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Business project. virtual job board

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Business project. Virtual job bank


The job search without leaving home and without spending money printing copies of our curriculum, is an opportunity that the Internet offers us.

This trend is constantly increasing, with what the internet is and will increasingly be one of the most important elements in recruiting and selecting personnel.

A personnel selection process is extremely laborious for companies: definition of the position, classified notice, reception of candidates, creation of the database, analysis of candidates, crossing of profile data with that of candidates, interviews, calls or sending letters to both accepted and rejected candidates, etc., not counting the number of employees you have to have to carry out all this selection task.

Internet, among other advantages, allows to reduce up to 75% of costs and 40% of the time invested in performing personnel selection processes in relation to traditional methods.

Using the internet and a computer application through your own website or that of a site dedicated to this effect, the processes are greatly simplified, since as the candidates enter the data on the website, they are organized directly in a database. relational data. In addition, other elements such as filter questions can be used, this resource is increasingly used, since the company by asking two or three questions to the candidate, can make a more precise selection by identifying the different profiles.


From the industrial revolution, with the arrival of the factory labor system, the common vision about the function of the worker spread. It was understood that staff represented a cost. At present, human capital is considered as another resource of the company, and even managers understand that the training of the worker, their experience or degree of integration contribute to improving the functioning of the organization itself.

To carry out the recruitment of personnel, different procedures have been used for decades, from the rumor to the typical advertisement in the press have served to fill vacancies. However, and in recent years, the internet has become one of the most widely used means of training and selecting workers, since its use has multiple advantages. In fact, both the companies that try to complete their forms and the users of the network benefit.

Thanks to virtual job boards, it is possible to generate a wide portfolio of potential candidates without making a large investment. The cost of virtual tracking is reduced so that compared to the written media it is foreseeable that it will eventually prevail. On the other hand, we must not forget that the current situation is a guarantee of the future for this type of business. Furthermore, the confluence of supply and demand on the Internet makes up a truly huge and accessible job market.

Traditional selection processes are long and complex. Since the offer is advertised, a series of phases pass. Thus, after the definition of the position, the planning of the means in which the advertisements and the budget will appear, the resumes are received and the databases are created, the candidates are studied, the calls and interviews are carried out, and the final resolution is even published… Now the process is optimized through the internet, the phases are streamlined and significant savings are achieved.

The programs used in the network allow the automatic and immediate consultation of the information. Thanks to forms, the requirements are specified to the maximum and discards are carried out more quickly. In addition, the employer gets a computerized database with this system that he can use effectively in the future. Internet above all offers speed, speed of response, and economy in costs.

Starting with a minimal investment, any company can take advantage of new technologies to make its own selection of candidates. This formula is beginning to be widely used as there are already a large number of websites, both national and international, dedicated to putting the applicant companies and the candidates in contact.

The high level of training of professionals who enter the labor market, allows in principle to have multiple suitable candidates for the same job. With the internet, spatial barriers are eliminated. Those looking for their first job tend to bet on mobility, and this effort is also valued by companies that track the market.

The users of the job portals have the certainty that their CV will remain in the database of the web site and they will be able to update their data. Depending on the size of this bag, online agencies are able to provide highly valuable data to their clients.

Personnel searches in areas related to new technologies are the most effective. In any case, the results of the recruitment of professionals from other sectors are also very satisfactory. And it is that virtual employment agencies have demonstrated their ability to respond. They can speed up the search based on the needs of their clients, they serve candidates in a personalized way using email and they are true information engines.

Compared to job board companies with a physical structure, the virtual agency has access to candidates from anywhere and can meet the specific needs of a company in a short time and at low cost. Thanks to the network, even the process of evaluating applicants is shortened.

Job portals are beginning to pose difficulties for job board companies, so much so that they have also chosen to open online branches. Job boards on the internet have grown notably thanks to the dissemination of the benefits derived from the use of new technologies. In the United States and northern Europe, this is already the system most used by personnel managers.

The forecasts are positive and everything indicates that virtual recruitment will soon be the best and most complete. At the moment the virtue system coexists with the traditional one and the change in human resources management is far from causing a radical break with all of the above.

Online employment agencies and specialized portals in this area have shown that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the above formulas. Now, technological advances allow the employer to take advantage of the advantages derived from the use of the new formula for recruiting workers.

Most of the online agencies also offer the job board service with a physical structure and provide the services of:

Human Resources

• Job Descriptions by Competencies.

• Design of the Organizational Structure.

• Design of the Salary Scale.

• Market Salary Comparisons.

• Design of Variable Compensation Plans.

• Retention Strategies for Key Executives.

• Design of Performance Evaluations.

• Career plans.

• Succession plans.

Search and Selection of Personnel

• Fast, guaranteed and standard process at the regional level.

• Application and interpretation of Psychological Tests.

• We have the largest database in Central America.

• Internet search and selection service, through its website (exclusively for clients).

Payroll Administration

• Administration of payroll at the regional level.

• Payment to employees, creditors and taxes.

• Calculations of labor and employer withholdings.

