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Re-election of mayors in peru 2017


Finding ourselves in the second decade of the XXI century in an uncertain and changing environment in the economic and geopolitical sphere, organizations must adapt to changes, but to do so successfully they must have adequate administrative management. This is where a widely studied topic becomes relevant, but which should be of main interest in organizations, planning.

We can define planning as a conscious process that requires an intellectual effort to determine the courses of action to follow, basing decisions on the knowledge of the aspects that will influence the success of the desired purposes.

Currently an issue that has been generating controversy in Peru, in the political sphere is the re-election of mayors, however I personally consider that this issue is not being raised in a technical way, as appropriate, leaving aside one of the most administrative tools. important in any organization, be it public or private, the indicated planning. For this reason, I am going to carry out a brief analysis and express my opinion on this subject in Peru.

Popular Force, the party with the most seats in Congress, is in favor of the re-election of provincial and district mayors within certain conditions and has presented up to three bills for this.

For example, if a mayor complied with a certain percentage of his government plan, he can be re-elected immediately, for this he must submit a mandatory sworn statement, in which he specifies what percentage of his government plan he fulfilled in his term of office, in addition this reelection would be for a period and not indefinitely.

The Association of Municipalities of Peru (AMPE) supports the re-election. The President of the Republic, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, declared that the four years affect all mayors, governors, and should be discussed. However, recently Prime Minister Fernando Zavala also expressed his support for the re-election of mayors.

On this proposal led by the Fuerza Popular bench, I must express my total disagreement, given that four years I consider sufficient to carry out short-term actions and establish medium and long-term lines of action, in consensus with other political forces and with the participation of citizenship.

Citizens must be clear that with participatory management, management plans can be established, which allow the various localities to have a clear vision and mission, as well as objectives and strategies resulting from consensus and participation that are beyond a political party. or a leader, and that the person and their work team who are in charge for a period follow the line drawn, with some adjustments of their own to a given situation.

Therefore, I do not consider it correct to continue with the practice of steps that want to change everything every four years, nor entrenchments in power, which can bring corruption and thickening of the council roster, I desire development, participatory management and technical, transparent and strategic planning. non-political that allow efficient and effective municipal management for the benefit of citizens.

Re-election of mayors in peru 2017