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Root of quality of life: health

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The Productive Orientation of the Leader is the Fardella Quality of Life (2018), this concept is multidimensional; according to the domain theory proposed by Olson and Barnes; This quality of life scale had seven domains or factors that included Health; then Grimaldo (2010, p.7) in his adaptation of this scale was left with nine domains within which he also included it. Both concepts have a direct relationship with personal well-being; It is how we feel in various situations of daily life and how we would relate to our environment; But without Health: functional stress, how will my quality of life be on earth?

Keywords: Productive Orientation, Quality of Life, Health, Natural Law, Direction.


The “quality of life” is the central nucleus of the productive orientation of the leader Fardella (2018), the World Health Organization (WHO), proposes that it is the perception that the individual has of their position in life, in the context of its culture and the value system in which it lives and the relationship with its goals, expectations, standards and concerns The World Health Organization Quality Of Life Group (1995). The Domain Theory proposed by Olson and Barnes, who use a subjective conceptualization to define the quality of life and relate it to the fit between the self and the environment; state that a common characteristic in quality of life studies constitutes the consideration of the domains of the vital experiences of individuals,where each one focuses on a particular facet of the life experience, such as marital and family life, friends, address and housing facilities, education, employment, religion and health among others Grimaldo (2010, p.3). It can be pointed out that it constitutes a multidimensional concept, which has an objective and a subjective component; that is oriented towards the well-being of the being, as a subjective indicator, which is measured from his satisfaction and happiness judgments. But the well-being: Quality of Life independent of the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of the person, will it exist without Health of Soul and Body?It can be pointed out that it constitutes a multidimensional concept, which has an objective and a subjective component; that is oriented towards the well-being of the being, as a subjective indicator, which is measured from his satisfaction and happiness judgments. But the well-being: Quality of Life independent of the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of the person, will it exist without Health of Soul and Body?It can be pointed out that it constitutes a multidimensional concept, which has an objective and a subjective component; that is oriented towards the well-being of the being, as a subjective indicator, which is measured from his satisfaction and happiness judgments. But the well-being: Quality of Life independent of the judgments of satisfaction and happiness of the person, will it exist without Health of Soul and Body?

of oneself and allows the leader to draw not only on his technical knowledge, but to apply his wisdom of life to his decisions. The fact of tuning in with our feelings contributes to make sense of the facts and to improve the decision-making process. According to science, emotions are not opposed to reason, but are part of it. To access the wisdom accumulated during life, the leader learns to trust his intuitive sensations Lieberman (2000). The neural circuits involved in complex decisions include not only the basal ganglia, but also the amygdala, a region in which the brain seems to store emotions associated with memories. It is not the verbal area of ​​the brain, but the region that controls feelings,the one that provides us with the most appropriate course of action in the “decision-making” process Goleman, Boyatzis and Mckee (2008).

In the

Than? Do. The decision of concentration and energy is to maximize patience and discipline in the work to be done to: change the way of life.Ignorance of Health is the only and true cause of all the diseases that man suffers in the course of his existence. When man faces the losses of all kinds with which the lack of health stalks him at every step in his life, he finds that the baggage of his knowledge painstakingly acquired in school, in the workshop and in practice, is of no use to him. they serve before the enemy, who slowly and surely undermines their health, leaving the entire edifice of their well-being exposed to ruin every day Lezaeta (1957, p. 11-12). Nobody cures anyone, nor is there a remedy with curative virtue, because health and disease are the results of our own daily actions, whether or not they are subject to natural law. The disease that was conceived with an abnormal lifestyle, can only be removed through a healthy lifestyle,that maintains thermal equilibrium of the body Lezaeta (1957, p. 112), bone,inner harmony.