• Payment by checks or electronic transfer.

• Delivery of payment vouchers through security vouchers.

• Calculation of settlements.

• Issuance of job letters.


• Psychological Orientation Workshops (Management of Change).

• Technical Orientation Workshops (Tools to find a job).

• Personal Finance Workshops.

• Entrepreneur Training Workshops.

• Availability of a Labor Transition Center.

• Distribution and Promotion of the Resumes of the candidates (networking).

• Individual and Group Support.

• Konzerta has managed the largest Transition Processes (OUTPLACEMENT) in Panama and Central America.

Process Redesign

• Rise of Flow Diagrams.

• Redesign of processes.

• Decrease in cycle times.

• Specialized training for Processes and Procedures Departments.

• Definition of impact indicators.

• Measurement of the economic impact of process improvements.


Virtual job boards are generally contained in dedicated web pages for this purpose and are structured in the form of modules in the Javascript language.

This language is, most of the times, used to create pages that require high interaction with users; allows us to execute instructions in response to your actions, with which we can create interactive pages. In addition, it allows us to create special effects on the pages. This is a simple program designed to do things quickly and easily.

The web pages or job bank sites are made up of modules, the applicants module and the employers module.

Applicants Module

In the applicants module, the interested parties must fill out a registration form in which they will enter their personal data and email, in addition to entering their username (username) and password (password), which will be validated and confirmed via e- mail.

After this, applicants will fill out another form in which they will enter their curriculum vitae and photo, if this option is available. In the curriculum you will be asked for the following information:

• Personal information

• Objective

• Academic training

• Work experience

• Work area in which you are interested in aspiring

• Wage aspiration

• Personal and work references

• In addition, they will select if they want their resume to be confidential or public.

Once registered, the person will be able to have access to the job offers published recently and apply for them by means of automatic email, which also attaches a curriculum vitae. As new job offers are published, likewise the applicant may receive them in their email depending on the field of work they have selected. For example: if a person applies for a Computer Equipment Vendor, new offers in this area will be sent directly to their personal e-mail.

All the CVs that are entered are stored directly in a database that groups them depending on the job field of the applicants.

Employer Module

The companies module is only for businesses that have purchased access to the page. These companies must pay for the use of this space and will be provided with the username and password for access. There are different types of accesses, such as:

1. Companies directly access the database and can see all the resumes of the people who did NOT choose the confidentiality option.

2. Companies publish a job offer and can see all the resumes of the people who apply for the position, whether or not they are confidential.

• The company publishes a job offer

All users have access to job offers published by affiliates to the recruitment system.

• The system notifies you by E-MAIL

The system verifies which potential candidates could apply for the job offer and sends them an e-mail to keep them informed (Confidential and Non-Confidential Resumes).

• You decide if you want to apply

Upon entering the page, candidates can review all job offers. If you find one that meets your expectations you can apply directly from the site.

In this way the candidate indicates to the company that published the job offer that he would like to be considered for this job.

However, the Virtual Job Boards also offer the service of search and selection of personnel for companies that do not wish to buy space on the site. The price of this type of service varies depending on the requirements of the offering company. In addition to the search and selection of personnel online, it is also offered that the applicants are applied and interpreted psychological tests.

For this type of service, the person in charge must enter the database and search according to the work area for the type of characteristics that is compatible with that of the position offered, for example: Accountant is needed, with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, greater than 25 years, with more than 2 years of experience in payroll, accounts payable, salary of $ 500 to $ 600 per month. The person in charge of the search enters said data in the database search engine in order to filter the applications that do not share these characteristics, then the applicant is contacted, the psychological tests are applied and the people who remain from said process are referred to the bidding company to make the final selection.



a) Virtuality streamlines processes:

With virtuality, a good part of the intermediate phases of the selection processes disappear, often causing the paralysis of the processes and the delay of the final result. Currently, the process of publication, communication, recruitment and first pre-selection is done all at the same time, through the same system and in many cases under the supervision of the same person who manages the global process. And, what is more important, the computer system does a good part of this process automatically without the need for any intermediary between the interested parties.

The quality of the virtual job boards resides in the speed when it comes to managing the requested information and in the guarantee of the veracity of the data entered by professionals and companies. In other words, the power of the communication system and the quality of the information are valued.

b) A global labor market:

The Internet has no borders; Neither do the selection processes managed from the Internet: the same offer is visible from any corner of the world and a good professional can be identified by any company regardless of its geographical location.

We are clear that the market is open when it comes to importing or exporting products, but globalization is also beginning to have to do with people. The geographical mobility of professionals will have to be facilitated to respond to the needs of the market and - why not? - to give way to the migratory flows that have been pushing for a long time.

c) A direct contact between companies and professionals:

Decision-making power falls directly on the protagonists of the process: professionals and companies, candidates and bidders are the ones who will have to decide to whom they want to present themselves, what information they want to transfer from themselves and what degree of confidentiality they want to establish with their interlocutors. They can also decide what role they want to play in this communication system. Sometimes a passive position taking may be preferred: one enters the data and waits for it to be claimed. But the system allows a more direct, more active contact on the part of the interlocutors; there is the possibility of intervening in the selection process, managing your own probing processes to identify what fits your own interests and going to look for it personally.We have seen that some even use the web as an environment to auction their own talent. These are very extraordinary cases, of professionals in high demand for their great specialty.

