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Neuro-linguistic programming and its effect on decision-making in organizations


I ntroduction

The splendid evolution that has occurred over time in the history of man has been significantly identified in different eras and stages where they are marked by prevailing events, mostly immersed in positive contributions that drive continuous change in the development of human beings. human beings. Science, art, technology, innovations, discoveries, are part of the progress that today are part of the daily life of each and every one of the individuals who are in this space, building and awakening interest in knowledge.

However, each discovery that generates a contribution to society by changing the structure of the activities or resources with which people carry out, are not made by themselves, behind each finding, there is a person who dedicated himself to research, study, experimentation or simply noticed that difference not yet found by someone else while doing any "common" activity like any other. Human beings are the authors themselves who lead the facts that are already part of one, appreciating from the footwear you wear, the clothes you wear, to the scientific method that gave rise to the medicine ingested to cure any disease.

Each and every one of the utensils, tools, methods that are used were made by historical figures who managed to make the difference between all the others and were fulfilled or carried out personally and professionally. However, in each person the interest grows in knowing the reason why these representative figures made a change in their lives, in the lives of everyone, in the world. Is there a "secret formula" for making great discoveries? Will the people who made huge finds be gifted? Are the so-called historical "geniuses" based on genetic gifts?

The human being presents a series of different situations in life that unconsciously drive him to pursue personal or professional success that at some point differentiates him from society. Some people state that by "hitting bottom" they manage to emerge and take flight, while others are inundated within the conformist social sphere. The fact of talking about generating a change and differentiating oneself from others does not open only to the field of inventions or discoveries but the position they obtained in their profession, government, war that made them achieve the achievement of the objectives.

A través del tiempo, entre las mismas preguntas descritas anteriormente, emergieron las curiosidades de conocer las razones por las cuáles, aquellas personas de ímpetu histórico lograban el éxito alcanzando lo que nadie y siendo como todos. Por lo que dentro de esa búsqueda se dio inicio a una de las herramientas más citadas por la sociedad: Programación Neurolingüística (PNL), siendo esto, la temática que rige el presente artículo. La Programación Neurolingüística precede una variedad de escenarios en los que se da lugar a las habilidades mentales que conservan los seres humanos y que son capaces de hacer y alcanzar lo que deseen mediante la creencia de cada quien.

Although there are tools such as coaching, empowerment, which tend to exploit capacities and designate a value in people to encourage them to obtain individual or group achievement, neurolinguistic programming departs from these perspectives since it does not focus on different skills, but physical and psychological characteristics that all people have, as the authors (Bidot & Morat, 1995) NLP is a lifestyle for many people where it is present in all activities of human beings.

The field where an important point will be established in the description of neurolinguistic programming will be that of the effects that are promoted within organizations by interposing this tool as a reference in decision-making. Although before exposing this situation, a little history that supports this method, its concept and meaning, as well as the characteristics and other aspects that encompass the application of mima, will be described. All this in order to expose the reader to a clear overview of what neurolinguistic programming means and its multiple fields of development.

The origin and its antecedents

Neuro-linguistic programming was created by two great figures, Richard Bandler, a computer specialist and John Grinder, a linguistic specialist, who developed these practices in the 1970s in the United States (Henry, 2014). The specialty that these two developers obtained totally influences the name they coined for this new model, however, most people usually identify it as a computer technique or related to the field of computing, which is totally deviant from the main topic.

The author (Paz, 2002), exposes the circumstances by which these people gave rise to the creation of this method. Based on the structure that this author mentions, at first, Richard Bandler decided to go to the University for group therapy because of the difficult circumstances that he had gone through during his life, especially his childhood, where said therapy was taught by a man. called Fritz Perls. Bandler went to his first class late and the activity they were doing (the empty chair) was not explained, where a person was destroying the chair where he was, which awakened in Bandler learning through Gestalt therapy1.