The key to health is to maintain the thermal balance of the internal and external temperatures of the body (vibrational frequency tuning with nature). This will be achieved by fulfilling the mandates of natural law every day. The healthy man does not exist, except as a rare exception and must be sought far from the civilized environment. Many people who believed themselves to be exponents of health and who could lead life unhindered, since they never noticed discomfort, die suddenly and prematurely, which shows us that they were ill and that, if they did not realize it, it was because their nerves were sluggish and her natural defenses were overcome by chronic intoxication. The common misconception of health and disease, which judges by symptoms and appearances,It generally leads to qualify as healthy and robust any person who stands out for their physical conditions of musculature or strength, which makes a good part of the youth dedicate themselves exaggeratedly to gymnastic exercises until they achieve an outstanding shape and musculature, thinking with this to have perfected its organic conditions, when in reality what has been achieved has been an: organic imbalance, that is, a state of chronic disease. Therefore, there is no need to exaggerate any faculty or quality of the organism, because this is detrimental to other aptitudes or physiological conditions of our nature, thereby producing the organic imbalance that is an alteration of health.We condemn if the exaggeration that leads to abuse of physiological skills to achieve a body development disproportionate to the needs of the Lezaeta subject (1957, p. 63).

When? Do what. Every day of our existence, from sunrise to sunset. Our body is part of the universe, and everything that happens in it will affect our physiology. Our biological rhythms are an expression of the rhythms of the earth in its relationship with the entire cosmos. Due to the rotation of the earth on its axis we experience a 24 hour cycle. Built by day and night, which is called: circadian rhythm.Cells and organs of the body are continuously vibrating at certain frequencies. Each organ has a certain vibration and each part of your body a different vibration. When our body receives the right amount of energy and in the given vibration, we enjoy good health. On the contrary, if that energy level and its vibration drop, we get sick or even die Fardella (2015b). It has a direct relationship with the temperature (energy) of the internal and external body. Our biological rhythms must agree with the circadian rhythm, this allows us to have an order (discipline) of when to perform certain basic activities for our Body and Soul during the day.

Our Body is part of the cosmos and our body rhythms can enter into drag with them; if we were aligned with the cosmos, in total harmony with its rhythms and no emotional tension, there would be very little entropy in it (aging). But, not so, reason: stress. As soon as we have a thought, whatever it may be, it “interrupts” the innate tendency of biological rhythms to allow ourselves to be carried away by the rhythms of the cosmos Fardella (2015, pp. 159-160). Technology does not heal, but rather being in tune (inner harmony), feeling your body that is part of the sacredness of nature and entering into communion with it, thus, you are in accordance with the vibrations of the whole earth. This is only possible with a silent mind, thoughtless awareness: total presence, living the present moment in the now. In this state will the answer come when? from the sphere of feeling; your inner voice of consciousness that is born from the unconscious, and this is you: living soul.

In the

As? Do what. Fulfilling the precepts that the Natural Law imposes on man as a condition to maintain organic normality, that is, health Lezaeta (1957, p.17). The same laws that fix the orbit of the stars, that mark the seasons of the year and that direct the life of the animal kingdom from the elephant to the smallest microorganism, these same laws that we designate with the name of Natural Law, they also govern the life of man. But this law that is observed by all created beings, that in the irrational is manifested by the instinct that constantly guides (directs) him, thus allowing him to live healthy and die a natural death, is continuously transgressed by ignorant and rebellious man. This law is the will of the Creator that imposes on the creature a standard to fulfill its moral or physical destiny. Natural law is the norm of virtue and health, hence the healthy man is good and the sick man, only with great violence on his morbid inclinations can he stop being bad. Man abusing his free will continually contravenes natural law, ordinarily taking as a sanction a life of ailments that usually ends with a premature and painful death Lezaeta (1957, pp. 15-16).

