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What is and how is executive coaching done?

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What is Coaching?

It is a management development tool that is carried out through a personal and professional advisory system for the subsequent impact on the organization.

This system provides information, knowledge, skills, references, collaboration and personalized advice for each manager to develop the 8 key habits®.

Main objectives

1. That the Manager develop both professionally and personally (that is, develop the 8 Habits® of the Manager) to achieve optimal performance as a manager or executive.

2. That this personalized development has an impact at all levels in the company.

What is not Coaching?

1. It is not training or consulting. Trainers tend to be more directed towards the transmission of knowledge, and consultants appear as professionals with answers.

The coach or tutor what he does rather is ask questions, he does not position himself as an expert, since the one who truly has the answers for a situation is the person who is experiencing it, even if it is difficult for him to see them or put them into practice.

2. It is not Therapy. It is true that two of the Habits that have to be worked the most because they are the most neglected and most extensive to develop are Personal Self-Development and Communication.

These, from coaching, are approached in the workplace, and from problems that may arise in the workplace. The objective of coaching is not, therefore, to change the manager's personality, or his personal life, emotional life, etc…, although this usually comes as a secondary consequence, but to make him function better as a manager or executive.

Now, if the executive presents a psychological disorder of more pathology, (personality disorder, or excessive anxiety disorder, etc…), we could:

  • Advise a therapy with a clinical psychologist outside the work environment. Advise a therapy with a clinical psychologist outside the work environment, and in turn develop the coaching process for professional skills, always carrying out teamwork with the psychologist. This would be done as long as the company had a great interest in the development of this executive.

Who is Coaching for?

Coaching is primarily intended for:

1. All people with responsibility within a company.

2. All people considered “key”, not only from an objective point of view, but also from a subjective point of view.

Why coaching?

1. Because of the feeling of some executives of being overwhelmed by the new challenges that companies have to assume.

2. For the little time that executives have to themselves due to the need for continuous operations, having to reduce costs, increase productivity and improve customer service.

3. Because of the pressure with which they have to live day to day that feeds itself.

4. Due to the isolation they experience by not sharing their problems with the collaborators, first, because one of their main tasks is to protect them from fear, transmit security and motivate them; and second, because it is difficult for us to recognize that there are things that exceed us, such as certain challenges and responsibilities.

5. Because in the "soft" and social skills many times they are not as competent as in the "hard", although often these also have to "undergo" a review.

6. Due to the need that every company has to continually increase productivity.

Advantages of coaching over other types of training

1. The first and most important advantage of coaching is its own “bis by bis” status:

  • The executive does not feel exposed, as can happen in group training, and the fear that his image will be damaged when talking about his doubts disappears. It develops in a climate of absolute trust and confidentiality. In this way, all matters can be addressed during a coaching session, following a totally personalized process.

2. Being an external person, the coach or tutor helps to:

  • Develop an adequate perception of reality. Position oneself from a broader and less individual perspective when dealing with different situations, which leads to the search for solutions from other points of view not previously contemplated.

Conditions to be met by the client company

1. In any organization that wants an effective application of a coaching process for its managers, it is desirable that a group training by Cardona Labarga on leadership has been given previously, so that a large number of criteria are already clarified from the start.

2. It must be a company whose ability to adapt to new working methods is optimal, hence we attach importance to cultural change.

3. It has to be an organization with ease to involve workers in company projects.

Conditions to be met by the coach

1. Wide and deep knowledge of the business world.

2. Ability to create a relationship of trust, from credibility (which can only be achieved with honesty), assertiveness, understanding…

3. Must be a good communicator, and have well-developed communication skills, especially active listening.

4. Ability to analyze and find the effect-cause relationships that occur in any action, as well as to create a personalized and effective development plan.

5. Ability to find, not the right answers, but the right questions for the different situations that your client may ask.

6. Ability to find opportunities in small day-to-day actions, and not in large business actions.

7. Ability to capture and take into account the organizational variables that govern the culture in which the company is located, which condition the context in which it can develop its performance as a Coach.

8. You have to take into account the personal goals and values ​​of the executives you act on, as well as your own.

9. Ability to show oneself as a model of trust, communication, motivation and direction.

How we develop a coaching process

1. We have defined a model of 8 Habits® Key Executives (not competencies). We move towards the optimal development of these habits.

2. Election of managers or "key" people in whom the company has an interest to carry out a Development Coaching for Individual and Executive Excellence. The interested party must always agree to carry out the process that will require a little additional work and certain commitments with their professional improvement.

3. First / s interviews: Carrying out a specific Management Diagnosis, which details the acquired level of each of the habits sought in the manager. This diagnosis will be made through a personal interview and a series of questionnaires. One of these questionnaires measures the level of development that the person has in each of the managerial habits, except for the habit of Self-development, for which a personality questionnaire will be passed.

Such Diagnosis is personal and confidential, only for the person who is going to carry out the coaching process.

4. Interview for the return of the Diagnosis: The executive will be talked to to explain what has been observed, the habits that he has developed in a more or less optimal way, and those in which he should improve. The purpose of this interview is to contrast if he has the same perception of his problem, and if he agrees to work on those specific points. If not, we should continue talking with him to see what he thinks should improve.

In this same interview, you are already given the instructions to personally prepare your Executive Development Plan.

5. Sending such a plan to the Coach to give the interested party feedback on the plan.

6. Interview to set development objectives from the Diagnosis and personal Plan. Completion of a Contract in which the Coach agrees to help you achieve those goals, and the executive agrees to work towards the same end.

Up to this point, the interviews are usually an hour and a half long, or sometimes even longer (Diagnosis interview, Diagnosis return, and Goal setting)

7. Development Interviews. From here on, a series of one-hour interviews will follow, with a monthly interval. In these Interviews, the objectives will be thoroughly worked on, they will be developed little by little, putting them into practice, reviewing them, and it will be confirmed whether the Action Plan is effective or not. If not, the Diagnosis and the way of working on the objectives would be reviewed, always seeking excellence in the Coaching process.

8. The Coach is always at the disposal of the manager, via e-mail or telephone, for any questions he may need. All your questions sent by e-mail or letter will be answered within a period of no more than 48 hours.

The project will not exceed one year, with flexibility, according to needs. Or it will not exceed eight interviews, also with flexibility, as needed.

Based on the habits studied and developed in the book "From Fear to Trust, Develop as a Manager!" by José María Cardona and Sergio Cardona Patau, Díaz de Santos Editions, Madrid 2002.

What is and how is executive coaching done?