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What are quality circles?

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What is a quality circle?

  1. A Quality Circle is a small group of workers who perform similar tasks, and meet to identify, analyze and solve problems of their own work, either in terms of quality or productivity. Quality Circles are groups of workers with a leader or team leader who has the support of the organization of the company, whose mission is to transmit to the management proposals to improve work methods and systems. It is said that the Circles do not constitute a movement, a program, or a system, nor a method, but essentially a new way of working life, obtained by a new mentalization of the worker. Circles can be implemented in any type of organization, for which it is not essential to change the structure.The only thing that changes is the philosophy of work and the approach to human relations in the company. The Quality Circles meet to study a work problem or a possible improvement of the product, but it is not enough to identify the faults or the aspects to be to get better. The mission of the Circle is to analyze, seek and find solutions, and propose the most appropriate to the Management. The Quality Circles assume that the workers not only contribute their muscular effort, but also their brain, their talent and their intelligence. the Circles study and analyze problems with scientific methods and techniques, until they are able to propose several alternative solutions. After reaching a consensus, they propose the best alternatives to the management of the company.All the proposals of the Quality Circles presented to the Management are carefully studied. If they are accepted, they will be put into practice, and the merit of the Circle that presented them will be recognized. The Circle of Quality is the best system to take advantage of the creative and innovative potential of all the men and women that make up the company.

The following didactic video presents the main elements of two types of working groups: quality circles and operational or development groups.

Purposes of the quality and productivity circles

The Quality Circles, as a practical crystallization of a new company philosophy, Theory Z, have purposes in accordance with this new way of understanding work and the worker. These are:

  1. Help develop and improve the company. It is not about worshiping perfectionism, but it is about causing a healthy growth of the company, honing all its potentialities of achievement. However, you have to be very careful with growth. Contrary to what many believe, increasing sales is not always the best alternative for development. To grow in quality, innovation, productivity, and customer service, to grow qualitatively, in short, is the only way to establish the future of the company on solid foundations, to make the workplace comfortable and rich in content. It is often said that work dignifies man. This is true as long as this work is worthy and proper to human nature. repetitive and routine jobs are typical of machines and robots,not from people. the Circles aspire to make the workplace more suitable for the development of the intelligence and creativity of the worker, to take advantage of and maximize all the capacities of the individual. The human factor is the most important and decisive asset that the company has. Its constant potentiation causes a multiplier effect whose results tend to exceed the most optimistic calculations and estimates. And it is that nothing - or very little - is yet known about the enormous possibilities of the human being, when it comes to achieving goals that he himself has set himself intensely, with enthusiasm and determination.The human factor is the most important and decisive asset that the company has. Its constant potentiation causes a multiplier effect whose results tend to exceed the most optimistic calculations and estimates. And it is that nothing - or very little - is yet known about the enormous possibilities of the human being, when it comes to achieving goals that he himself has set himself intensely, with enthusiasm and determination.The human factor is the most important and decisive asset that the company has. Its constant potentiation causes a multiplier effect whose results tend to exceed the most optimistic calculations and estimates. And it is that nothing - or very little - is yet known about the enormous possibilities of the human being, when it comes to achieving goals that he himself has set himself intensely, with enthusiasm and determination.

Principles and conditions of quality circles

The pillars on which the Quality Circles are based are:

  1. The recognition at all levels that no one knows a task, a job or a process better than the one who performs it on a daily basis. Respect for the individual, their intelligence and their freedom. The enhancement of individual capacities through group work. The reference to work-related topics.

From these fundamental principles the following conditions for the operation of the Quality Circles emerge:

  1. Voluntary participation. The statement of Theory Z clearly expressed that the labor factor must be freely and decisively involved. It will be difficult to create a new style of company if you start by forcing workers to participate in the Circles. If there is no freedom, a freely expressed voluntariness, and a loyal commitment, one of the basic principles is violated. On the other hand, non-participation should never be grounds for discrimination. In small companies, as the differences are more visible, the dangers are greater, so this aspect must be carefully taken care of. Training. Without it, no improvement is possible. Recycling of people must be constant and never routine. In many cases, the component of the Circle itself will notice its deficits when facing progressively complex problems that exceed its level of knowledge. Training should not only enrich the worker, but, in essence, the human being in its fullness since knowledge is one of the basic needs and motivations of every individual. Group work. Team spirit, once the initial training phase has been overcome, favors healthy competition between the different Circles, and this translates into constant improvement in both the ideas and the solutions provided. Democratic group. The Circle must elect the leader democratically. It can coincide with a command of the company, but only if the members accept him as such and recognize his moral leadership. Respect for the partner. Although it is something that is implicit in teamwork, the absence of this attitude has been one of the frequent causes of failure in some Circles. It is not easy to get people who work in the same company or department to always have the same goals and the same opinions when it comes to finding solutions to everyday problems. Divergences and frictions inevitably occur. However, it can and should be discussed in a climate of respect and trust, otherwise the Circle will eventually "explode." Collective and never individual merits. All the ideas and improvements that arise as a result of the work of the Circles are the heritage of the team, and not of an isolated individual, however brilliant. Managers should be the first to promote this idea, rewarding successes at the collective level. Likewise, they should prevent someone who thinks they are smarter than others from using the Circle to find solutions, and then presenting them as their own. Once the Circles are established, it is difficult for them to coexist with the suggestion boxes. Although a certain idea comes from a person, it must be ensured that the whole group participates in the project, in order to avoid personalism and individual brilliance. Small group. The Circles that work best are those that are made up of few individuals (4 or 5). In this way there is work for everyone. If the number is much higher, it usually happens that only a few look for data, present solutions and ideas, while the rest, in addition to not collaborating with the Circle, hinder their work and lengthen the meetings, discussing issues that move away from the purposes and objectives of the group. Short meetings and working time. The time for the meetings should be established in advance. Since these are carried out to improve, they must be understood as working hours, and not as unofficial activities. The duration of the meetings should not exceed one hour. If they are longer, they are usually productive only in the initial part, but end up degenerating into trivial discussions on inconsequential topics. Respect the schedule. Once the duration and periodicity of the meetings have been established, the schedule must be scrupulously respected. The work of the Circles must have absolute priority. Otherwise, it will be common to find excuses to postpone and postpone meetings. In addition, punctuality must be taken into account; the delay of just one of the members wastes time for all the others. Recognition. Normally the components of the Circles in a first phase, are so enthusiastic about participation, that they do not mind taking on greater amounts of work. However, experience shows that if there is no authentic, explicit and formal recognition by the company, interest gradually declines, until it disappears completely. The work of the Circles can be rewarded in many ways, but the financial rewards are the most motivating in the long run. Top management support. In the same way that the management of the company must be the first to adapt the philosophy of Theory Z, it must also be the first to encourage and favor the development of the Circles. It is a matter of sheer logic and consistency; support and initiative must always come from the most responsible party.


What are quality circles?