The precepts that the Natural Law imposes on man as a condition for maintaining organic normality, that is, Health are: breathing pure air; eat only natural products; be consistently sober; drink only natural water; be extremely clean in everything; master the passions, seeking the greatest chastity; never be idle; rest and sleep only what is necessary; simple and loose clothing; cultivate all the virtues, always trying to be cheerful Lezaeta (1957, p. 17). It is also necessary to supplement with physical activity and stay conscious(awareness without thoughts). In the integral fulfillment of these precepts is health and the transgression of only one of these is already a cause of illness because it alters the functional normality of the organism that is integral health. The act of innovation is both cognitive and emotional. Conceiving an idea is a cognitive act, but detecting its value, nurturing it, and carrying it out requires emotional skills such as self-confidence, initiative, tenacity, and persuasion, related to practical intelligence Sternberg (1985). The How? It oscillates between the sphere of feeling and thought, the latter giving it shape with intelligence.

The relatively healthy human organism (Soul and Body) is an amazing undertaking. If we consider the millions of living organisms that maintain it, the volume of information it processes, the wealth of combinations of impulses and beliefs it obeys, it is a miracle of coordination if it is healthy. You have to be aware of what the most common organism manages to do in a single day: millions of imperceptible adaptations to its physical environment, receive and organize billions of data, acquire, digest and process different types of elements such as oxygen (air), the water and food you need as sources of energy (fruits and vegetables); defend yourself when you feel hurt or attacked, generate new ideas, etc., etc. But who runs this group? We like to think that we direct it with our mind, but,most vital functions begin before the brain has developed. For example, I may notice that I have a sore in my mouth. I have no idea how it appeared. When I examine it, it seems as if a piece of my tongue has been torn out. It is not easy to forget about the sore, but I try and eventually, during sleep, I succeed. The next day, at some point, I remember the sore and look at it. It has disappeared. How did it happen? I do not remember giving any order to my body Fardella (2014, p.13).during sleep, I get it. The next day, at some point, I remember the sore and look at it. It has disappeared. How did it happen? I do not remember having given any order to my organization Fardella (2014, p.13).during sleep, I get it. The next day, at some point, I remember the sore and look at it. It has disappeared. How did it happen? I do not remember having given any order to my organization Fardella (2014, p.13).

Who runs here? It is evident that, below the level of consciousness, leadership has an integrating element and

Adaptive It may be that this anonymous and largely "unconscious" function, the right hemisphere of the brain, is precisely the one that directs the body. The body without a soul is a corpse, the soul without a body is a ghost. Who "thinks" and "feels" inside our body, is it the brain? But, most of the vital functions begin before it has developed. Fardella (2014, p.14). Then who thinks and feels is you (living soul), the brain is an organ that you use to direct your body, and from it you coordinate and guide the animosity of your entire body with your entire nervous system; but not in how their organs work, but if it affects the organic imbalance, that is, a state of chronic disease. The man You, is the only being of creation that lives unbalancing the temperatures of his body Lezaeta (1957, p.50).Who is the one who decides to take a certain unnatural food to the mouth with his own hand, or to drink a carbonated drink with toxic components, is it not you? Or who is it? Radioisotope studies show that the body renews 98% of all its atoms in less than a year. Fabricates: a new gastric lining every five days; a new liver every six weeks; new skin once a month and a new skeleton every three months. We renew our body in every second of life Fardella (2015, p. 172). If you, (Alma), are ill, you will contaminate your organic body, with your way of life.or who is it? Radioisotope studies show that the body renews 98% of all its atoms in less than a year. Fabricates: a new gastric lining every five days; a new liver every six weeks; new skin once a month and a new skeleton every three months. We renew our body in every second of life Fardella (2015, p. 172). If you, (Alma), are ill, you will contaminate your organic body, with your way of life.or who is it? Radioisotope studies show that the body renews 98% of all its atoms in less than a year. Fabricates: a new gastric lining every five days; a new liver every six weeks; new skin once a month and a new skeleton every three months. We renew our body in every second of life Fardella (2015, p. 172). If you, (Alma), are sick, you will contaminate your organic body, with your way of life.

