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Who are we in essence?


Wilhem Von Humboldt; Born in Potsdam, Germany in 1967, he created the foundations of an educational system that would revolutionize German education, he defined training as: "General interaction between theoretical understanding and practice. "

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) famous pioneer of the American Revolution said: "Vigor and determination will do all things and any of them."

Nelsón Madela (1918-2013), the former South African president who aroused admiration and respect beyond the borders of his own people, said: “As long as we are alive, there is hope. Hope only disappears when we stop believing in ourselves ”.

According to my vision, the practical will that Humboldt spoke of is the same determination that Paine spoke of and both, will and determination, are the fundamental bases of what Mandela later expressed: “Hope is given by believing in us. same".

In my opinion, when we gather that firm will and determination and decide to believe in ourselves, we do indeed nourish hope and are capable of solemnly committing ourselves, just for the fact of wanting to be a better human being, wanting to transform ourselves, aspiring to self-improvement and inner growth.

The greatness of a human being is not only measured by his social and economic ascent, the greatness of a human being, is really what remains when we let go of: titles, positions, material possessions and even the roles that we have been assigned play throughout life.

It is there, when we really know who we are at the most elemental level, it is when we realize what we are in essence, simply, human beings.

But what kind of human beings are we?

Are we the one who personifies success in business and professionally, but forgets, very often, his affections, surely, due to lack of time?, Who is also in charge of keeping his family comfortable and with their needs covered or at least the materials, because of that… "someone has to work… Love with hunger does not last…"

Surely, some of us even remember to give a donation for a noble cause, such as abandoned childhood, or sick children.

But, beyond our good economic actions, what are we essentially like? Are we merciful, kind, sincere, tolerant, patient, respectful, responsible…?

Do we manifest all these human values ​​in the form of actions in our daily lives?

Or on the contrary, do we realize that we are individualists, as a reflection of our selfishness?

Or maybe that individualism is a reflection of our lack of mercy? It is missing, which will surely allow us to realize that we are: unkind, lacking tolerance, arrogant and even disrespectful…

It does not matter how difficult our situation is or how misunderstood we feel, or even how ashamed we may feel about what we discover such as our emotional tendencies or feelings, as long as we manage to recognize that in principle we are responsible for our own life.

If we understand that everything we think, do or say has a subsequent consequence, which manifests itself in our reality and in our immediate surroundings.

If we challenge ourselves to change all our limitations and negative attitudes.

If we determine with firm will, because, if we believe that our self-improvement is possible, we will be able to change our entire lives for the better.

Just by changing our attitude, the responses that our environment returns will be different, surely these responses will make us feel more understood, more respected, more loved, less ashamed.

And although at first, we may not be aware of it, over time, most likely, we will realize how lucky we are.

Dear reader, I think that on our way to cultivate the education of the heart, that which will allow us to grow internally, it is vital to believe in ourselves, as Mandela said.

The mere fact of betting on us will fill us with that "Hope" of which Mandela spoke, it will allow us to put our will into practice, as Humboldt said, with the vigor and determination required to achieve all things and any of them., as Thomas Paine put it.

Let's reflect on:

And let's dare to believe in ourselves and take responsibility for our lives, from the heart.


Fanny Ramírez V.

Who are we in essence?