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Cultural recognition between Asian and Mexican organizations


Cultural recognition and administration:

The basis for the development of any organization (NGOs, companies, institutions, governments, etc.) is the recognition of its needs.

When organizations understand their needs, they have the ability to redefine their path and improve their results.

In our country and in many of this continent, “revolutionary management practices” seem to be in fashion, which have been thought and designed within an environment other than Latin American, specifically Mexico.

It seems that all "management" practice seeks to articulate the aims and objectives that organizations seek to achieve, without taking into account the different complex and heterogeneous philosophical views that characterize the conception of work in each country or region.

Of course, any organization needs to be managed, however the results of this are not only based on the adequate design of the "planning, organization, direction and control" or in the "plan, do, verify and act" (PHVA), The results of the organizations are the consequence of the coordination of everyone's work; It is the search and conservation of everyone's effort, as well as the permanent analysis of cultural processes, the needs and aspirations of the community and its environment, it is the result of the perceptions and attitudes towards life, towards its events and towards job aspirations of the people and the organization.

Example of conflict management in two cultures:

We understand culture as the expression of a social group, characterized, identified differently from others by its values, beliefs, languages, behaviors, technologies, etc.

We could even list cultural differences between Mexicans, Japanese, Koreans or Chinese, in which one or the other is not clear why the other's behaviors; An example of this is the concept of "conflict", that event that emerges within organizations and that for Mexicans can be normal, since new proposals or new paths for the organization emerge from it. Unlike an oriental culture where the "conflict" obviously breaks with the harmony of the organization and its operation.

"Small details" like this are of great relevance within organizations, since they allow for more agile progress in a timely manner and even generate motivation or frustration in the people who work within them.

Within the Spanish language there are two words, perhaps the most humble but we pronounce them, innumerable number of times. They are the words YES and NO. Behind them is the history of each human life, when speaking as the "gringos" say "face to face" or in Spanish "one to one", we do it but in reality it is never this way, why do we say it?, because behind each one of us or with us there is a whole cultural baggage, that is, a personal history as well as the history and development of our culture, for both Westerners and Orientals.

We have learned that the differences between cultures are not only based on language, but also on the thinking, paradigms and perceptions that one has about life itself, about the concept of man and worldview, about the ethical and the moral.

The need for self-knowledge and recognition of others:

"The path to unite the self and the spirit with harmony" or "the path of union with the whole", can be very abstract or very poor definitions to identify the millenary martial art of AIKIDO, however, through its philosophy we can exemplify the meaning, development and encounter of organizational culture in organizations. It is from the understanding of our cultures, the knowledge of people, the sharing of our experiences and motivations, that we make our organizations grow with greater harmony.

Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Mexicans, Guatemalans or Ecuadorians, we have strong cultures and a history of our own as nations, since we have forged our cultural development based on the knowledge of man as part of a great system and not as the king or master of the planet.

For this reason, the study, knowledge and understanding of the cultures in which transnational companies are installed is today of utmost relevance. It is the culture and understanding between people that allows: the installation of new technologies, access to new markets, the deployment of different strategies, the success or failure of a business, in short; it is self-knowledge and recognition of the other as equal but different that will generate success in organizations and happiness among men.

How to create an organizational culture? How to leverage change through the culture of the organization? What are the elements of culture? Is it necessary to develop an organizational culture in a small or medium-sized company? What are the benefits of developing an organizational culture? We will answer some of these questions in future publications. We appreciate your questions or concerns or comments to the following email alberto70_4arrobahotmail.com

Cultural recognition between Asian and Mexican organizations