¿ Where ? In connection with: nature, earth, water, air and sun, the basic elements of life. Without them, what would we do… then we must take care of the quality of our environment. But we are concerned about reaching other planets to search for life and we have the natural paradise of our planet that is the right home for our organic bodies that are part

of him, we have forgotten the sacredness of its environment for the Quality of Life (Health) of the human being. What do we do in a long weekend where do we go? to the sea, to the mountains, to the countryside to renew energy… what an existential dichotomy. And we are, on the other hand, destroying our planet for purely economic purposes, we pollute our air every day more, we believe that our quality of life lies in having more: the love of money is the root of all evil.

Self-preservation is a natural law. It has been given to all living beings, whatever their degree of intelligence, the need to live. And we have the means for it: nature, but man neglects and destroys it. Often he also accuses her of what is the effect of his lack of skill or his lack of foresight. The earth would always produce what is necessary, if man knew how to be content with it, develop his reason that must preserve him from excesses. But with your excesses you reach satiety and you punish yourself. Diseases, ailments, death itself, the consequence of abuse, are at the same time punishment for the transgression of natural laws. The conservation law forces us to attend to the needs of the body fairly, without strength and health it is impossible to work.

Well-being: health is a natural state, and abuse is contrary to conservation. It is not a crime that welfare is sought, if it is not acquired at the expense of another, and if it does not contribute to reducing your moral and physical forces. The law of conservation constitutes man in the duty of maintaining his strength and his health to carry out the law of work. You must eat (nourish yourself), get enough rest, do physical exercises, take care of and be responsible not only for your physical body but also for the care and maintenance of nature. But, almost twelve million people die around the world for lack of drinking water, almost half of the world's vegetation was lost because they were cut or burned and that two out of every three species that are alive are found already in process of extinction Elston (2001).Since 1970, the first discussions have arisen around the development of the planet and specifically around the degradation of the environment Oskamp (2000). The earth's resources are not inexhaustible and it is necessary to preserve the environment, which is closely related to the preservation of the human being, that is, the quality of life.

The problems of this progressive deterioration are not only due to the physical, chemical, biological, social or psychosocial factors that determine environmental health, but also to the values, attitudes towards the environment and the ecological behaviors and / or behaviors of every one of the people of all the earth. It requires a change in our way of life, giving the right importance to the economic sphere and not for it to be our main center of attention. Leaving aside the transcendent importance that nature has in our quality of life, destroying it for economic and selfish reasons. It is concluded that the principle of the well-being of man on earth is: Health, of Soul and Body, which is the root of Quality of Life.

In this "first phase" Orientation, which was born from a vital experience of intrapersonal discernment and inquiry; product of the conscious and unconscious contents of the leader, it derives its "transcendent function": Health of Soul and Body. This objective being the principle of the quality of life on earth, which is specified in a "Transcendent Orientation".

Practice the immutable natural laws and acquire enough personal experience to write them in your heart; bring this transcendent orientation to life with authenticity and prudence Fardella (2014, p.20), in all its attitudes and behaviors (relationships with this world of forms) from the moment you open your eyes in the morning, until you close them when you go to rest. The specific modes of relationship of the person with the world, in the process of her life are: acquiring and assimilating objects: assimilation process and relating to other people (and with herself): socialization process. Both forms of relationship are open and not, as in the case of the animal, instinctively determined Fromm (2000, pp. 71-72). Then the leader with their attitudes and behaviorsThrough his Body the transcendent orientation brings into action.

Spontaneity (prudence), the psychological expression of authenticity, makes us feel particularly comfortable in front of the people who express it. As long as you are in a state of intense presence: conscious, you are free from thought: inner silence; he is still (calm) and yet very alert. The instant your awareness falls below a certain level, thought rushes to appear; the mental noise returns; the stillness is lost, you go back to time. To be present in daily life it helps to be rooted inside; otherwise the mind, which has incredible inertia, will carry you away like a wild river. Rooted within, it means inhabiting your body completely. Always have some of your attention on the inner energy field of your body: feel it from within. The consciousness of the body keeps it present, anchors it in the present moment Fardella (2015, p.161): the now. The prudent man is aware, remains in a state of intense presence, and in tune with nature Fardella (2015b). Scientifically it is harmony with the infinite correlation and the circadian rhythm Fardella (2018), which will only be possible if man experiences and practices natural laws. Thus in this state: a Soul can direct its Body, but consciously.

