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Investment projects for companies in operation

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Investment projects in productive companies allow the generation of jobs through the acquisition of machinery, labor and raw materials that will be transformed into the creation of new products or services capable of meeting the needs of other companies or those of the consumer.

Investment projects can be channeled to the creation of new companies or the expansion of companies that are working.

Every project is expected to be profitable, however, there are differences between the expectations that are expected for a new company and for one in operation.

A new company will need to seek customers before opening its doors that guarantee the purchase of its products as they are manufactured. If your products lack demand, it will not make sense to manufacture them.

In the case of a company in operation, the demand, in some cases already exists, and new investments may be proposed for the following reasons:

  • Its current capacity is insufficient to meet market demand. You need to launch a new product that your customers are demanding. You need to improve quality or lower costs and it is only possible with new machinery. You need to build buildings, or infrastructure. Expect to enter new markets with the current product. He is interested in taking advantage of his waste to manufacture new projects. Must comply with environmental regulations

The company faces the customer's demand for a greater volume, for a new product, for a lower price or for innovating the existing one. Faced with this situation, the company must respond by expanding or modifying its installed capacity and meet customer expectations.

Investment projects are evidenced in Balance Sheet assets as they are completed, moving assets from a set amount before the project to a larger amount after the project.

Any positive, zero or negative variation less than the depreciation and amortization of total assets implies an investment. At least an amount equivalent to the depreciation and amortization of assets is invested, preventing them from degrading.

The origin of the invested resources can come from external resources (liabilities) or own resources (capital).

There may be investments exclusively of working capital, where its presence is represented by higher balances in cash, checking accounts, accounts receivable, inventories, notes receivable and some accounts represented by liquid capital that grows naturally due to the increase in the operations and for the solution of unforeseen events.

However, when these investments are accompanied by acquisitions of long-term assets such as land, transport equipment, machinery and office equipment, and their objective is to move the volume of production, they require a planning process that guarantees their recovery with margins of acceptable profit.

All investment projects must be evaluated based on their profitability, however, the procedure is different for new companies and companies in operation.

  1. Investment projects for new companies should be evaluated through the present value or the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of the cash flows generated by the project during its useful life. Companies in operation require a more complex procedure in the measurement of the profitability of your investments where they include:
  • The evaluation of the activity of the company and its expected profitability before carrying out the project The evaluation of the activity of the company assuming the completion of the project The measurement of the profitability of the marginal investment that is obtained by subtracting the previous evaluations from each other.

Investment projects for new companies:

The evaluation of projects for new companies must begin with the market study that allows us to determine the product to be sold, the brand, the packaging, the label, the product design, color, quality, warranty, legal responsibility, labels. warning and after-sales services. (Stanton, JW Etzel, JM, Walter, J: B;, 1996).

Who are the potential clients with needs and economic capacity to acquire our product, and the characteristics of the elasticity of demand to evaluate the consumer's response to changes in prices. (Ferguson, CE, 1971).

Identify the companies that currently serve the needs of my potential clients. The price at which they offer their product on which I will establish my strategies with standardized or differentiated services or products. (Amat, JM 2000).

The distribution channels necessary to distribute the product from, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, direct sales from house to house, etc.

The participation in the market determining the volume of sales that is made in the market by the companies that currently offer their product, the sales and participation that can be achieved with our product. Finally, the volume of sales calculated from the unmet demand and the elasticity of demand that I can offer and the sacrifice necessary in price to enter the market

The technical study is the second study that I must carry out to determine if the product I want to sell can be manufactured meeting customer expectations in price and quality, if we will have the possibility of taking it to the consumer at competitive prices and in the required quantity. To manufacture it we need to know the following: investment in machinery, building, transport equipment, furniture, services.

The availability of raw material in the required quantities and with the opportunity of delivery. Auxiliary materials and services that make the production process possible The labor necessary to manufacture the product, the type of process that will be used (depending on the volume of production and its standardization), the manufacturing process of the product, distribution of facilities to produce it with greater efficiency, product design, inventory management, location of facilities and quality control.

The purpose of the Financial Study is to measure the value of money over time. If a peso is invested today we must have a sufficient amount in the future to acquire a greater amount of goods than we acquire today for that money.

This implies recovering the loss of purchasing power of that peso over time plus the gain based on risk in order to recover it. In the absence of profit, the project must be scrapped, since the risk and the work of the entrepreneur is meaningless if there are no profits that make the invested capital grow.

Determining the profitability of a new project requires calculating the investment that will be made at the beginning. This investment includes the fixed assets acquired for the new company: machinery, land, buildings, furniture, transportation equipment, plus the working capital necessary for the company to operate for at least two months with its own resources.

