks to the development of certain skills achieved with NLP.

NLP in conjunction with organizational development has made available to companies some tools that allow changing the way of thinking and acting for the benefit of individuals as well as the company itself.


  • Learn NLP. (February 21, 2013). Learn NLP for your personal growth. Retrieved on March 02, 2016, from http://aprenderpnl.com/2013/02/pnl-para-tomar-decisiones-como-un-lider/Dilts, R., Zepeda, G., & Delozier, J. (2016). Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Obtained from http://www.pnl.org.mx/Estrategias en PNL. (2016). Strategies in Neurolinguistic Programming. Obtained from http://estrategiaspnl.com/que-es-pnl/Jaspe, Y. (2013). SlideShare. Obtained from Extralinguistic Programming in Organizations: http://es.slideshare.net/yelitza_jaspe2012/programacinneurolingustica-en-organizacionesLadera, G. (March 2011). The neurolinguistic approach. Retrieved on March 02, 2016, from Wikispaces: https://enntaciónneurolinguistico.wikispaces.com/Principios+de+la+PNLValledor, JM (2001).How to use NLP to be more effective in your work.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Human Resources

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Neuro-linguistic programming for decision making