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Recommendations for writing a cv curriculum vitae



A CV should be attractive, clear, grammatically correct, and easy to read. It should serve to generate interest in the recruiter in order to arrange an interview.

The job search involves several stages and the preparation of a CV is just one of them.

Other stages are the investigation, the interview, the development of a network of contacts, etc.

The goal of a CV is to present the information in an attractive way to the recruiter. The idea is to get an interview.

Anyone who wants to prepare a CV must first carry out a personal SWOT analysis to better define the possible areas of labor insertion. (It will be useless to go to Microsoft without knowing how to operate a PC).

Then the CV should reflect the candidate's personal style.

It is important to remember that there are no formulas in social science.

However, we can talk about some general guidelines that are detailed in the next pages.


It is not possible to list every detail of a career in a few pages. For this reason the most important information should be prioritized (Only two pages), It is advisable to use simple grammar structures S + V + P so that sentences are clear and concise.

As in an oral presentation, it is not convenient to use the first person or ambiguous language.


The models that can be observed in Human Resources consultancies are quite uniform and the order is usually similar.

In any case, the document should make it easier to read and should prioritize the information that is most relevant to the job.

For example: it is an error of order to state that the applicant took cooking courses before explaining that he has an excellent command of PC if he is applying for an administrative position.

About typography

The generation born in the 1950s and 1960s tends to choose Times New Roman typeface (the only type available on typewriters).

In general, it is convenient to use sans serif or sans serif fonts (arial, verdana, tahoma, etc.) but if the person who is going to receive the CV is over 40 years old it will be better to use Times.

The letters have different bodies. For this reason it is a good technique to try different fonts and sizes.

About ease of reading

Currently, it is very common for CVs to be seen on PC. The people in charge of doing it have hundreds of documents saved and find it easier to browse them with the Word preview at 33% (because you can see the entire page).

Then, the titles must have a font size that allows to locate the relevant information quickly.

Another important detail is to include a header and footer. The name of the applicant, their email and telephone number should go in the header (because it makes it easier to read when the consultant is on page 2). It is also convenient to include a footer with the date of CV preparation and the number of sheets (1 of 2/2 of 2, etc.).

The date is a very important detail because it allows the selector to formulate conjectures regarding the evolution of the candidate since the date of preparation of the CV. The document must also be given a suitable name (for example: "Juan_Dupont_CV_09_2006")

As in a graphic medium, a "mass of text" overwhelms the reader before beginning to read. To avoid this type of presentation, the leading function offered by word processors is very useful.

In any case, the design tools cannot be abused either because the central thing is the content.

An incorrect use of the design tools would be the following:

Work history

  • Date (important) 2004 - current Pillsburry S.A Company Position Sales Responsibilities Achievements References (not appropriate)

On the contrary, the following usage would be correct:

Work history

  • Date 2004 - present

Pilsburry Company

Sales position



References (not appropriate)


A CV is a speech. In any discourse the audience analysis is a central point. The type of writing, the photo, the objective, the priority assigned to each section, the selected design and other details should be defined after analyzing the recipient.

This does not mean that a different CV should be put together for each presentation. What is recommended is to highlight the personal characteristics that fit the position sought.

The proactive search

It is not a matter of luck to join the desired company.

Researching the organization in which you want to work is central to developing your contact strategy.

Then, the CV should be hand-delivered to the person who directs the area in which you want to work.

Final thoughts

Spelling errors are unforgivable.

A well-written text is achieved after many revisions and corrections.

A third party can detect errors imperceptible to the author.

The use of bullets, bold, separating lines and other elements in Word are almost mandatory, but without falling into the excesses described above.

It is recommended that the expression of the photo matches the prevailing culture in the organization that you want to enter, the same happens with the clothing used. It will be useless to send a photo in a jacket and tie to a company like Akiabara.

When the CV is delivered in print, the selection of printing material is highly relevant. In a stack of CVs, the ones that stand out are the ones with the best quality (illustration paper, recycled, etc.).

Suggested Bibliography

Alles, Martha A. 200 resume templates. Buenos Aires: GRANICA, 2000. 275 p. ISBN 950-641-240-5.

Library Code: 651.7 / A434.

Recommendations for writing a cv curriculum vitae