As of this date, the sale of merchandise is expected to restore the availability of cash to continue operations.

With the sales volume that is expected to be achieved, the annual income from the sales of the product, the costs of raw materials, labor, indirect manufacturing expenses and operating expenses for the entire useful life of the project should be determined. To the total annual income, the costs of raw materials, labor, indirect manufacturing expenses, operating expenses, taxes and participation of workers in profits should be deducted.

The result will be the annual profits for the year. Since the depreciation and amortization of assets are not disbursed when they are applied to annual costs and expenses and only appear for tax purposes, they must be added back to the profit for the year to obtain the cash flows of the project during its useful life. Facing the sum of discounted cash flows at a minimum expected rate of return with the initial investment will make it possible to determine whether the investment is profitable or not, sufficient in investment decisions.

The Legal Study is of relevant importance since neglecting it can bring severe headaches to the administration, endangering the future of the nascent company. This study considers the obligations that the new or operating company must comply with, such as obtaining the federal taxpayer registry, authorization of operations by the Secretary of State that regulates the activities of our company, complying with the rights of workers to avoid unnecessary sanctions, have safety regulations to avoid work accidents and pay tax obligations on time.

Finally, it will be necessary to carry out administrative studies that facilitate the organization and operation of the company, delegating responsibilities that streamline its functions and activities aimed at achieving objectives.

Investment projects for companies in operation

Companies in operation will carry out investment projects mainly for any of the following reasons:

  • Their current capacity is insufficient to meet market demand They need to launch a new product that their customers are demanding They need to improve the quality of their products or lower costs and it is only possible with new machinery They need to build buildings or infrastructure to expand Facilities and improve service Expect to enter new markets with current product Replenish obsolete assets Take advantage of waste in new projects Comply with environmental regulations

Whether the investment is made with own resources (capital) or others (liabilities), the evidence of such investments will be manifest in the company's balance sheet.

The balance sheet of companies that do not invest reflects a progressive deterioration of fixed assets as a result of depreciation, however, this is not bad if the sales rhythm and the profit margin per peso invested in capital are maintained. The increase in current assets is only healthy if it contributes to increasing the profitability of capital with a considerable increase in sales.

Its origin is an increase in accounts receivable, keeping money on the street with high financial costs for the company. In the same case, an increase in inventories will result in a decrease in merchandise turnover and the corresponding impact on the profitability of capital.

The acquisition of assets will generally require prior studies, however the time to make decisions will depend on market conditions:

If the company has liquidity or accessible sources of financing and the opportunity for potential sales is in sight, the time to decide what to do will be short, since the opportunities to take advantage of market spaces are not many and decisions must be made immediately.

When companies have problems opening spaces in the market and growing, they must risk investments that provide them with access to options with a high probability of being profitable in the future, in such cases decision makers must carefully think about the strategies to follow to minimize risk. of your money.

The time necessary to make the investments should also be considered and to evaluate the expectations for the future, since the demand may be temporary and the investment very high and slow to carry it out, such as in the construction of tourist hotels, or expensive investments that can be made in the short term. but difficult to recover due to the instability of demand with in the case of passenger and cargo transport in general.

Market study

Companies in operation to make decisions to expand markets must ensure that the marginal product they are going to produce is sold. It is not the same to sell ten thousand units than to sell twenty thousand, it is necessary to decide to whom to sell, where to sell, how to sell and with whom to sell, in addition, ensure that the additional ten thousand units will be sold, otherwise the expansion will be a failure or a white elephant that will generate an impressive cost burden for the products in operation that the company currently sells.

Time should be spent researching the chances of success with new products and ensuring sales before accepting new projects.

It is convenient to be risky when the odds are in your favor or there is a high probability of success. Otherwise, and without prior analysis, it would be unwise to make investments with a high probability of failure.

If it is intended to increase the sales of the product in the current market, the company already knows the competition, the price of the product, the quality, payment facilities, economic solvency of its competitors, delivery opportunity, image, after-sales service, potential customers with purchasing power, elasticity of demand and customer loyalty to brands.

Although this market is the safest, it is the one that offers less probability of growing with the same product, since when it is served by our company and those of the competition, the competitive advantages it offers are marginal (see figure No. 1)

If you intend to enter new markets, it will be important to highlight whether they are national or foreign, what are the probabilities of success, especially in the differential of sales prices and costs of placing the product in the selected market..

Obviously, a new market with products that we already produce and sell in other markets can be attractive if it represents expansion in sales for new customers and competitors.