On the other hand, John Grinder was at the same time doing his postgraduate studies in linguistics where he needed some classes to obtain the degree, so he decided to cover them in an “easy” subject for him, family therapy, taught by Virginia Satir2. For Grinder, the class was totally uninteresting so he opted to bring his tape player with headphones, thus avoiding his boredom. As classes passed and not showing any interest, she leaned towards performing statistics so she discovered something interesting, the movements that Virginia made when exposing her class were totally specific connected to her way of speaking and gesturing, her breaths changed if she moved to the right side and vice versa.

After various statistics, on a specific day Satir performed unusual movements, which piqued Grinder's curiosity and decided to finally pay attention. Satir took a family for a demonstration, and when he saw that no one volunteered for the class, he was upset and that's why he got out of his routine of movements. Grinder decided to apply to go on to perform the activity that Satir had exposed and began to give a speech to the family with all the movements that he had studied from Satir. She was shocked to think that Grinder was an expert in family therapy which was totally false.

What Grinder explained to Satir was the statistics he had performed with his movements that caused him to show himself as a guru in family therapy. Satir advised Grinder to continue with those studies which motivated him to continue with those investigations. Grinder came out of class and ran into Bandler, who remembered that he was a computer scientist and could help him with those investigations, so he proposed to join his study since they could perform more statistics on the computer and therefore Bandler accepted.

Driven by the spirit of inquiry, Grinder and Bandler consulted with Gregory Bateson (known as one of the greatest exponents of linguistics) who was a Grinder professor and recommended that they study a specific person who suffered from polio. The author (Vela, 2007), indicates that although Grinder and Bandler created NLP, the foundations of this method are based under the influence of Gregory Bateson, since they take his theory of logical types, “to which they consider the most explicit model of therapy and human communication to work with incongruities ”, and this is how it is considered“ a very important antecedent and influence in the creation of NLP ”.

As mentioned (Paz, 2002), Grinder and Bandler began to conduct their research on the behavior and attitudes that successfully developed figures. They wondered how these figures managed to achieve success, what attitudes, habits or behaviors characterized them, and thus they deduced a series of steps and structures that when applied to other people gave a beneficial result, "raising the levels of abilities of themselves". Where they discover that successful beings do things they are unaware of, leading them to the conclusion that "excellence is unconscious", thus developing their theory where, until 1984, it was known in the United States and at the beginning of the years. 90 enters Mexico, Europe and Latin America, expanding its success internationally.

¿ What is NLP?

Neurolinguistic Programming is based on structured language and managed by people's thoughts, it is carried out subjectively and is measured through a series of behaviors stipulated by human beings. There are many forms of interpretation, and it is taken from the humanistic point of view where communication forms the basis of this method as a door towards the achievement of individual objectives. Now, in order to offer a better understanding of this term, the division of the concept will be exposed as the author (Fernández, 2008) shares it, which determines it as “the three pillars of the model”:

P R OGRAMMING: Represents a range of conditions in which the organizational form of actions and ideas that lead to a result is selected. Like a computer, human beings process different programs that allude to the beliefs, values ​​or attitudes that characterize people over time and can be modified for the benefit of them.

Neuro: The behaviors of people originate from neurological processes of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) and feelings. Neurology covers thought processes and physiological reactions creating a support for perceptions, feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

Linguistics: Thoughts and feelings are projected through either verbal or bodily language. The transmission of what is thought is ordered through mental stimulation that is reflected with language for what is considered an important point in the human being.

Being thus exposed the division of the concept, the way in which this method is to be projected is deeply clarified. Through Neurolinguistic Programming modifications are created and behavioral actions are ordered so that through neurolinguistic processes correct thoughts and feelings are generated that allow them to be expressed through language, thus managing to establish the deep goals that people generate in their interior and their subsequent realization.