In a state of contemplation: presence (conscious of his unconscious) lives the leader, in slow motion. It only observes, it does not judge, it does not interpret, it does not analyze: let it flow, freedom; in silence consciousness without thoughts: conscious stillness (not mind), gateway to the unconscious Fardella (2015, p.168). Only his conscience directs him (presence), in all his attitudes and behaviors daily: If conscience always spoke loudly and with sufficient precision, only a few would deviate from its moral objective Fromm (2000, p.175). The power of joy Fardella (2015b), laughter is very contagious, it is based on complex fundamentally involuntary neural circuits that, consequently, are more difficult to simulate Small (2000, p.24).This involuntary reaction constitutes the most direct communication possible between people - a brain-to-brain communication in which the intellect is limited to being a mere spectator - and establishes what we could call a limbic link, nor is it related to witty Provine phrases. (2000, p.133). Laughter and timely jokes stimulate creativity, open lines of communication, and consolidate a sense of connection and trust, then turn work into something more enjoyable Clouse and Spurgeon (1995). Joy arises from the sphere of feeling and is a sign of Health of the Soul; its symptom happiness.Laughter and timely jokes stimulate creativity, open lines of communication, and consolidate a sense of connection and trust, then turn work into something more enjoyable Clouse and Spurgeon (1995). Joy arises from the sphere of feeling and is a sign of Health of the Soul; its symptom happiness.Laughter and timely jokes stimulate creativity, open lines of communication, and consolidate a sense of connection and trust, then turn work into something more enjoyable Clouse and Spurgeon (1995). Joy arises from the sphere of feeling and is a sign of Health of the Soul; its symptom happiness.

In this "second phase" Action with the capacity for moral influence (conscience), which is born from the personal integrity of the leader whose root is his humility; transcendent orientation is brought to life with "Attitudes and Behaviors", which achieve commitment and collaboration. With the strength of his spirit: a healthy soul that he has reached during his life, which derives from his roots, the terminal intrapersonal personal values ​​of: Freedom (letting flow), he manages to accept with heart every contradiction that life offers him, achieving in Inner Harmony experiencing Joy: joy and Tribulation: suffering, without stopping at any… Fardella (2016). You will be able to give something that you do not have: a sick Soul will be able to guide its sick Body…? "Can a blind man lead a blind man?" Lc. 6:39.

III.3. Dimension: R

Valuation of a person's efficiency, success, and health importance should not be based on subjective preference. It should be measured by an “objective” criterion that weighs efficiency and achievement. "This objective measure not only makes possible informal and friendly personal relationships, a spirit of teamwork and free and frank dialogue…" Drucker (1946, pp.70-71); Without an objective and fair evaluation (this is related to the values: freedom, inner harmony and wisdom), a continuous improvement is not achieved Fardella (2013a); bone: from lived experiences, learn and change with neatness: responsibility, adaptability: respect and honesty: openness with your own Body; Without permanent learning, its organic functional balance is not achieved, nor does it maintain it.

Productive thinking is also characterized by “objectivity”, by the respect of the thinking subject (Soul) for its object (Body), by its ability to see the object as it is and not as it wishes it to be. Being objective is possible only if we respect the things we observe; that is, if we are able to see them in their singularity and interdependence; objectivity must be present in animate and inanimate objects; that of seeing the totality of a phenomenon; If the observer (Alma: you) isolates one aspect of the object without seeing the whole, he will not achieve the proper understanding of even that single aspect that he studies. Objectivity does not only require seeing the object as it is, but also seeing oneself as one is; is worth to say,being aware of the particular constellation one is in as an observer related to the object of observation. Objectivity does not mean indifference and detachment; means respect (its root wisdom); that is, the ability not to distort and falsify things, people and oneself Fromm (2000, pp. 118-120).