Figure No. 1

Risk and uncertainty in current and new products and markets

Identify the companies that currently serve the needs of my potential clients. The price at which they offer their product on which I will establish my strategies with standardized or differentiated services or products. (Amat, JM 2000). The distribution channels necessary to distribute the product from, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, direct sales from house to house, etc.

The market share that can be achieved by determining the competitive sales volume your product currently offers. Finally, the sales volume calculated from the unsatisfied demand and the elasticity of demand that we can offer must be identified, considering the sacrifice necessary in price to enter the market.

Working with the product that is already placed on the market generates uncertainty, however, the risk of losses is limited, while the launch of a new product either in a current or new market represents high risk.

The investment, the design, manufacture of the product, advertising and marketing will represent new expenditures that will require financial support to penetrate and sustain the product in the market.

Among the few advantages that can be achieved is to manufacture a new product with current technology, saving part of the investment in facilities and machinery, however, the costs of placing the product on the market, marketing and training of personnel in the new product line will be expenses that must be budgeted.

Technical study

New investments represent growth and planning, so it will be necessary to form an investment responsibility center that deals with planning the steps from investment planning, organization of decision-makers, program execution and mechanisms for evaluating and controlling the investment process (Amat, JM, 2000).

In the expansion of facilities or creation of new plants, acquisition of machinery, raw materials, auxiliary materials, products, hiring and training of personnel, the definition of the following aspects must be established:

  1. The scope of the project that defines what the project includes and does not include. Schedule the time to complete the project with Gantt charts, critical path, PERT, network diagrams and events. The cost budgeted for the project The quality commitment that establishes the relevant standards to be met and the way to satisfy them Human Resources. Integrated of internal and external collaborators in carrying out the project The fluidity of communication with permanent reports on budget progress and monitoring. Evaluate the risks, threats and opportunities offered by the project using probabilities applied to scenarios.Create contracting strategies, quotes, contests and material supply contracts minimizing costs with methods such as MRP, JIT inventories that allow reducing costs of inventories and processes. Achieve the Integration of teamwork in all areas involved. Establish quality standards using the PHVA method and ISO 9001: 2000.

Financial study

Unlike new projects that generate unique cash flows on which the return on investment can be measured, projects in operation require a different form of measurement.

First: The cash flows of the company are calculated during the time that the marginal project lasts in operation before it is carried out in the manner as it appears in table No. 1.

Depending on the useful life of the marginal project, it should be considered to calculate the cash flows for the number of years it is expected to perform in operation. In the example, 8 are handled. A reasonable period may be the one set in the ISR law for each type of asset.

Unlike a normal income statement, the cash flow adds the following accounts at the end of it:

Asset depreciation. The amount of this account is subtracted from sales as an expense, however it does not represent an outlay, therefore it is added back to after-tax profits.

At the beginning of the evaluation process as year zero (0) and after profits, the total assets of the company are discounted as an investment made for its operation.

As the disbursement of assets is not total, due to the presence of unpaid liabilities, the latter will be added to the flows of the company.

The future payment of the debts contracted as liabilities (amortization of debts) will be discounted in the following years as appropriate.

Finally, and to complete the cash flows, the salvage or scrap value of the assets that have reached the end of their useful life must be added for the last year.

Second: The cash flows of the company including the marginal investment project are calculated for the useful life of the marginal project.

It is not possible to manage cash flows of a marginal project in isolation, since it is expected to contribute to the rest of the activities of the company and at the same time make use of the external economies of the company. Such is the case of marginal projects to take advantage of useful waste as raw material in other processes, which under normal conditions represents a cost to eliminate them, however they can be another source of income if they are treated properly.

The accounts in table No. 2 are similar to those in table No. 1, however, the amounts include what is expected to happen with the marginal investment and the benefits generated by it.

Third: The cash flows calculated with the project are subtracted from the cash flows calculated without the project. The result will be the marginal cash flows generated only by the additional investment to the company, such as those that appear in table No. 3.

Value of money over time

To evaluate whether a project is profitable, it is necessary to consider that it is not the same to disburse a peso today than one next week, next month or next year. There are factors such as inflation that deteriorate purchasing power or the simple fact of being willing to postpone present spending for future spending that generates the same or greater satisfaction.

Considering the consumer's response to qualitative variables can generate multiple responses, however we can agree that postponing consumption has a price and is the case with all investment, not enjoying our money today has a price, which can be represented by an expected rate of return such as the internal rate of return, or failing that, a minimum expected rate that can tell me whether the project is worth doing or not.

After applying a minimum expected discount rate (r) to the marginal cash flows calculated in table No. 3 and added as indicated in the NPV formula below, the decision can be made to invest or cancel the draft. (Schroeder, RG, 1992).


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Investment projects for companies in operation