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Proposal to harmonize the requirements of standards for integrated management systems, nc iso 9001: 2015, nc iso 14001: 2015, nc iso 45001: 2018 and nc iso 50001: 2019

Table of contents:


This work aims to be the proposal of a guide for the compatibility of requirements within the design and implementation process of an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work and Energy, or a combination of two of these variants, by the series of standards NC ISO 9001: 2015, NC ISO 14001: 2015, NC ISO 45001: 2018 and NC ISO 50001: 2019, taking into account their requirements for the products and / or services of any Company in the country or abroad as well as provide general knowledge on the subject to personnel who access it in the Companies.


Integrated Management Systems are aimed at obtaining consistent results through a coherent execution of the process, they provide the means to sustain the gain obtained in improvement activities. In doing so they constitute a prerequisite for effective improvement.

However, given the complexity in the interaction of their processes, as well as the variety and volume resulting in the design and implementation of these systems by the rigorous standards (NC ISO 9001: 2015, NC ISO 14001: 2015, NC ISO 45001: 2018 and NC ISO 50001: 2019), it is agreeable to make the compatibility of the requirements of the same in the sample that we propose below, after brainstorming and expert judgment:

Note: The following abbreviations are used in this table:

  • Q: Quality MA: Environment OSH: Safety and health at work In: Energy
Compatibility of the requirements of NC ISO 9001: 2015, NC ISO 14001: 2015, NC ISO 45001: 2018 and NC ISO 50001: 2019 Requirements of NC ISO 9001: 2015, NC ISO 14001: 2015, NC ISO 45001: 2018 and NC ISO 50001: 2019
4 Context of the organization 4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding of the organization and its context (same requirement of all standards) 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties (same requirement of all standards) 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties
4.3 Determination of the scope of the management system (same requirement of all standards) 4.3 Determination of the scope of the management system
4.4 Management system and its processes (same requirement of all standards) 4.4 Management system and its processes
5 Leadership, commitment and participation of workers 5 Leadership, commitment and participation of workers
5.1 Leadership and commitment (requirement 5.1 Leadership and commitment in MA, SST, En and requirement 5.1.1. Q overview for this) 5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 Policy (5.2 Policy of Q, MA, SST and En) 5.2 Policy
5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities in the organization (same requirement of all standards) 5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities in the organization
6 Planning 6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities (requirement 6.1.1, Generalities in MA and SST, requirement and of SST and requirement 6.1.1. Of Q and En) 6.1.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.2 Action planning (requirement 6.1.4, MA and SST and requirement 6.1.2. Of Q and En) 6.1.2 Action planning
6.2 Objectives of the management and planning system to achieve them 6.2 Objectives of the management and planning system to achieve them
6.2.1 Management system objectives (requirement 6.2.1 Q, MA, SST, En and 6.2.2 of En) 6.2.1 Objectives of the management system
6.2.2 Planning to achieve the objectives of the management system (requirement 6.2.2 Q, MA and SST and 6.2.3 of En) 6.2.2 Planning to achieve the objectives of the management system
6.3 Planning for changes (Q requirement 6.3 from MA the paragraph "Are planned and unplanned changes in EMS maintenance addressed as part of change management to counteract their negative effects on expected results?" And the 8.1.3 of OH&S and In the paragraph "The organization must control planned changes and review the consequences of unanticipated changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary") 6.3 Planning for changes
6.4 Legal and other requirements (requirement 6.1.3 MA and SST) 6.4 Legal requirements and other requirements
6.5 Action planning (requirement 6.1.4 MA and SST) 6.5 Action planning
7 Support 7 Support
7.1 Resources (requirement 7.1.1 and 7.1.3 of Q, 7.1 of MA, SST and En) 7.1 Resources
7.2 Traceability of measurements (requirement generalities of Q and MA and SST only the requirement, if they have it in the lists in paragraph 9.1.1. Generalities, which says “The organization must ensure that the monitoring and measurement is calibrated or verified as applicable and used and maintained as appropriate. ') 7.2 Traceability of measurements
7.3 Competence (requirement 7.2 of the 4 standards) 7.3 Competition
7.4 Awareness (requirement 7.3 of the 4 standards) 7.4 Awareness
7.5 Communication 7.5 Communication
7.5.1 Communication generalities (requirement 7.4 of Q, MA and En and of SST on 7.4.1 General) 7.5.1 General communication
7.5.2 Internal communication (requirement 7.4.2 Internal communication of MA and SST, from Q requirement 5.2.2. Paragraph b) "to communicate, understand and apply within the organization" and from In 8.1 b) "the communication (see 7.4) of the criteria to the relevant people working under the control of the organization ») 7.5.2 Internal communication
