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Account of the evolution of the administration


We know that Mexico, as a developing country, with great potential wealth, and in the face of the globalization process, has an urgent need for suitable techniques to coordinate the resources of the various productive sectors. This can be achieved in large part, through the application of administration. (Münch Galindo, 2012).

But the questions that probably remain in our minds are, What is administration? At what point do people start to make use of it? And it is completely normal to ask ourselves these kinds of questions when we start to inquire about these issues, therefore, to clarify the issue, first we will visualize a timeline, where the beginning of what we know today as Administration will be reflected:


When looking at the Administration's timeline, we observe that it has evolved as time passes, however, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics that it manifested in each moment of history, in order to conceive how it became what it is today. day is.

As shown, through the table above, administration has been an activity that has been present since man has been on this Earth. However, it is necessary to know the fundamentals, principles and techniques of the administration, through the different approaches, trends and applications that the administration has suffered since its appearance as a discipline. (Münch Galindo, 2012)

As we have been able to realize, the administration has manifested itself from the beginning in every civilization in the world, just as it usually happens in all things, it has evolved and transformed to what it is today. Various perspectives on management have helped us to better understand its nature and how it can be exercised more skillfully, which theories would work best in organizations, depending on the size or type of workers it has.

That is why the concept of administration in a simple way to mention would be the following:

"Coordinated effort of a social group to obtain an end with the greatest efficiency and in the least possible effort" (Münch Galindo, 2012)

This concept applied in the different areas of the company takes on a greater meaning, even more if it is truly achieved, that is why it is so important to know the way in which administration and theory have evolved, otherwise we will fail, let us remember that a people who you don't know your history, you tend to make the same mistakes, unfortunately.

On this occasion, only the most relevant facts have been mentioned, however, it is the obligation of every administration professional to know and read all the published texts of all the people who have stood out in the field.


Münch Galindo. (2012). Management Fundamentals (¨9th edition). Mexico: Trillas. Recovered from

content / uploads / 2015/10 / BOOK-8-Fundamentals-of-Administration-

Lourdes-M% C3% BCnch-Galindo.pdf

Witzel, M. (2011). A history of management thought. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon;

New York: Routledge.

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Account of the evolution of the administration