The context is quite clear, people's brains generate thoughts that are often transmitted unconsciously, traits that are deeply ingrained and paradigms that are sometimes disrupted. So, as the author (Romo, 2009) indicates, Neurolinguistic Programming allows “knowing and using one's own communication code, which is used appropriately so that a positive response is obtained in any field, be it personal, professional, social and learning. So this method is suitable for anyone to use ”.

C to racterísticas NLP

Like any methodology, Neurolinguistic Programming has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other means of the therapeutic branch. Under the conceptions of (Dobrinsky, s / f) the specific characteristics of NLP are described below.

Holistic Approach. - Every component that makes up a person is directly related and interdependent. The emotions experienced are linked to the physical behaviors that occur, for example, when faced with a nervous situation, it is usually expressed with cold hands or sweating on the person. Or in a vice versa situation where the physical parts influence the emotional state of the people. That is why Neurolinguistic Programming is considered holistic where the perceptions of emotions or behaviors fully affect the other components.

I work with micro details. - The details that are linked in a functional person with his life are of the utmost importance in the NLP process. Those details where other disciplines do not conceive their attention, the NLP considers as a foundation, such as the metaphors used, their language and jargon used, the movement of the eyes, are considered micro details with valuable information that can produce a positive change in life of the person.

P r or ce mental sos. - Problem solving is what Neuro-Linguistic Programming really aims at, some examples are efficient time, adequate approach to objectives, use of adequate language for optimal communication, etc. However, the basis that underpins NLP is internal to each individual, basically their thoughts, beliefs and feelings, making this a starting point for Neurolinguistic Programming.

P Lanos conscious and unconscious mind. - From the conscious part, the personal knowledge of each individual and the elements of the environment are managed where they can be managed and obtain control. Through the unconscious part, everything that is not known and cannot be managed is handled. What Neurolinguistic Programming works is that unconscious part attracting it to the conscious where the results can be visualized on a behavioral and conscious level.

Importance towards language. - Language is part of the pillars or premises of Neurolinguistic Programming, which is why emphasis is placed on formulating the importance that it generates in its application. Therefore, language becomes the expression of feelings, thoughts and beliefs on which PLN is founded.

Importance towards non-verbal language. - Just as in the microdetails, body language is an important part of which is based on expressions, gestures, postures, eye movements that are important sources of information to carry out Neurolinguistic Programming.

Quick results. - One of the important characteristics that are part of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is that it offers quick results by creating two types of opinion, one satisfactory and the other incredulous. What is certain is that the brain of people has a fast learning, making Neuro-Linguistic Programming positive and really fast results.

P os tulates of NLP

Neurolinguistic Programming has a series of principles or also called basic postulates by which this tool should be governed. Based on what the author (Montes, 2013) exposes on these 'postulates, the pertinent information will be described. Precisely this author indicates that based on what Carrión (1996) mentions, the postulates are based on presuppositions, that is, supports that establish how behavior, information gathering and personal effort are perceived.

These presuppositions build models that allow a correct application of Neurolinguistic Programming, exposing really favorable and beneficial results in people, this under the integration of the following premises in their behavior:

The map is not the territory. - It is called "map" to the representation of the world of each person in particular, and "territory" to the reality of each individual. For this reason, Neuro-Linguistic Programming changes to maps, but not to territories.

There is no substitute for clean, open sensory channels. - The type of communication that is implemented must be shown clearly and precisely, avoiding the breaking of information channels and dispersion during contact with other people.

The result of the communication is the response obtained. - It is important to take into account that the answer given by an interlocutor is vital to be able to take into account and be valued, insisting or correcting the form of the message.

People have all the necessary resources to achieve the desired changes. - When talking about resources, they refer to all the internal capacities that every person has, entering here Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a point of impulse that manages to contact and mobilize those resources to increase them.

Behind every behavior there is a positive intention. - All conduct or behavior generates a result that can serve as a resource or limitation depending on the integration or adjustment to the system.