7.5.3 External communication (requirement 7.4.3 External communication of MA and SST and requirement of Q el 8.2.1 communication with the client, requirement of Q el 8.4.3 information for external providers, requirement of Q 8.5.3 Ownership to external customers or suppliers in "When the property of a customer or third-party supplier is lost, deteriorated, or otherwise deemed unsuitable for use, the organization must inform the customer or third-party supplier of this and retain the information documented on what happened "and requirement Q 5.2.2. subparagraph c)" be available to relevant stakeholders, as appropriate. " and 8.1 subsection c) and d) of MA and of In 8.1 b) "the communication (see 7.4) of the criteria to the relevant persons working under the control of the organization" and of In 8.3 paragraphs “When purchasing energy-using products, equipment and services that have, or may have, an impact on EUS, the organization must inform suppliers that energy performance is one of the evaluation criteria for procurement” and “ When applicable, the organization shall define and communicate the specifications to: a) ensure the energy performance of the equipment and services purchased; b) the acquisition of energy »)a) ensure the energy performance of the equipment and the services acquired; b) the acquisition of energy »)a) ensure the energy performance of the equipment and the services acquired; b) the acquisition of energy ») 7.5.3 External communication
7.6 Documented information 7.6 Documented information
7.6.1 General (requirement 7.5.1 General of all standards) 7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Creation and update (requirement 7.5.2 creation and update of all standards) 7.6.2 Creation and update
7.6.3 Control of documented information (requirement of 7.5.3 Control of documented information of all standards and of In 8.1 d) “the maintenance of documented information (see 7.5) to the extent necessary to have the confidence of that the processes have been carried out as planned ») 7.6.3 Control of documented information
8 Operation 8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control (requirement 8.1 of Q, 8.1.1 of SST and 8.1 of MA and En) 8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Control of externally supplied processes, products and services 8.2 Control of externally supplied processes, products and services
8.2.1 Generalities (requirement of Q the 8.4.1 Generalities, 8.1 subsection b) of MA, of SST of Generalities and of In the 8.1 paragraph «The organization must ensure that the USE contracted externally or that the processes related to its EUSs (see 6.3) are controlled (see 8.3) ») 8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Type and scope of control (requirement 8.4.2 Type and scope of control from Q, from SST on Contractors and Outsourcing and from En 8.3) 8.2.2 Type and scope of control
8.3 Emergency preparedness and response (requirement 8.2 of MA and SST) 8.3 Emergency preparedness and response
9 Performance evaluation 9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General (requirement of Q, MA, SST and En 9.1.1 and En 8.3 the paragraph «The organization must establish and implement the criteria for the evaluation of energy performance during the planned or expected operational life time at the acquire products, equipment and services that use energy, and that are expected to have a significant impact on the energy performance of the organization ») 9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Analysis and evaluation (requirement 9.1.3 of Q and 9.1.2 of SST, MA and En) 9.1.2 Analysis and evaluation
9.2 Internal audit 9.2 Internal audit
9.2.1 General (requirement of 9.2.1 of Q and En while of MA and SST in 9.2.1 General) 9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Audit program (requirement of 9.2.2 of Q and En while of MA and SST the 9.2.2 Audit Program) 9.2.2 Audit program
9.3 Management review 9.3 Management review
9.3.1 Generalities (requirement of 9.3.1 Generalities of Q and SST and MA if it has been defined in the lists the points of the paragraph «Top management must review the organization's OH&S management system at planned intervals, to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. "and" Top management shall review the organization's environmental management system at planned intervals, to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. "respectively and in 9.3.1 "Top management must review the organization's EnMS, at planned intervals, to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the organization") 9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Management review inputs (requirement of 9.3.2 of Q and SST and MA if it has been defined in the lists the points of the paragraph "The review by the management should consider:" and "The review by the direction should include

considerations about »respectively and of In 9.3.2 and 9.3.3)

9.3.2 Management review inputs
9.3.3 Outputs from the management review (requirement of 9.3.3 of Q and SST and MA if it is defined in the lists in the points of the paragraph "The outputs of the management review must include decisions related to" and "The outputs of the management review must include" respectively and from In 9.3.4) 9.3.3 Outputs from management review
10 Improvement 10 Improvement
10.1 General (Q, MA and SST requirement on 10.1 General) 10.1 General
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action (requirement of Q, MA and SST on 10.2 and from En 10.1) 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement (Q, MA and SST requirement on 10.3 and En 10.2) 10.3 Continual improvement


  • NC ISO 9001: 2015. Quality Management Systems. Requirements NC ISO 14001: 2015. Environmental management systems. Requirements with guidance for its use NC ISO 45001: 2018. Occupational health and safety systems. Occupational health and safety management system. Requirements with guidance for its use NC ISO 50001: 2019. Energy management systems. Requirements with guidance for its use NC PAS 99: 2008 Specification of common requirements of the management system as a framework for integration.
Proposal to harmonize the requirements of standards for integrated management systems, nc iso 9001: 2015, nc iso 14001: 2015, nc iso 45001: 2018 and nc iso 50001: 2019