Everything changes even the biological state of our body, then a reasonable feedback and in a prudent time, a: "reflective analysis ”, without vital signs, concrete facts that reflect his Body as the deviations are solved in a timely manner and updates new events. It allows continuous improvement, through learning, is related to: the analytical mindset, it occurs in all areas (reflection, action, mundane and collaboration). It is impossible to organize without analysis. It provides a language for organizing (you, and your body), enables people to have a common concept of the force that drives their efforts, and offers a way to measure performance: Reflective Analysis Gosling and Mintzberg (2004). Analysis is the ascent of: the obvious to the hidden; synthesis is the descent from: the hidden things to the obvious things.

In this "third phase" the results of the Action (attitudes and behaviors) are a Feedback, since: What was true at dawn, at dusk is no longer true: everything changes Fardella (2017a). This phase is essential for: "Learning to Learn", it is the way to face the problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be judged valid and, consequently, to be taught as the correct way of perceiving, thinking and feel about the problems, in a way: objective.


“Observing is the root of Objectivity”. Just observe, do not judge, do not interpret, do not analyze: let it flow, freely attuned to the whole (infinite correlation); in silence consciousness without thoughts: conscious stillness (not mind), access door to the unconscious Fardella (2015, p.168) her inner voice; Only in this state of inner harmony can one be Objective, it does not mean indifference and detachment; but respect (its root wisdom: adaptability)); that is, the ability not to distort and falsify things (honesty: openness), people and oneself (responsibility: neatness).

The three dimensions studied make up a closed circuit:

Leadership Dimensions

  1. Transcendent Orientation, which flows from a vital experience of discernment and intrapersonal inquiry of the Leader (introspection); it is specified in its transcendent function of life that derives from the conscious and unconscious contents of it (Living Soul), and is the Direction Fardella (2017a); In the first place, of his own organic Body, which allows him to relate to the world in the process of his life, and the specific ways are: assimilation and socialization. These processes lead them to action with Attitudes and Behaviorsprudent (that habit that sustains and perfects the human act); He is guided by his conscious, which has the function of direction, it must join the unconscious at its root: voice of consciousness; the unconscious has a regulatory influence, a natural effect on consciousness; what it seeks is to awaken to consciousness the unconscious contents that are in the process of influencing our behavior. The above implies that our Attitudes and Behaviors are with Wisdom: aware of your unconscious. The results of our Attitudes and Behaviors, allow us a feedback: Learn to Learn; change for a continuous improvement in our way of life, whose principle is the Health of Soul and Body. Without an objective and fair evaluation, you will not achieve: lifelong learning; objectivity, for the respect of the thinking subject for its object, for its ability to see the object as it is (honesty) and not as it wishes it to be (responsibility); This requires not only seeing the object as it is, but also seeing oneself as one is; It does not mean indifference and detachment, but respect: its root Wisdom; which is born from the terminal intrapersonal personal values ​​of Libertad y Armonía interior Fardella (2017).

This process is a three-dimensional dynamic virtuous circuit, if one dimension is missing, there will be no Fardella (2017a); and scientific is determined by some logical operations that, although supported by various techniques, are political in nature: a science of achieving just and effective realities in human groups, its end the Quality of Life of man on earth. Then make it so, by solid reasoning; This cannot be done without a prior study of the present (where are we?) and future (where should we be?) Fardella (2014, p.151). This scientific process forms the vector: leadership, a valuable factor in any human activity and difficult to find, is developed in three phases described in this research.


The hypothesis raised is consistent with what was investigated. We can also determine the following relationships: a direct implication of you (living soul) being immaterial and your own Body, being material; both have a positive correlation, if you are sick your body will have functional stress, and the opposite if you are healthy; which finally implies that you (Soul) are the fundamental cause of the Health of your organic Body, according to your way of life; Therefore without Health there cannot be Quality of Life.


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Root of quality of life: health