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What do we understand by leadership?


As I had commented in reflections on a new leadership, certain people see leadership as the ideal mechanism to achieve fame, money and power, this is explained by virtue of the strong incidence that the prevailing system has on the behavior of people, which are subjected to the world of unfair competition, the unfair concentration of wealth and individualism. These people are capable of promoting the highest treason, they are disloyal to their people, they do not respect the principles of the organization and they easily sell their consciences as if they were products of the market.

Therefore, those who come to leadership in search of an economic, political or social status, are never interested in developing the human groups they lead, these people have as their sole purpose the satisfaction of their individual interests, and to achieve this they will use the tools that are available. within your reach whether they are fair or not.

Could it be that some organization, institution, or association needs this type of leadership?… What type of leadership do we need? Let's look for the answers to these questions in order to build a new kind of leadership together.

If we agree that the leadership required in today's world must be based on ethics, humanism, equity, peace and justice, then we are on the same path, where we understand leadership as a set of principles, knowledge and skills used to lead human groups seeking to achieve common goals; It constitutes an art to serve men and women who pursue a specific goal, both individually and in groups. Therefore, let us not forget that every organization contributes harmoniously to the development of its members, at the same time that social growth is considered.

By understanding leadership in this way, those of us who are in a position to exercise it, we turn it into a tool to positively influence people's mood and attitude. We do not use our abilities to cause harm, much less to consider ourselves gifted or superior to others. We understand that we are simply guides, facilitators, with enormous responsibilities.

Now, how to understand the leader then. In accordance with this appreciation of leadership, we would think that the leader is a strategist who with wisdom, courage, charisma and prudence, leads human groups to achieve goals, producing with his actions, transcendental changes in favor of all. Being a leader means being endowed with a set of skills to guide, coordinate, participate and develop people, organizations or institutions. It is to comply with the best actions to achieve the desired objective. This is not a gifted individual, but simply a human being with different abilities and skills.

Eng. Washington Sandoval, in the Integral Leadership document, comments that “the leader is not a being from another world, he is a normal person, man or woman, with his qualities and defects, with successes and errors, but always looking for the common good over personal interests, so in the very essence of leadership are positive values, oriented towards the good, shaped by the norms and principles of behavior accepted by the environment and which are part of the culture ”. This is how we move towards new leadership.

What do we understand by leadership?