But the reason for communication is not always job placement. The job bank is increasingly used to establish contact with self-employed professionals or teleworkers who offer their talent and services to collaborate with companies that generate activity.

d) A community of professionals:

Job exchanges are also being configured as environments where professionals and dynamic companies of the new economy gather, virtual communities that go beyond responding to specific insertion needs; they want to become reference occupation environments that accompany professionals throughout their working lives and where they can find information, resources and services that allow them to be up-to-date and adapt to the permanent evolution of the market.

e) Increase competition:

In an environment as transparent as the Internet, and given the current moment of rapid economic movements, competition between professionals, and also between companies, is palpable. There are those who use it as a weapon, but there are those who look for systems to avoid it. This competition requires new learning; companies will have to learn to make themselves attractive to professionals, to show their human resources policies, to propose new ways to retain their teams.

We see how companies compete to attract the most talented professionals, seek the means to be highlighted in the heads of virtual exchanges, insert their logo to gain prestige in the professional community, and deploy active processes to search for professionals on the Internet.

At the same time, professionals will also have to learn to develop their professionalism permanently so as not to lose competitiveness in the job market, either to keep their current job or, above all, to promote themselves in the organization itself or by changing companies..

f) A permanent observatory of the labor market:

Rapid data management offers key information to understand how the job market is evolving and assess who is well placed to stay in a good position.

Professionals can use virtual job boards as a thermometer to measure the quality of their talent, they can compare their profile with that of the rest of the professionals in the network and, above all, with the profile that companies are looking for. They can also assess the ability to attract the interest of companies offering new jobs and, therefore, their ability to enter.

At the same time, a virtual job bank is a permanent and updated observatory for the company that competes in the new economy. Knowing first-hand who generates new jobs and for what profiles and what is the volume of offers that companies in the sector have active can represent key information when making strategic decisions.


1. The number of people connected to the internet is not the entire population. This will influence depending on the position to be filled, since more qualified jobs are easier to fill due to the profile of Internet users.

2. In many countries the use of the internet is not yet widespread, for example, in Spain a study was carried out which revealed that only 31% of men and 16% of women use the internet.

3. These data indicate that today many professionals and companies offer and demand jobs using traditional methods such as job advertisements that appear in newspapers. However, we realize that in Panama this trend has been changing, since in just a few years several of these businesses have opened their doors, and one of them indicates that it receives up to 3,000 daily visits, that 59,000 professionals have left their CVs and they have published 3,500 service offers. At this moment they have 800 registered companies and it is among one of the most visited sites in Panama.

4. It is mainly useful for positions aimed at people with less than five years of experience and technicians (especially for people related to new technologies), being inadvisable for management positions, as well as for low-skilled profiles (due to their difficulties and little Internet use habit).

5. Around 80% of users who apply for a job online are up to 35 years old, which shows a difficulty for companies looking for people over 35 years old.

6. There is still a lot of work to be done to be able to redefine the company's processes in the human resources department, as well as the information systems to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that the internet offers us.


Currently in our legislation there is no law that regulates virtual job boards. Some of them have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.

In said agreement, they undertake to create, free of charge, within the internet, a web page that includes a section for the publication of databases of Panamanians seeking a job and to disseminate the programs and projects offered by MITRADEL.

Regarding the payment of taxation, these companies are required to pay a Business License like any other business.

Also, they must pay the server for the use of the domain on the internet, be it.com,.net,.org, etc.

On the other hand, applicants to be part of the company's database accept the Conditions of Use. These generally expose the limitation of intellectual and industrial property rights, responsibility for services and products, the lack of guarantee, among other points of interest on the part of the Job Bank.

They also state that if there is any litigation or controversy, it must be resolved through arbitration, after an attempt at conciliation with the Center for Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama.

Virtual job boards include a Confidentiality document in which they certify that secure communication is established between them and users, that the information sent to their website is encrypted, protecting it against reading and access by third parties. For this purpose, they use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, which is the same protocol used to carry out secure transactions over the internet, such as purchases with credit cards; It is also used by some banks in Panama such as Banistmo, Global Bank, Banco Continental.

This document also explains to the user that they are given the option of keeping all their data hidden, that is, the candidate is invisible to any company that publishes job offers except confidential searches of the Job Bank. However, the candidate can see all the job offers posted and can even apply to these offers. At the time of applying, your data is no longer invisible only to the company that published that offer and can only be seen by that company in that offer. Only you know your username and password to your data.

The user is informed that the company has the technological platform to keep the information related to the website and the entire database on property equipment. Additionally, it has the necessary backup and recovery procedures to provide an efficient and uninterrupted service. This assures our users that all information is stored by the company and not by an external Internet service provider company.

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Business project. virtual job board