The variety of resources is necessary. - The greater the capacity that the person has, the greater the possibility that it will obtain the desired results. Neurolinguistic Programming enters into the search for creativity, flexibility and adaptability in order to increase them.

There are no errors in communication, only results. - The error is avoided from being used within Neurolinguistic Programming, rather it alludes to unwanted results where in the practice of NLP it is based on experiences and a solution is sought for any problem.

The representational system is carried out properly. - This is based on perceptual systems such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic and gustatory / olfactory.

The contact (Rapport). - It is the encounter with an individual and with his model of the world, it is one of the keys of Neurolinguistic Programming, it is the penetration and adaptation of the model of one person to the model of another, establishing a physical and psychological coupling that directs the other person toward the desired state.

PN L and its Filters

For the description of the filters of Neurolinguistic Programming, it will be based on what the authors (O'Connor & Seymour, 1995) indicate in their book Introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming which indicate that it is also usually attributed with the name of "frames of behavior ”and reside in ways of thinking about how to act.

P r i me r filter: Orientation towards objectives rather than problems. - This indicates the discovery of what the person and the others want, the own resources to go to the defined goal. Problem orientation should be raised through detailed analysis, where you should avoid getting bogged down as it leads to nothing useful.

S e Gundo filter: Wondering More how? What in the why? - The first question will guide the understanding of the structure of the problem. The second will only provide certain justifications that will not produce any change.

Third filter: Interaction (Feedback) versus Failure (Failure). - Within the framework of Neurolinguistic Programming, failure is not considered existing, only unwanted results exist and are taken as areas of opportunity to improve in the future.

Fourth filter: Possibilities rather than Needs. - You should look at what can be done, what is at hand as a resource and not on the limitations that arise.

Fifth filter: Attitude of Curiosity and Fascination rather than making assumptions. - What commonly characterizes young people is that curiosity that arouses when they want to know everything, however, they should not be left with those doubts, but know how to take advantage of them.

PN L in the Organization

Up to this point, generalities have been seen from Neurolinguistic Programming that help to conceptualize the way in which it will be implemented basically at the individual level, and it is the right thing to do, this method is based on internal changes based on resources that everyone has and that everyone they can be successful only with a radical change of mind that Neuro-Linguistic Programming provides in a matter of really fast time.

Based on what the author (Sallent, 2005), it can be indicated that Neurolinguistic Programming generates significant changes in people's lives, which are divisible into three types of changes:

  • Remedial changes: changes in relation to behavior and environment. Generative changes: changes that govern beliefs and capacities. Evolutionary changes: orientations aimed at one's identity and mission.

These three types of change can become involved at the organizational level, generating a radical shift in decision-making. The author (Saavedra, 2011) indicates that many organizations agree that the main problems that arise within them is communication between their collaborators, so they are in charge of looking for something that improves this conflict and increases personal and group performance, thus leaning towards Neurolinguistic Programming, which is responsible for managing a set of systems between the brain and language that raise people's internal abilities and capacities.

This author also mentions that a variety of experts in Neurolinguistic Programming, such as the Ecuadorian Diego Merino, Master in Neurolinguistic Programming at the Argentine School of NLP, indicates that this model should be followed by all collaborators, since Neurolinguistic Programming is one of its main characteristics is to work with the unconscious part that is the one that the staff of an organization attracts a lot and forces them to accept what is really imposed on them and they are not capable of creating rationality and conscious part. That is why this specialist indicates that the effects that NLP achieves in workers drives organizational success.

There are various fields in which Neurolinguistic Programming can be applied within an Organization (Factor Humà, 2011):

  • Recruitment and selection: The choice and gestures can lead to a favorable communication between interviewee and interviewer. An atmosphere of trust is established when applying a Rapport technique. Eye movements are identified to know if the person is lying. Coaching: The effect that NLP causes within coaching is to get involved in people's beliefs to make them get involved in the organizational culture. By questioning limiting beliefs and reinforcing positive ones through tasks that provide feedback and exclude failure Negotiation: Helps to discover what type of interlocutor is in front of them, how they communicate (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and adapt the techniques of negotiation to your dominant mental representations.


