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Replacing authority with leadership

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Management has moved for many years under the command and control functions, this situation is being increasingly revalued in companies, giving way to greater autonomy at all organizational levels and betting on the development of leaders in the search for improvement corporate performance

In many companies, decisions are made by very few, these few sit on their "thrones" and decide for others about the future, not only for themselves, but for the company and all the people who work in it. Fortunately, this trend is gradually disappearing as the need to give participation to people at all levels in organizations has become evident.

Command and authority are being replaced by the principles of leadership, with leadership being understood not as giving power to a single leader but, rather, generating in each of the employees leaders who share objectives and work together to achieve them.

But what are the characteristics that make a leader? Basically a leader is a person who earns the trust and respect of his followers as a result of his attitudes and behaviors. Trust and respect open two-way communication channels, making it possible to achieve common goals.

There are certain qualities and attributes that make a person a leader. The qualities are characteristics of the personality that are hardly learned in school or college; Attributes are skills that can be learned by those who wish to be leaders and are to some extent more necessary than qualities.

Knowledge must never be confused with wisdom. The first helps us to earn a living; wisdom helps us to live »S. Carey

Here are some characteristics that, when practiced, help develop leadership skills:


Fidelity is integrity in action, it is the ticket to leadership. Only those who are honest and live with the truth are respected and can get followers that allow them to achieve their goals.

Fair play

Cleanliness refers to fairness, objectivity, and fairness. Leaders are fair, have no favorites, treat everyone the same, and work without passion (objectivity). Cleanliness and loyalty go hand in hand and if they can be incorporated into the company they will surely bring great benefits. (See: BUSINESS ETHICS AS A SOURCE OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES). What employee would not trust his boss more if he knows that he is looked at with the same eyes as his colleagues, if he is certain that his work is not being burdened by the boss's whim? In short, fair play means not being rude.

Sensitivity to people and situations

It is always better to persuade than to order. Those who develop intuition, sensitivity, gentleness, understanding and consideration for others have a greater chance of finding followers than those who seek them through rigidity and imposition. Leaders must be analytical with data and facts, but sensitive with people.


Arrogance, haughtiness, and selfishness are poison for leadership. Good leaders are unpretentious, they share the credit and profits, and keep the responsibility for failures to themselves. The leader shares with his subordinates (if he is a boss), prefers informality, makes surprise visits to other offices and prefers casual encounters to boring meetings in his office because he knows that this is generating space for the culture of leadership. The leader is also a servant, he is always able to help and serve as a guide, guiding the group to achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

The leader listens

Positive leaders always have time to listen because they know that information is useful, no matter where or who it comes from, you never know the importance of what they are about to tell you. Listening motivates subordinates or colleagues, but it is not about listening, it is about paying attention and understanding. Those who have leadership skills become addicted to listening.

For which consultants if they are not in a position to attend to your suggestions?

This question has to do with an open mind. Those with power and the capacity to command are often blinded, lose perspective and believe they are omnipotent, reject advice and consider their decisions as the only correct ones. Leaders, on the contrary, know how to exploit their self-confidence and self-assurance, generating spaces for questioning and suggestions. An open mind generates better relationships and allows a better observation of the environment and the interior of the organization.

Good judgement

Good judgment is the ability to analyze and combine information plus the ability to draw conclusions from it. This characteristic has to do with what experts call " strategic thinking ", it is the ability to set objectives, priorities and strategies in a rational way.


The initiative is one of the major characteristics of the leaders. And it is what: how to be a leader if you do not have initiatives for others to follow? The leader is attentive to opportunities and undertakes projects with ease without fear of error.


It is the ability to welcome changes in a good way and the ability to promote them when you recognize that they are necessary.

Ability to motivate

It is the ability to move others to action, it is to communicate persuasively and build the trust of followers. This is achieved by example and attitude, always looking ahead with a fixed vision on the objectives set.

Ability to make decisions

The leader faces problems, does not surround them, sees opportunities and launches to seize them. Whoever is a leader has the ability to digest information and transform it into decision.

Sense of urgency

He makes things happen, he does not wait for circumstances to take him to action, he is one step ahead, he works quickly but carefully.

A leader is defined as a person who sets attractive objectives for the organization and has the ability to get followers who share them and work together to achieve them.

These characteristics are apprehensive and their development will always be beneficial to people and organizations.

Replacing authority with leadership