As rationalist people, human beings always seek the achievement of their individual goals, so different perspectives of icons in society that made some progress or historical contribution are usually attributed and it is intended to follow these figures thinking that perhaps they are the key to success. What is scarcely known is that there is no reason or motive that such findings made by other people are not because they were born with special abilities or geniuses.

Each and every one of the people has their own resources and capacities that they can develop and without having to follow someone else, you are capable of doing any number of things you want. Within an organization, subsistence and prevalence among the first places worldwide is really fought for by many and a dream for others. Neurolinguistic Programming helps with various strategies that encourage the organization to pursue that objective where it must be clear that we are all the same and we can do what we set out to do.

A g radecimientos

To Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, professor of the subject Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, who promotes the development of this article by providing technical knowledge and support for its preparation. To the Technological Institute of Orizaba who trains students of excellence and gives opportunities for professional improvement in different engineering areas. To the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), which provides financial support for postgraduate studies promoting scientific development.

P r opposite Thesis: Establishing a correct organizational communication through neurolinguistic programming techniques.

Objective: Improve organizational communication through NLP techniques.


  • Bidot, N., & Morat, B. (1995). Mental strategies: a practical guide to neurolinguistic programming. Ediciones Robinbook.Dobrinsky, M. de. (s / f). NLP. The technique of success. Ediciones LEA. Factor Humà, F. (2011). Knowledge Unit: Neurolinguistic Programming. Retrieved from: http://factorhuma.org/attachments_secure/article/8863/pnl_cast.pdfFernández, AS (2008). Anatomy of persuasion. ESIC Editorial.Henry, S. (2014). Meaningful Leadership: 9 monastic principles to empower your mission. Grupo Editorial Patria.Montes, HE and L. (2013). DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIONAL COMPETENCES WITH THE NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR UNIVERSITY GUIDANCE AND TEACHING. Palibrio. O'Connor, J., & Seymour, J. (1995). Introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming (8th ed.). Urano Editions. Recovered from:http://www.ub.edu/hsctreballsocial/sites/default/files/pdfs/recursos/introduccion_a_la_pnl_p27-86_def_parte1.pdfPaz, E. de la P. (2002). Wake up your excellence! Panorama Editorial Romo, CV (2009). Hypnagological Method Volume I. Editorial Club Universitario Sallent, AS (2005). NLP for teachers: Improve your self-knowledge and your relationships. Grao.Satir, V. (1998). In intimate contact: how to relate to yourself and to others. Ld Books Incorporated, Secadas, CC (2002). Gestalt rapia te rapia: approach focused on the here and now. Herder. Vela, CF (2007). Managing Fears with Drawings (First Edition). Editorial Panorama.Hypnagological Method Volume I. Editorial Club Universitario Sallent, AS (2005). NLP for teachers: Improve your self-knowledge and your relationships. Grao.Satir, V. (1998). In intimate contact: how to relate to yourself and to others. Ld Books Incorporated, Secadas, CC (2002). Gestalt rapia te rapia: approach focused on the here and now. Herder. Vela, CF (2007). Managing Fears with Drawings (First Edition). Editorial Panorama.Hypnagological Method Volume I. Editorial Club Universitario Sallent, AS (2005). NLP for teachers: Improve your self-knowledge and your relationships. Grao.Satir, V. (1998). In intimate contact: how to relate to yourself and to others. Ld Books Incorporated, Secadas, CC (2002). Gestalt rapia te rapia: approach focused on the here and now. Herder. Vela, CF (2007). Managing Fears with Drawings (First Edition). Editorial Panorama.Editorial Panorama.Editorial Panorama.
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Neuro-linguistic programming and its effect on decision-making in organizations